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Faulty Node Setup

I'm currently part the way to isolating the windows in this building by color range/threshold. I'm happy to keep the emissive areas as is, but have been unsuccessful in making the black areas ...
The Vision Tunnel's user avatar
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How to fix pixels in text

I need to remove the pixels in my text. I add it through Image Texture and add bump node. But bump node works wrong. How to fix that
zhyk's user avatar
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Cavity shading in different model sizes problem

I have a trouble with cavity shading in viewport. I really like using it, but I notice it doesn't work as I would expect with bigger objects. Is there a way to make it more visible keeping the desired ...
Piotrek B.'s user avatar
-3 votes
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What's wrong with my script! Shading Nodes won't place!

Currently trying to wrap my head around why my script won't place my Brightness/Contrast Node in the desired location and configuration. Shaders for all materials are currently arranged and directly ...
The Vision Tunnel's user avatar
2 votes
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White screen gray image

When I try to render image, I get a white background and solid gray silhouette of my image. Not sure if I made a mistake during shading. I will attach my Layout, Shading, and Rendering screens here.
SYD UNIVERSITY's user avatar
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Find "2D plane" shape and use it for a shader? [closed]

Hard to explain, but I am trying to achieve a traditional 2d animation look and want to have the pink grain shader shown in the pic copy the shape path of the object. And be able to move it, ...
jon's user avatar
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In material nodes, can I use Texture Coordinate and vector math instead of drivers to copy rotation from an object?

I have a material that uses a rotation that I get with drivers from an object. This method works but I wonder if I can avoid drivers, by using some combination of the Texture Coordinate node that ...
miahelf's user avatar
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How to use USD Hydra addon to import MaxterialX library into Blender?

I've already installed the plugin, but it says "Workspace Url is required, check Addon Preferences", causing Properties Editor > Materials Tab, Can't find the Material Library. Can you ...
seeker-hdc's user avatar
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Sample output of diffuse BSDF with pixelated texture coordinates

I'm not sure the title of this question really makes sense. Basically what I'm trying to do is create pixelated lighting from the output of a Diffuse BSDF + Shader to RGB, so that the pixels are ...
Some1's user avatar
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4 votes
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Strange Shading Artifacts

I'm fairly new to Blender modeling and I'm following a Blender Guru Chair Modeling Tutorial. At Some Point, I realized there were weird shading artifacts in my geometry, as you can see in the picture. ...
Xinyu Sunny's user avatar
2 votes
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Streamline Shader using Shader Nodes

I have created these streamlines in geometry nodes Animation Here However, I am limited as these streamlines are geometry and the vertices/polygons really start to add up. There is a way to do ...
TheJeran's user avatar
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3 votes
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Why Shader editor doesn't show any node?

As you can see in the image i have an object selected with its current material selected, however, there is no Principal BSDF in the shader editor, actually there is nothing... I know that i can press ...
Pedro De Elizalde's user avatar
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How to achieve this stacked thin transparent sheets shading in cycles?

I tried modeling an individual card with an array modifier applied, but applying a transparent shader to it only results to black (seems like it requires a lot of light bounces?). Then I tried ...
Codilla Jason's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

What does the factor in HSV node do?

What does the factor in HSV node do mathematically? Does it just multiply final value of node's calculations with values connected to factor pin? Or it uses ...
Сергей's user avatar
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How to make full transparency in Eevee 2.4.2?

I'm trying to make this shader-toon-like shader where the only parts showing are the shadow ones. But I can only get this half transparency using Ease mode on Color Ramp. Note the shadow parts aren't ...
Veslei's user avatar
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How to recreate the scratched plastic Lens effect, creating dynamic streaks relative to motion around bright object (sun)?

I need to create a lens effect that happens when the lens has many micro-scratches, creating streaks that seem to appear and disappear while also moving toward and away from the light source when the ...
Edwin Luthfi Saputra's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How can I make this material static on the figure? Now the figure slides through it

I want to make this so that the texture moves with the figure. Right now the figure kind of slides through it.
Martin Marino's user avatar
1 vote
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Can I use alpha channel from color attribute node?

