I think that UV mapping would solve it. You probably just need to add a Texture Coordinate node and connect its UV output to the Vector input on your Sc'les - BASE [Append] node. I can't test this theory, though, for I do not have your node group setups. EDIT: I just now noticed the seams on your mesh in the image. If you have done a UV unwrap since, that would explain why it isn't seamless. Here is an excerpt from the most recent Blender docs:
Just like in sewing, a seam is where the ends of the image/cloth are sewn together. In unwrapping, the UV map is discontinuous at the seams. Think of this method as peeling an orange or skinning an animal. You make a series of cuts in the skin, then peel it off. You could then flatten it out, applying some amount of stretching. These cuts are the same as seams. [Bold/Italic added]
It is simply this: the seams on the mesh indicates a break in the UV. The UV simply doesn't loop around.
With one seam:
With two seams:
Here is the link if you want more info: https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/latest/modeling/meshes/uv/unwrapping/seams.html