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How to achieve this stacked thin transparent sheets shading in cycles?

I tried modeling an individual card with an array modifier applied, but applying a transparent shader to it only results to black (seems like it requires a lot of light bounces?). Then I tried ...
Codilla Jason's user avatar
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I'm seeing wierd boxy artefacts in the volumes (Cycles)

I have a mesh with modifiers like remesher and displace, on this mesh I apllied also Volume modifier to make cloud. That said, I have this result in final render.
Богдан Ковальский's user avatar
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Transparent Jelly-like Material

How can I create a shader that looks like the blue box in this image? This is what I did, but not even remotely similar: For this example, one cloud is sufficient, and here is how I created the ...
Saber's user avatar
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Distance from the surface as an input node for volumetric materials on open meshes: distance to closest point of the mesh volumetric function

Is there any way to create a material that has a volumetric component and is defined using the closest distance to the surface? I am particularly interested in open meshes and not just closed volumes. ...
Iván's user avatar
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Use of volume nodes for hair shader

The papers Physically-accurate fur reflectance: modeling, measurement and rendering and An efficient and practical near and far field fur reflectance model discuss physically based fur shading and ...
Robert Hintz's user avatar
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How to create a stipple or halftone effect on objects with volume shaders?

I'm trying to create a stipple or halftone effect in Blender on images composed by objects that use volume shaders like these (mostly principled volume shader and playing with emission and density). ...
Iván's user avatar
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Motion blur rendering not capturing time-dependent shader changes

I'm encountering an issue with motion blur rendering in Blender where time-dependent shader changes are not being captured. Here are the details: Setup: I'm using Blender to render an image with ...
Iván's user avatar
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I'm creating cigarette smoke using Quick Smoke. Is there a way to make the smoke appear more wispy?

I'm trying to create cigarette smoke using Quick Smoke but it looks too much like a cloud of smoke. Is there a way to make it appear more wispy? *image is a Cycles render using Blender version 4.02.
Philadelphia_Collins83's user avatar
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I baked the data for my smoke simulation but the smoke isn't showing up in the viewpart or render. BUT I think the data baked correctly?

I baked the data for my smoke simulation but the smoke isn't showing up. However, the domain appears small and constrained around the dissolve object at the beginning (image 1). After I press play, ...
Philadelphia_Collins83's user avatar
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Why the renderded edge of Volume looks dark? [duplicate]

I made a cylinder to hold a Gaussian beam. The intensity is calculated by the equation of the Gaussian beam. And the material is set like this (I make every choosable color to #FF0000): The max value ...
user174030's user avatar
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Reflective water-like smoke shader

I want to make my smoke simulation look like water. How? I have trouble understanding how to work with volume shaders. Can I somehow convert it to surface?
Václav Musil's user avatar
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How can I create a quantum fluctuation simulation?

I'm trying to replicate this real quantum fluctuations observation using Blender. So far, I have used Principled Volume and Voronoi texture to create clouds. However, I can't get my head around how ...
Hacker man's user avatar
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Volume absorption density per color channel

I have a volume with a Volume Absorption node, and the density is based on the distance to the camera (the further away, the denser). But I would like to have a ...
Apo's user avatar
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Is it better to have one large VDB or a bunch of small ones?

While making a cloudscape I was wondering which would be the better way to go about it. Is better to have 1 large VDB with a bunch of dense spots for clouds but mostly empty space, or an individual ...
Hank The Tank's user avatar
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How do I emit light from within an object using a point light (Chinese Lantern)

I scaled up an Icosphere and want to create the effect of a very big Chinese lantern, but irrespective of the material. I can't seem to get the light to emit from within the object. It just keeps ...
anitahanns's user avatar
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How can I improve my PSX/PS1 fog?

Blender: 3.62 Art Style: PS1/PSX Game: Ecco The Dolphin: Defender Of The Future I'm using the Principled Volume Shader on my World Node to achieve a colored fog effect. It's ok but i have 2 ...
wild goose's user avatar
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I want to use the color of one volume to color a mesh

Is there a way to use the color of a volume object to shade it? I haven't found anything online or when checking shaders and geo-nodes. Does anyone have an idea to solve this? I didn't understand on ...
Hendrik's user avatar
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Is it possible to control the visibility and depth of objects inside the volume?