When we're using color attribute we can store some data in it's channels. But what about alpha channel? Can I store data here? Won't it break other channels? Blender won't let me paint with alpha in ...
Сергей's user avatar
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How to generate Textures without Rendering to File?

I’m working on a task that involves generating a large number of textures in Blender using Python (bpy) as a standalone (without the GUI). While I can automate the creation of shader nodes, I’m ...
Oren Matar's user avatar
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Gradient transition between two materials [duplicate]

I have a complex object with two assigned materials. Inner material is white and the outer material is black. I would like to create a gradient transition between the materials, from white to black ...
mts10's user avatar
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Is it possible to isolate specular highlights in shader nodes?

I am trying to have Blender replicate a shader effect from Valve's Source Engine that applies color mapping to an object's specular highlights. Is it possible to extract/isolate the brightness of the ...
Lawton's user avatar
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Why does my shader lose quality when rendering?

I use a BSDF connected to a color ramp to color my object in a stylized way. In the 3D viewport with Rendered Shading, the frontiers between shades on the object show the curves of my object. However, ...
papillon's user avatar
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How to Make Only White Areas Metallic While Keeping the Rest Matte and Transparent in Blender?

I’m trying to make only the white areas in the image below appear metallic while keeping the rest of the texture matte and preserving transparency around the badge. Is there a way to isolate colors to ...
Rob Wahl's user avatar
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Colouring instances based on mesh island

I’m currently working on building a city (I have been for a while now). I’m using Blender 3.6 because the shader I use isn’t compatable with 4 I’m using the buildify add-on and have built my own ...
Fraser Denholm's user avatar
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What math is the "Vector Transform" node doing under the hood?

I found a tutorial for a parallax shader that starts with connecting the "Incoming" vector-output of a "Geometry" node to the input of a "Vector Transform" node with its ...
Lawton's user avatar
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Is it possible to edit a grease pencil's opacity/alpha through shaders or geometry nodes?

I want to create an effect where lineart fades away the further it gets from the camera. I have that camera distance value in geonodes already thanks to 4.3's screen space sizing workaround node, but ...
JackHainsworth's user avatar
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How do I make the process of switching between mix shader images easier or faster?

I have images that I would like to switch between in animation. They are directional movements of a 2D character and use Mix Shaders to keyframe to another direction. I was wondering if there is a ...
Bleebomo222's user avatar
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How to implement image textures into cell shading

I'm currently working on a personal project and ran into a small technical hiccup. I wanted to try my hand at making an anime-style model using hand-drawn shadows combined with normally edited anime ...
Mitchell Bradley's user avatar
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How to remove the weird dots in grid-like pattern The dots first appeared when i transferred my object from an older version of blender to 4.2
Jaan Jalgratas's user avatar
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How can I modify a UV coordinate texture to be broken up with a texture, like the voronoi node does?

Hopefully the title wasn't too confusing. Basically, I want to know if it's possible to use my own texture, such as paint brush strokes, to break up the smooth gradient of the UV coordinates texture ...
JackHainsworth's user avatar
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How to selecting Principled BSDF node in the shader of the selected object if blender is not set in English

I’ve a basic problem where my code does not work if Blender is not set in English This is the piece of code that I think it’s broken: ...
rikkarlo's user avatar
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I have a painterly node group with brush direction input. I would like to be able to randomise across the model instead of being uniform please

I have managed to obtain a node group for a painterly style material which is close to perfection. However the brush stroke direction which is controlled is completely uniform. I would like to ...
Jimmy Jones's user avatar
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Create procedural texture oriented toward light

I'm trying to create procedural texture in Blender (4.2) Eevee : some kind of hatching effect, and brushstrokes oriented toward light. On the upper right corner, it's been done in photoshop with ...
Tolgan's user avatar
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How does ColorRamp Constant work and why is it different in my case as in tutorial?

