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How can i achieve this kind of 'light' or effect?

How can I achieve some kind of 'lighting' within the model? I don't know if it's light (like point), the same texture, or another external factor. I leave you an example image of something I would ...
Sebastian Inostroza's user avatar
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Is the Unit Scale setting available in the material editor?

There are material and texture properties which are made in scene units. (For example texture scaling, bump distance, etc.) Using the same material in different units (meters vs. millimeters) with ...
Steve's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I make the unused section of a procedural texture transparent? [SOLVED]

I am wondering how to make this procedural texture's unused (black) parts transparent so that the objects behind it can be seen. The texture is currently applied to a rectangle mesh and is being used ...
dvorak31's user avatar
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Ilumination not working in shader preview

I have problem with the shader preview, none illumination is being reflected, even the HDRI don´t work, just the lamp work at the scene. The curve at the image has an emission shader, but it´s not ...
Edwin Macias's user avatar
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How do you make a mesh with thickness?

In the first image we see 2 meshes: a chocolate shell and an inner candy sponge. The booolean is there to help you see that the chocolate shell has a thickness and the sponge is nested inside the ...
James Riley's user avatar
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Material doesn't work correctly after applying scale to the model

I tried to make a glass panel. i created a cube and scaled it, and then created a glass material. It worked as needed, but then I applied the scale of the cube, and the material stopped working ...
Begginer2005's user avatar
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Convert shader displacement to geometry in blender 4.2.3 to 3d print

Convert shader displacement to geometry in blender 4.2.3 to 3d print. I have several equations I want to fit in different size shapes (This example is in a mesh circle) How can convert the shader ...
Still's user avatar
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Smooth Transfered Normals

The shading on my character's face looks generally good, but the shadow below the jaw looks terrible. I'm making a game model, and it's extremely important for me to keep the polygon count low. I want ...
ChalkTraveler's user avatar
3 votes
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Why is there weird behaviour in the display of shaders when using bent geometry with straight UVs?

I tried something rather simple and was confused by the result. I created a straight plane Added 3 cuts, then UV unwrapped it: After that I proceeded to rotate the points to get a 90° bend, keeping ...
Daniel Friedenberger's user avatar
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Can I manipulate channels of color attribute?

I want to create color attribute using this two: to get attribute with R-Subsurface G-Pale B-Tan channels. I suppose, I can do similar operation using texture baking (not sure if it'll work): but I ...
Сергей's user avatar
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How to combine lighting while maintaining vibrant texture colours with toon shaders

I’m very new to creating materials in Blender and I’m trying an adaptive cel-shaded shader which allows me to change out material textures inspired by Borderlands 2 aesthetic. I’m wondering if it’s ...
AM_272's user avatar
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Why in Blender, low metallic fades color while V-Ray does not?

I got a simple sword model in Cycles, but rendering result was wrong. Parts of the object faded color, mainly where metallic map was nearly black(nearly 0). Unlink the metallic map and input 1.0 in ...
Aaron Liu's user avatar
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Reduce glass reflections

I want to make a glass with some object inside. But the way it is now, the outside reflections are too strong, making it harder to see the object inside (as in the wall on the right side of the ...
Daniel Möller's user avatar
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Best Way to Link Node Values Across Materials in Blender?

I'm looking for a more efficient way to update multiple materials that share similar nodes and values. I have six different materials, each built with the same node setup but with different base ...
AlexWillis21's user avatar
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Distort object coordinates into a spiral

Good day guys, I'm failing misserably on distorting the coordinates for a texture in a spiral pattern for an object, my target is to display a spiral of clouds onto a sphere, and those clouds to look ...
Santiago Capdevila's user avatar
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How to create procedural ceiling tile Gradient texture?

I'm trying to create a procedural drop ceiling texture, and I have been able to create a simple one, even one with stains/water damage. However, I would like to try add depth to the texture, ...
Cloudd.1128's user avatar
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How can I input a continuous value range in blender?

