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2 answers

How can I modify a UV coordinate texture to be broken up with a texture, like the voronoi node does?

Hopefully the title wasn't too confusing. Basically, I want to know if it's possible to use my own texture, such as paint brush strokes, to break up the smooth gradient of the UV coordinates texture ...
JackHainsworth's user avatar
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Rotate texture per instance

I'm trying to get this wood texture mapped correctly according to the rotation of the objects. In an ideal situation, the textures all align so they point to the middle of the cirle. I have loads of ...
Gijs Dekker's user avatar
3 votes
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Why is there weird behaviour in the display of shaders when using bent geometry with straight UVs?

I tried something rather simple and was confused by the result. I created a straight plane Added 3 cuts, then UV unwrapped it: After that I proceeded to rotate the points to get a 90° bend, keeping ...
Daniel Friedenberger's user avatar
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Eye rigging via mapping node

I'm trying to rig these eyes so the bone can move them, rotate them, and scale them. I can get the location to work fine, but I can't figure out how to get the rotation and scale to work correctly. I ...
Ethan's user avatar
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How to fix brick textures proportions on my objects?

I have been following this tutorial to make tiles; however, a problem I have it making it be able to look nice and be able to place on all sides. From the node editor, I have tried setting it to both ...
Jonathan J. Pecany's user avatar
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Move a texture towards the center of UV (vortex) on a flat surface without scaling

So basically I'm trying to make a flat portal/vortex wich looks like the typical hyperspace loop with only a texture. Here is the texture and the effect I'm looking for: I was thinking about ...
ozcg 888's user avatar
2 votes
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Transparent image showing background and not logo in Blender

I have a transparent image in Blender that is only showing the background, not the actual subject I am trying to get it to show The image shows up properly in paint: But not in Blender:
prestonferry's user avatar
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Image in UV Editing workspace lookings faded in the viewport

I added an image to my object in the UV Editing workspace, unwrapped it, and rotated it to be right side and in the middle, but on the other side of the head, the image is almost faded and not vibrant?...
Nyny's user avatar
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1 answer

Image Texture only work on Texture Paint

I was trying to make a model for the game VRChat, but when I try to export it to Blender I saw that the material didn't work and when I check it in Blender it's looks like the UV was right and in ...
Jacky's user avatar
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2 answers

How to make procedural textures seamless

In the image shown i have taken my character, added a producral scale shader, then I added a uv map, how do I get rid of the seams? I tried looking into triplanar mapping but it is very confusing and ...
Emelia Farraige's user avatar
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How to set vertex position to uv coordinates in blender?

The task is: Firstly we assume that the world position of vertices to its uv coordinates is a bijection, that means our models guarantee that there's no two mesh share the same texture area, we could ...
hy s's user avatar
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1 answer

What do I miss to see the texture?

It has been a while since I played with blender and must have lost basic understanding of it. This must be something very simple or I am just missing something. I am trying to add material/texture to ...
Chef Boar's user avatar
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How can I make a continuous texture on a non-flat surface?

I would like the text to run on the interface in such a way that it is easy to read
Dani's user avatar
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Why is texture painting not working?

Please advise- I've watched a few different tutorials for texture painting but I'm not sure what I'm still doing wrong. Texture painting is not working. I'm trying to add an orange/red color over the ...
Philadelphia_Collins83's user avatar
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2 answers

Rounded rectangle in shader editor?