I'm following this tutorial but I'm wondering why the configuration of my ColorRamp node is different. In the video it's way to the left. But in my case it's on the right and I'm not able to scroll ...
Megan Love's user avatar
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How can I make a shader that uses an Image Texture and results in a specific stained wood effect

I have taken photos of Birch wood planks, and used an Image Texture connected to the Principled BDSF node Base Color to model a bookcase. I would like to try to visualize how it will look with ...
AChrapko's user avatar
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Enable shadows only for part of the object

Context I'm trying to reproduce the kind of shaders we've seen in Project Gold, Puss In Boots 2, Spiderverse, ... based on brush strokes. I have a very simple basis with geometry nodes. I know Blender ...
Lutzi's user avatar
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How can I see the light emitted by a emissions plane that is parallel to the viewport in Blender's Eevee renderer?

By blender 4.2 eevee When the plane is parallel to the viewport, I can't see the light emitted by the plane illuminating the monkey using the Light Probe ↓
user208244's user avatar
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How to make the floor more reflective and more like a wooden material [duplicate]

I'm new to learn texturing and lighting. I need some help on this floor. Here's my floor and i want to make it like this
kaede's user avatar
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Render Layers Output Alpha Issue/Artifacts

The goal is to render in separate layers for compositing in After Effects. I need to get 3 sequences as output (one sequence with alpha for each render layer). I have 3 render layers: 1. SCENE 2. ...
Evgeniy Pupkin's user avatar
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Two spheres at the bottom right corner 3D viewport

The 2 spheres at the bottom right corner in 3d viewport look like this on my blender, while in many tutorials they are the other way round. My question is will that effect anything and is there a way ...
angelikaZ's user avatar
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Rotate texture per instance

I'm trying to get this wood texture mapped correctly according to the rotation of the objects. In an ideal situation, the textures all align so they point to the middle of the cirle. I have loads of ...
Gijs Dekker's user avatar
2 votes
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How to create Full Transparent Emissive Shader in Eevee(Raytracing)?

I want to make lights using Geometry, Textures and Emission Shader, but I want these lights(geometry) to be completely transparent and invisible to the camera, how can I do this using shaders?
gfytrbbbaa's user avatar
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Orient a texture in a consistent manner, without relying on UV unwrapping [duplicate]

Without using UV wrapping, and only relying on shader nodes, is there any way to orient the shingles as indicated on the image before? I'm looking to not use UV wrapping as this roof geometry is ...
Ryan Schultz's user avatar
2 votes
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How to make Named Attribute affect Volume material, and not just Surface?

I am trying to hack together a way to make glowing neon brighter near the center of a tube. My current GN setup generates a layered tube from an input curve (unbeveled, spline only), and sets a named ...
TheLabCat's user avatar
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Scene lighting looks very weird without any lights applied

I have a weird lighting and/or shading issue in a model of an interior I'm creating. When I started applying materials and uv-maps to the model, I noticed that only a small area in my scene seemed to ...
Mark Hagers's user avatar
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Mixing emission with transparency is not transparent

Couldn't find in similar posts the exact scenario I am facing. I am trying to create a material in Eevee that would look like a hypnosis wave (It would be a circle that is getting larger by inserting ...
Eule's user avatar
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Hiding the Voronoi texture from the bottom of my chocolate chip cookie

I'm making a chocolate chip cookie in blender using two Principled BDSF materials, one for the cookie material and one for the chocolate chip material. I'm using Voronoi texture and color ramp and mix ...
mrBadass's user avatar
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Texture previews properly in material preview but not render preview

material preview and object shaderI have set up a texture as described here Tapering Textures with Nodes which works in material preview but which renders and bakes black. I have set up the render ...
architom's user avatar
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Base color of transmissive material doesn't apply to the entire object

I added a material to my bottle model with the transmission set to 1 and roughness to 0.01, with the base color set to a brown-orange. The color only appears in the center, and the edges just reflect ...
askaine_'s user avatar
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I would like to change the color of the instances based on the scale of the object

I have create a planisphere, and I would like to place some dots on it. Once they are distributed with Geometry nodes (based on a BW map) I would like to change the color based on the scale of the ...
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