General Explanation to My Question I want to display a curve defined by parameter equations using a shader node tree: $$ f(x)=\left\{ \begin{aligned} x & = f(\theta) \\ y & = g(\theta) \\ \...
Mike Liu 's user avatar
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I'm seeing wierd boxy artefacts in the volumes (Cycles)

I have a mesh with modifiers like remesher and displace, on this mesh I apllied also Volume modifier to make cloud. That said, I have this result in final render.
Богдан Ковальский's user avatar
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Geometry not casting or receiving shadows... when linked?

all. I'm working on an environment that's used across multiple scenes and I've got a weird issue. In the referenced environment, this little stool thing receives and casts shadows. It has the same ...
user34849's user avatar
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Shading problem with Game Asset

Dear Blender Community, I am quite new to Blender but would like to create a game asset for Unity for my friend, and I need some help. As far as I’ve learned, game assets should be as low poly as ...
Royal_Striker _'s user avatar
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What does the color blend mode do?

What does the color blend mode in mix shader node do? I've read the documentation, but there is no information about Color blend type. And I don't even know how to ...
Сергей's user avatar
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Transparent Jelly-like Material

How can I create a shader that looks like the blue box in this image? This is what I did, but not even remotely similar: For this example, one cloud is sufficient, and here is how I created the ...
Saber's user avatar
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How to use Geometry Nodes to transfer normal attributes from a Mesh object to a geometry-node based fur system?

Pretty much that. How do I use Geometry Nodes to transfer normal attributes from a Mesh object to a geometry-node based fur system? I need to do this to achieve a stylized hair shader for geometry ...
Sculptoz's user avatar
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How can I know shader statistics?

I want to understand, how much time my shader needs to calculate with each node details. Like ...
Сергей's user avatar
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Shading issues when using material displacement

In Blender 4.2 i have problem with strange shading on corners when using material displacemnt. After exporting this scene to blender 3.6 the problem disappear. Is it posible to solve it in blender 4.2 ...
Orys's user avatar
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How do I go about adding a sinusoidal value to Layer Weight facing value?

I've been trying to recreate a shading style from an drawing someone made, and I feel like I'm about 90% there. Just can't seem to visualize what I need to do next. The intended result: Current ...
SpaceDunk's user avatar
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Controlling which texture is displayed in textured viewport shading

Since it uses up less data, I like to use the viewport shading with texture as the color option most often. An issue I commonly come across is that it will display the normal map of the material ...
Ethan's user avatar
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Shader Combine Backface Cull and cull shadow

I have an unusually specific case where I want the backside of faces to be invisible to shadows as well as the camera. I got this far in getting it to cull only one side of the shadows, but I don't ...
madscribbles's user avatar
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Shader settings will not affect my rig, but affects other objects

So I've been creating some artwork for a while now and I wanted to try cell shading my rig as I'm always wanting to try different lighting styles. A problem I realized though is I believe Blender ...
MinigunnerConner's user avatar
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Eye rigging via mapping node

I'm trying to rig these eyes so the bone can move them, rotate them, and scale them. I can get the location to work fine, but I can't figure out how to get the rotation and scale to work correctly. I ...
Ethan's user avatar
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Displacement Map deformes the Mesh wierd. Any idea what causes the problem?

As you can see I created a displacement map and imported it into blender. This is the important part of my map, that causes wierd deforming. on the second image you can see the result of the ...
falk's user avatar
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Distance from the surface as an input node for volumetric materials on open meshes: distance to closest point of the mesh volumetric function

Is there any way to create a material that has a volumetric component and is defined using the closest distance to the surface? I am particularly interested in open meshes and not just closed volumes. ...
Iván's user avatar
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What is the subtle error here in recreating the metallic effect with a specular BSDF?