Is there a way to make the cube inside a foggy volume appear as if there is no volume at all? That is, it did not lose its contrast and was displayed normally and not vaguely. Is it possible to ...
FRYMEAT's user avatar
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Volumetric shading on a mesh

The gif below is a breakdown of the volumetric hair shading of the titular character from the Dreamworks film Ruby Gillman: Teenage Kraken. I'm wondering how I can apply volumetric shading and a ...
Robert Hintz's user avatar
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How do I make procedural volumetric planetary clouds? [duplicate]

So, I’m making a procedurally generated planet in blender, and I need a way to make realistic looking volumetric clouds that look good from both space, and the surface. Even if I use a sphere around ...
ConsoleCoder's user avatar
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How to make cumulonimbus clouds?

I would like to make one as a volumetric object, but I have no idea how. Any suggestions? Best would be to use VDBs that are already done, but I haven't found a single one online, paid or free. Below ...
Geri's user avatar
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Why do volumes appear more dense when sliced with a bunch of transparent planes?

I encountered a very weird behavior with my procedural clouds. For context, I also used VDB clouds, which were full of artifacts where they are intersecting with each other. I found a hacky workaround ...
Geri's user avatar
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Soften/Feather Edge of 3D Sphere (Cycles)

How can I soften the edge of a 3D Sphere? Using Volume? I've tried searching for the answer but I can't find a way to completely soften the edge. I'm using Cycles. Any help is greatly appreciated! (...
sunset333's user avatar
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Volume Scatter doesn't seem to change density

I've been staring at this for a while now, testing densities and changing settings on. Feeling like the answer is right in front of me. 3.0.1 - Cycles
be3n2's user avatar
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Why does my volumetric atmosphere not have an orange sunset region?

So this is the effect I'm looking for: This orange glow in an atmosphere, right where the shadowy and the light side meet. However, my material (which should be pretty physically accurate as far as I ...
Dániel Sáfár's user avatar
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Overlapping volumes in Cycles create huge render time. Is there a solution?

I’m creating volumetric clouds in Cycles. The result is good visually speaking, but the render time is terrible. Yet, I have an RTX 3080 Ti. The problem is concerning overlapping volumes. The render ...
SebDev9's user avatar
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Weird artifact/cube shapes when I put flame shader on imported vdb [closed]

I've been seeing these weird cube shapes when I import an embergen vdb and the flames run out, via clicking on the flame attribute channel. details: it only happens after all the flames in the flames ...
Digital_Shaolin's user avatar
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Principle volume shader broken?

I have this large scene (20-30 meter domain) with smoke and fire. And wind. In object mode simulation looks fine, in render view with Principled volume shader it looks fine as well. But when i try to ...
Sunny Driver's user avatar
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Volumetric Bullet Trails?

I'm trying to create a volumetric bullet trail for a stylistic piece. I'm struggling with how to continue with what I have, which basically amounts to stretching out a glowing noise volume. I assume ...
anticode's user avatar
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God Rays / Light Beams not showing up in Cycles. Tried in different Scene and it worked. Whats the cause?

So I have a scene as below and I was trying all day yesterday to get a nice lighting effect and it didnt work. From disabling the hdri, playing with the sun strength, angle, spot lights etc. Today I ...
patrick823's user avatar
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How can I make a God/Sun ray effect in blender when also using an HDRI?

I have used the so-called "god ray" effect in many of my projects with manual lighting. But this time I have added an HDRI.So even if I add a volume scatter node or principled volume node to ...
Ribbit12's user avatar
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volume density stronger to the edges

I am trying to to get a denser volume to the edges, than in the center of the object. I tried to drive the density through a fresnel, but this does not seem to work, does anyone have other suggestions?...
leo's user avatar
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How to create high altitude clouds? (cirrus and cirrocumulus)

Pretty much all cloud tutorials show how to make Cumulus clouds, or some random blob of a cloud, but I'm looking to create high altitude clouds, which you can see below. I'm most interested in the ...
Geri's user avatar
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How to shift noise texture without distortion?