How can I create a rounded rectangle with Width, Height, Radius parameters based on the UV coords? For example, on a simple plane
s0up's user avatar
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I want to make Voronoi type Cells go from 0-1 in UV space: so I can run a gradient through each cell individually. i.e. each cell runs from 0-1

Main issue: I have a cell like mask that I made on this texture. I want a gradient to run through each cell individually. I'm not sure if I can make cells into attributes or something and pass that ...
WessyWes's user avatar
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Shading issues on bevels

I am new to blender and basically i have a cube ans beveled the corners the auto shade smooth. The corner shading does not blend well with the cube and you can clearly see the line. See below.
Bearded Motawa's user avatar
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Queue Baking Multiple Materials with Multiple UVs into Multiple Textures with the Same UV

can anyone recommend how I can bake: A model with multiple UV sets That has one texture reapplied across the whole mesh by each of those UVs Baked down to a single UV, but a unique output texture ...
Rury Nelson's user avatar
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The material does not apply to all object polygons

I encounter this problem on some models. The material does not apply to all object polygons. When merging (Ctrl+J) this object with another, the "unregistered" polygons will be assigned to ...
solo_GRV's user avatar
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How to use different textures in shader editor?

I know that my question is not understendable at all, but I don't know how to formulate it correctly, so I'll describe my situation. I download a model where there are 2 similar textures for body (...
Сергей's user avatar
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How do I export this model so that it is is one object using one material?

I downloaded this model from SketchFab and I want to turn it into a point cloud. However the way I usually do this is by assigning a material with a single image texture on one ...
Benjamin Persaud's user avatar
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How to use mesh surface height for shading nodes?

I want to make the color of my mesh change according to the global height of my original mesh (it is rigged) using shader nodes. I’m looking for a way of obtaining the height of all points on the mesh ...
Felix Groves's user avatar
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Blender and texture problem during the exporting phase

I created a library on blender and assigned a simple shader that recreates the wood. I did the UV Unwrapping of it with the automatic tool called "Smart UV Project". As you can see the ...
Damiano's user avatar
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Bizarre artifacting when baking diffuse selected to active

Getting this bizarre artifacting across my UV while trying to bake this candy cane spiral texture to them. I've used selected to active in the past to bake textures from existing meshes and it worked ...
Ryan Ratliff's user avatar
2 votes
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Blacks not showing up on my texture

The image on the shirt has black in it however it does not show up. It is a png. I have a fabric texture on the shirt and mixed the image and used UV Map to size and position. What am i missing? This ...
Zippa's user avatar
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Black triangles/weird texture on character

It only appears on this character, and it can't be the light because even if I shine a spot light on it, although its not black, the outlines are still there. I noticed it wasn't affecting a character ...
Dark Memes's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I animate this material like this?

In Blender, I have two materials; one of them is for the face, and the other is for the lipstick. These are the nodes of the material of the lipstick: These are the nodes of the material of the face: ...
dsa's user avatar
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Can I join spheres together and remesh them in a way that keeps the shaders?

I want to "weld" the edges of the spheres together, but at the same time keeping the colors. I'm going to have way more spheres, so assigning the shaders manually will be too much work. I ...
LateChicken's user avatar
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A problem with texture changes when joining meshes

I have a "wing" model that is made to look like it is made from palm fronds rather than feathers, so the color texture is designed for that - each leaf on a frond has a shaded color (using a ...
Eric Eaklor's user avatar
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UV islands of multiple meshes turn into lines or distort into other shapes

I am trying to select relevant meshes in order to pack their UV islands onto a single UV map, but some of meshes and their respective islands either turn into lines or glitch out of the preview window ...
Recollective Shard's user avatar
5 votes
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why is my project from view distorted?

Looks like a total beginner question and i apologize for being a shader beginner... but i thought, if i do a project from view, i would get a non distorted result, but i didn't get it. Why is that and ...
Chris's user avatar
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I've combined two different textures using colour mixing but they're not showing together [duplicate]

I'm trying to put the bear logo on my jacket's sleeve. I put the UV maps of the jacket (UVMap) and logo (UVMap.001) in the shading and mix them together. Also, I added a new UV map and unwrapped part ...
Jess's user avatar
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What happens to UV Tangents when using Custom Normals?

