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Collection Masks in Grease Pencil Line Art

In Blender's documentation for grease pencil line art, they have an illustration showing the usage of collection masks. It shows different color outlines for different object intersections. I'm ...
Rooibos's user avatar
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Is it possible to edit a grease pencil's opacity/alpha through shaders or geometry nodes?

I want to create an effect where lineart fades away the further it gets from the camera. I have that camera distance value in geonodes already thanks to 4.3's screen space sizing workaround node, but ...
JackHainsworth's user avatar
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Line Art Flickering in Animation (Vid below) pls help

I made an unlisted youtube video of the current render here: I'm sure you can see from the video, the flickering issue in the helmet region. This ...
mason's user avatar
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Offset Lineart to display true silhouette? [closed]

Is there a setting or a way to offset line art silhouettes, so that it is only on the outside of an object? Like it is possible with the Outwards Solidify Method. Line art will be always displayed on ...
D.icon's user avatar
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Line art don't go though an alpha material

I've made a small scene on Blender, trying to get an image of a ping pong table "cartoon style". The problem is this: When I try to render, the net block the line art I guess this happens ...
Giacomo Filippi's user avatar
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Z Depth Wave Art in Blender Compositor (Joy Division effect)

I'm looking to recreate the effect from this Photoshop tutorial: The video covers the exact problem at 1:00, in which using the standard Displace node ...
KitOaken's user avatar
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How do I bake a Line Art modifier in BPY?

Is there a way to bake the LineArt Modifier of a Grease Pencil Object in Blender using bpy?
Psyduck Fan's user avatar
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Greasepencil Lineart accumulating strokes opacity (Greasepencil uniform opacity <100%)

Objective: Achieve uniform lineart opacity below 100%. (without overlapping strokes - creating accumulated higher opacity) Non working methods tried: Lineart opacity Opacity modifier after Lineart ...
user45026's user avatar
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Grease Pencil Line Art and Noise Modifier Flickering

I’m having an issue with the line art and noise modifier where the intersection lines are changing every frame instead of every 12 steps as set in the randomize section of the noise modifier tab. The ...
toons's user avatar
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Inconsistent Line Thickness in Blender’s Line Art Animation

I’ve been experimenting with creating animations using 'Line art' in Blender. Despite my character being in a static pose, I’ve noticed that the thickness of the grease pencil lines varies. Previously,...
구원자's user avatar
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Line Art using Grease Pencil not working in Panoramic Render for 360 Image/Video

so I have made an object (cabinet/cupboard) in another blend file including the textures nodes and line art using grease pencil, after that I linked the file to another project to composition it with ...
krunj's user avatar
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Can Blender's Freestyle outline have a line boil that happens on 3's?

I'm trying to figure out a way to adjust frame rate of the freestyle line boil in Blender. Currently, I can only seem to have it boil on 1's. Meaning every frame of footage, the outline moves a bit. I ...
Brock's user avatar
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How do I exclude specific materials or vertices from Grease Pencil line art?

So I'm making a little animation with a cartoonish duck and added some line art with Grease Pencil. But here's the issue; it all looks good and nice, but there is line art around the duck's eyes ...
flyingdvd's user avatar
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Multi Camera and Grease Pencil Line Art Modifier

Anyone know if there's a way to get the Grease Pencil Line Art modifier to work with Multi-View Stereoscopy? Trying to render out line art of a character from multiple angles at once. (Works with ...
kopi_bon's user avatar
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Where to start in creating a patterned Tiled floor

Firstly my apologies if this has been asked before, Blender is very new to me (as is 3d modelling in general) and I'm struggling to find an answer anywhere. This is likely me not searching with the ...
Nemo81's user avatar
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How to exclude a collection from affecting another collections LineArt individual silhouette?