I'm attempting to recreate the properties of the metallic workflow using the Specular BSDF shader, in order to be able to better control certain portions of it. Here's what I have so far. The orbs on ...
Sir Teatei Moonlight's user avatar
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cant understand why "darken" blending mode not works correctly in the mix rgb shader node - possible bug

Using mix rgb node with the "Darken" option i can't understand why with different inputs we get different results (both wrong result) i explain better: Darken is a COMMUTATIVE function so ...
Gabriele Fabbri's user avatar
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Shading Artifact

I need help with diagnosing and fixing this shading artifact. Pictured is the model with the shading areas in question along with the mesh. Thank you.
Kyle Kenworthy's user avatar
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How do I bake my image texture which has a layer weight node?

I have been trying to bake this texture using combined bake and transmission bake but nothing is working, here is my shader nodes: As you can see I have tried many different BSDFs and alterantives to ...
theLearner245's user avatar
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How to implement code into OSL

I want to implement a BSDF into OSL, but I only have a few ideas of how that's done. Do I copy and paste the parameters in the script node?
Robert Hintz's user avatar
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How can i find the source code of a specific shader node? [closed]

Using mix rgb node with the "Darken" option i can't understand why with different inputs we get different results (both wrong result) i explain better: Darken is a COMMUTATIVE function so ...
Gabriele Fabbri's user avatar
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issue regarding a character face(with a different face texture) shading unexpectedly

The issue I'm having is that I have 2 materials applied to the body of a low-poly character I'm modelling. One of these materials has just been texture painted on and is the skin/underclothes color, ...
Valo's user avatar
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Still impossible to have infinite mirror reflections in Eevee Next?

I can see a bunch of posts about EEVEE legacy, but none about EEVEE Next. I tried all settings I could think of, but it seems that infinite mirrors are still impossible in EEVEE Next. Confirm? Edit: ...
John Keyberg's user avatar
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Brick Texture: feed image texture for tiles

I am a bloody beginner, please bear with me. I am trying to feed images into the brick texture, as user Carlo provided there Combining image texture and brick texture. But I am not succeeding. It is ...
kocjs's user avatar
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Ambient occlusion falloff

I am trying to work with the Ambient Occlusion node in Blender 4.2.0 using Cycles to try and get a nice gradient falloff on my background, however it's creating large triangular shadows in the corners ...
Doeba0ermo's user avatar
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Use of volume nodes for hair shader

The papers Physically-accurate fur reflectance: modeling, measurement and rendering and An efficient and practical near and far field fur reflectance model discuss physically based fur shading and ...
Robert Hintz's user avatar
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How to fix brick textures proportions on my objects?

I have been following this tutorial to make tiles; however, a problem I have it making it be able to look nice and be able to place on all sides. From the node editor, I have tried setting it to both ...
Jonathan J. Pecany's user avatar
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How to save material shading node into a library with bpy (how to export and import shading nodes)

Could someone tell me what are the bpy commands to save a shading node in a library? and how to recover it for another project within blender from this library? @unwave I'm talking about the nodes ...
Certes's user avatar
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Blender 4.2 weird shading

I´ve modeled a bottle, and I've tried to do everything with proper extrudes and edge loops, I can't see any double vertices or overlapping faces or anything that explains that weird shading:
Dani Roca's user avatar
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Transparency Issue With Overlaid Shader

So I'm stuck on getting a surface imperfection texture to be masked over my other procedural shader, anything I try it comes out with the black background or if it is transparent, it's because it's ...
Cullen Tapprich's user avatar
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Models have a weird dotted-like texture when viewing in Material Preview & Rendered, how do I fix this issue?

I recently got Blender v4.2.1 and already I'm starting to have a render issue when viewing in Material Preview and Rendered on EEVEE Render engine but when I go into Cycles Engine, it looks normal ...
Vin Solo2000's user avatar
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How can I send instance attributes from Geometry Nodes to Shading Editor?

I have a file created with Blender 4.1. My GeoNode creates instances and changes their color based on their ID using "Store Named Attribute" and creating an attribute named "color",...
SteeveDroz's user avatar
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USD support in blender 4.2.1?

Has anyone else been testing or using USD with Blender 4.2.1? I've just started testing with Blender 4.2 LTS with little success. But I have had success with the 4.2 alpha branch in the Omniverse ...
Colin Mosely's user avatar

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