I am struggling with understanding how to shift the noise texture connected to another noise texture without distorting the overall shape. I have tried connecting them to same mapping, and to separate ...
Paul Pieless's user avatar
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Is it possible to voxelize a volumetric shader using geometry nodes, or create volumes in geometry nodes?

Using math or signed distance fields, I can create 3D shapes and 3D Fractals using volumes in shaders. This is convenient and all, but the detail and style is limited, its also very slow, and it ...
Mister SirCode's user avatar
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Having Issues with Volumetric Fog

how are y'all doing? I have a slight problem going on with creating volumetric fog. Here's the story: I was following along with a tutorial from Ducky3D and he got to a part where he started showing ...
DennyBoiQ's user avatar
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volume shader inside of a glass material

I am trying to create a scene of nebula trapped in a glass cube,I have sucessfully created nebula by using principled volume,however whenever I try to put a transsimisive cube around it,cycles ...
Shogun J's user avatar
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Look up vertex' attributes, given a 3D texture position (in shader nodes)

Is there a way to access the (possibly interpolated) vertex attribute of the closest vertices in a shader node, given a 3D position? In a CPU-based program, I'd use a k-d tree and search for the ...
Germanunkol's user avatar
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Manipulating a volume cube via it's mesh -- Volume remains unaffected

Attempting to manipulate a volume cube by manipulating the mesh. I've subdived / pinned the top face of the mesh to an ocean sim with a shrinkwrap (trying to simulate an underwater volume so I can pan ...
Dom's user avatar
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Principled Volume not showing up in Cycles Render

My Blender scene looks like this: On the left, you can see my cloud-like volume setup. The center screen is in Material Preview mode and shows my clouds (the volumes) just right. As you can see in ...
fameman's user avatar
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Emission glow through glass materrial

How to create a emission material that will glow through glass material in Cycles render? (volumetric light) I have attached the project file here:
diniulian's user avatar
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How To Make Volumetrics Round?

I'm currently working on a spaceship render. The engines glow and emit light. I have cubes behind each thruster that contain volumetric properties, I want these to look like a subtle back burner or ...
Ty Robillard's user avatar
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Volume absorption boosts light levels of scene and messes with shadows

The first has a volume absorption node that is set to full white and 0 density for the water, it also has a glass BSDF set to white and an IOR of 1.33. The second image is the same, except the volume ...
Edward Hurley's user avatar
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How to plot Pasta Shapes with Volumetrics?

For NodeVember this year, I’d like to try and plot some of the pasta shapes in the book Pasta By Design. The book contains equations that describe the shapes of pasta. I’d like to use these equations ...
jkagli's user avatar
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Workflow for filling complex shapes with a 3D pattern

Currently for work I'm supposed to visualize honeycomb patterned cardboard filling in more complex shapes, and I'm struggling a lot with finding a good workflow for doing this. The first option I ...
Macarmoni's user avatar
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Why am I unable to color my volumetric clouds white?

I am trying to render a cover of white clouds as seen from above. I am using the Principled Volume shader, using gradient and noise textures. It now looks as follows: However, the clouds are very ...
user avatar
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Principled volume shader's weird behavior in Eevee

I applied a material with Principled Volume (or Volume Scatter) shader only to the cube but it seems like the whole world is affected too. This only happens with EEVEE render or in Material Preview, ...
Hà Huy Long Hải's user avatar
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Object is transparent against background

This scene was nice to work with for a while, but somehow I managed to push a button that makes the objects transparent against the background. How can I get this back to normal?
John E Hals's user avatar
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Displacement works in viewport but not in render (Cycles)

My problem is that my noise displacement map is working well in the viewport (Cycles rendered mode) but when I f12 render the image, the displacement just disappears. What am I doing wrong? enter ...
Ethan Nava's user avatar
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Eevee volumetrics different in render

When I was trying to make a cloud in Blender, I began to notice a strange issue. When the cloud is rendered using Eevee in the viewport, it looks fine. But when I render it, it looks much more ...
Eric Xue's user avatar
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