I have multiple collections, each with their own LineArt applied, each with a different style. One collection it for the main objects, the other for small details that are "drawn over" the ...
Empress's user avatar
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Grease pencil lineart modifier does not appear through the image plane

An image plane acts as a barrier for the grease pencil lineart modifier as if it's an actual plane. Is there a way for the lineart modifier to pass through flat planes? Could there be an add-on ...
nerdy dorky trapped cultist's user avatar
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Grease pencil line art is missing edges

I want to outline the edges of the following chip object using a grease pencil line art modifier. However, it only outlines some of the edges: only the ones forming the silhouette of the object. The ...
schtandard's user avatar
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Line Art renders everything instead of only sillhouette

I believe I have a bug with the Line Art feature of the Grease Pencile. It renders everything though I chose only to render an individual silhouette. I have a heavy scene with a lot of trees and grass....
Maria Meinhardt's user avatar
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How to import a map image from OSM to Blender?

How could I import an image of a map from Open Street Maps to Blender? I'm not talking about 3D buildings or terrain. Rather, I'm talking about importing an image from the map itself into Blender as a ...
user30639's user avatar
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Driver to change the seed every 4 frames? (Replicating "Step" Function in LineArt Modifier)

I am trying to work out an easy, repeatable solution to this question: I am using Line Art in Blender 4.0, not freestyle, but the problem persists. I am trying to use a driver on the Noise Seed in the ...
heath's user avatar
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Grease Pencil partially rendering on Eevee, with some lines disappearing with 'edge marks'

Good day! I am currently having problems when trying to render the grease pencil. I made a model that only uses the option "Edge Marks" in the Line Art modifier. In the viewport, everything ...
That One Guy's user avatar
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Modifier Line art doesn't work

Line Art modifier doesn't work at all. I have an active camera in my scene. I tried to use different ways, but it didn't help. My file
Keidory's user avatar
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GREASE PENCIL - Create square closed line per face (Quad)

I have add -> Grease Pencil -> Collection line Art Is it possible to force the creation of the line to be a closed square for each face on a quad mesh ? Instead to have line connected in chaos ...
BLenjamin's user avatar
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How to bake stylized anime lines on an object?

So I am trying to find a way to bake the outlines that I've created here. However, I am having a little bit of trouble. I learned how to create these stylized lines around my asset and I want to bake ...
objectedbear431's user avatar
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Multiple lineart silhouettes/outlines with different colors (layer order)

I would like to create Blender line art that outlines an object in black with an additional larger outline in white. When I create image 1 using Greasepencil line art and try to add a white outline by ...
Zero Dean's user avatar
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Heavy lag with Grease Pencil Line Art

I've been experiencing heavy lagging when I have multiple objects using Grease Pencil line art. I can orbit around the scene pretty well at around 30fps. However, when I move objects with line art, it ...
Void's user avatar
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Grease Pencil - Change Line art color according to background color

im working on a black and white shading style. Using grease pencil i've managed to create pretty convincing outlines on my main scene. Im using 2 colors only black / white What id like to do is to ...
Antoine Steinmann's user avatar
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Can I use grease pencil Object line art to do science schematics?

I'd like to replicate the figure below with two cylinders and some rease pencil objects line art. Is there a simple way to do this? Here is what I have done so far (I'd rather disable the shadows ...
cjorssen's user avatar
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Extract only GreasePencil lines

I want to extract only the lines used in LineArt, is there a way to do this? I tried setting the object path to GPencil, but it doesn't seem to be masked correctly. The line will also be composited ...
niuind's user avatar
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grease pencil freeze and crash blender when I add it [particule / instancing problem ?]

I wanted to add a line art modifier to the chara. When I add the line art, the moment when you put the default material into the Material box, it freeze indefinitely and then crash. The problem being ...
клеменсь's user avatar
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Line Art not showing through transparency, but showing on transparent objects

This character head is all one object but I am having a problem when applying Grease Pencil Line Art Modifier to the head with glasses. The eyebrows and eye lashes are joined geometry cards, with ...
user1544752's user avatar
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How do I create a translucid grid composition using a GreasePencil object with LineArt Modifier?

I'm completely new to Grease Pencil tool, I followed some tutorials about freestyle and grease pencil object. I'm using a Grease Pencil object with a LineArt modifier to create some grahics. I want to ...
Casiel Checoni's user avatar
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Line Art Modifier - Light Contour Issue

Alright so I'm doing some work with the line art modifier, but whenever I use the Light contour effect it results in a choppy jagged line seemingly based on the model's geometry. According to Blender'...
Marux's user avatar
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Make Line Art lines thinner than the minimum

I have a very physically small scene where I am using the Line Art modifier to outline certain objects. I turned the Line Thickness down to 1, but because of the size of the objects 1 is still pretty ...
Adalex3's user avatar
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Rendering Line Art modifier from a distance Bug?