Tangent Normal mapping is done with the mesh Normals and UV Tangents. For it to work, these are supposed to be consistent with those used when baking, and orthogonal to each other. When you set Custom ...
Ascalon's user avatar
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My procedural pool tile texture strectches quite a bit on the pool walls

I hope I don't cause any inconveniences but I've been having quite the trouble applying a procedural pool tile texture to my pool in a blender project, let me provide an image: I've tried to uv ...
Antonio Leautaud's user avatar
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what could be the problem with uv display

I created textures in Substance painter, I don't understand why islands are displayed like this in Blender some islands look darker in relation to other islands. this stands out a lot in the cycles ...
viky zhokhova's user avatar
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Several Images in UV and Shading

I'm new to Blender. I'm trying to insert several images on one object face. The problem is that the background and the image on top are moving as one. I can't adjust the size, rotation ect. separately....
Safija Larbi's user avatar
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Shading Problem: Mesh shading does not smooth, auto-smoothing is on

I am looking to create a mesh that has smooth shading but I cannot figure out why my model has a massive lighting contrast.
Connor Markus's user avatar
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UV wrap Eye Img on sphere

I have this img and I want to correctly texture a sphere with it. I have minimal no knowledge of UV unwrapping. I want to apply it to either half the sphere or to both halves. I tried making a seam to ...
Jo xXx's user avatar
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Fixing Texture stretching with no UVs

So I have a nice dragon that I've been working on for quite some time. Recently I decided to add scales by the Shaders with a simple Texture image, which is connected to the Bump node (oh, and there ...
Golden Dragon's user avatar
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UDIM texture exported from Substance Painter to Blender

UDIM texture exported from Substance Painter to Blender is overlapping for some parts in the mesh. The UDIM UV is working in SP, so wondering what's the problem.
NAO WAO's user avatar
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Shader for orthographic projection of the texture on the model

I recently started looking for a shader for orthographic projection of a texture onto a model from the camera. I needed to bake a projected texture. Found an example with perspective projection and ...
denisbaic's user avatar
2 votes
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Apply two different-sized UV maps in one shader

I have a sofa model that I use to render interiors. (sofa has 3 million polygons) I wanted to integrate it as a prop into the game, but for this I need to reduce it to 10,000 polygons. (I did this ...
Maxim_R's user avatar
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Normal Map inverting while rotating while scene stays the same

So I am trying to create a loop around a spiraling street. For this I'm moving the camera for a while and recreating the beginning at the end exactly. Loop-wise it works. Here you can see the camera ...
etlaM's user avatar
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Experience in using a small color range from Image Texture using ColorRamp

So I have this nice dragon: I want to add scales to it using ColorRamp by taking a very specific color range of orange color from its texture (ImageTexture) and then using Multiply Node to add the ...
Golden Dragon's user avatar
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Why is my texture distorted on my spiral staircaise?

Why is my texture distorted on my spiral staircaise ? I make "follow active quads", try every options of texture coordinates. Thanks !
Marilux Fiorenzani's user avatar
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UV project on object without the projection on the back of it

I'm using a camera to reproject an image on a mesh using UVProject and a material with image texture + emission shader, and it appears that the image is also visible on the back of the object. Do you ...
Gab's user avatar
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Can I export a Vector3 / Vector4 in a uv texcoord?

I was wondering if / how this is possible in Blender. Shaders in game engines like unity and unreal read texcoords (aka UVs) as Vector4 properties. Blender seems to deal with these mostly as Vector2.. ...
fleity's user avatar
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Image texture refuses to line up with the UVs

Even though my UVs are lining up with what I'm doing in the texture paint editor, the result does not visibly line up with what the UV map and image texture suggest it should look like. I have tried ...
Jedidiah West's user avatar
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Do you know how to bake a normal map from a diffuse map?

I have a little problem with baking on Blender. I have a backpack model on which I have a diffusion map that I made with texture paint and that I would like to change to a normal map. I use a ...
Post_Scriptum's user avatar
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How to join multiple object while the material with shader and uv stays the same?

I renamed all the uv so when it was merged it will be merged as 1 but even after uv is renamed etc. the looks still changes when joining. images after joining what causes this and how do I fix this? ...
Amin Wali's user avatar