I tried importing the same assets to a new scene and it worked just fine? Whats the problem here... I also heard of using freestyle which does kind of solve it but also adds 20 seconds to the render ...
Fruit Juice's user avatar
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Greases pencils Line Art Modifier- Scratched line Error

I use grease pencil line art. I want a neat outline. but I never want that to have scratched lines on its arms. How do I fix it? If I turn off intersections, it is now a dashed line Please don't ...
Logan freeman's user avatar
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Lineart appears in front of other Grease Pencil objects. Any way to fix this?

I'm trying to add a realtime outline to the 3d objects in my scene. The solidify modifier approach is kinda clunky, so I want to avoid it if possible. Next, I tried the grease pencil line art method, ...
Ucrash GD's user avatar
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How can I create organic, tapered "ribbon" landscapes in Blender using Grease Pencil?

I am relatively new to Blender and am working on a landscape look inspired by these "ribbon" illustrations. So far, I have been using a simple shader with a wave texture combined with some ...
Justin S's user avatar
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Basic Consistently sized outline with depth

I am struggling to create a very simple outline because of its criteria. I would like the outline to not draw atop the object and affect the object's size, and the width to scale as if it were an ...
Zac Perry's user avatar
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How to assign emission material to Line Art modifier?

I'm using the Line Art modifier on a grease pencil stroke assigned to a mesh. However the materials that are available to paint the stroke with are only diffuse shaders. Is there a way to make the ...
Mehdi Belhous's user avatar
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Grease Pencil thickness inconsistency causing line boil/flickering/shimmering on camera move

I work only in grease pencil and have a possible anti-aliasing issue (I attempted to increase the grease pencil anti-aliasing past 1 to 10 to 100, while it looks different than 0 it is pointless past ...
warlordofnoodles's user avatar
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Grease Pencil Line-art layer: How to place it into a render pass / view layer?

This is the closest I get to have Grease Pencil Line-art modifier as a render pass: But it's very aliased and not a very good approach. How to do it better?
Manu Järvinen's user avatar
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Does grease pencil lineart have a material based line color option?

Freestyle line art has a line color option for multiple materials assigned to one object. Does grease pencil line art have an equivalent option? Separating the object according to material and ...
Val Tokic's user avatar
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Line art, how to show the hidden edges? those which usually are dotted in technical drawings

I am trying to replicate this (Which is shown in the blender 3.3 release): see release Blender 3.3 But I have been activating random checks to achieve it, this is what I get:
Alfredo Maussa's user avatar
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Is it possible to make the grease pencil line art modifier slightly uneven?

I'm trying to mimic a comic book's style, which doesn't have perfect lines. The grease pencil line art modifier seems great for it, it already makes the model look better, but I was wondering if there ...
Gabriel Abarca's user avatar
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Grease pencil Line-art modifier generates extra lines

I used grease pencil's line-art modifier. But it generates extra lines outside, at the edge, and inside the camera view. Besides, they are very flickering and unpleasing. Is there a way to fix this ...
guest's user avatar
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Flickering lines in Grease Pencil Line Art (Eevee)

So, I have added Line Art to a quite simple scene by adding a Stroke object and then setting a line art modifier. I have adjusted the thickness and then baked the line art data. Now, after I rendered ...
traxx2012's user avatar
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How do you use Vertex Weight Transfer from a Line Art modifier to transfer the weights to a group on the Greace Pencil object with a different name?

It's possible (likely?) that I misunderstand how this functionality is supposed to work, but I believe that if I set the Target on a Vertex Weight Transfer and don't select "Match Output" it ...
jwrush's user avatar
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What's the fastest method to output grease pencil line art images?

I'm using line art modifiers to generate stylized outlines for some meshes. I'd like to be able to do this process with some improvements: Simplicity: The output images I want are just the line art ...
All_Star's user avatar