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1 answer

White screen gray image

When I try to render image, I get a white background and solid gray silhouette of my image. Not sure if I made a mistake during shading. I will attach my Layout, Shading, and Rendering screens here.
SYD UNIVERSITY's user avatar
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How to generate Textures without Rendering to File?

I’m working on a task that involves generating a large number of textures in Blender using Python (bpy) as a standalone (without the GUI). While I can automate the creation of shader nodes, I’m ...
Oren Matar's user avatar
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2 answers

How to remove the weird dots in grid-like pattern The dots first appeared when i transferred my object from an older version of blender to 4.2
Jaan Jalgratas's user avatar
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Create procedural texture oriented toward light

I'm trying to create procedural texture in Blender (4.2) Eevee : some kind of hatching effect, and brushstrokes oriented toward light. On the upper right corner, it's been done in photoshop with ...
Tolgan's user avatar
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How can I see the light emitted by a emissions plane that is parallel to the viewport in Blender's Eevee renderer?

By blender 4.2 eevee When the plane is parallel to the viewport, I can't see the light emitted by the plane illuminating the monkey using the Light Probe ↓
user208244's user avatar
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Render Layers Output Alpha Issue/Artifacts

The goal is to render in separate layers for compositing in After Effects. I need to get 3 sequences as output (one sequence with alpha for each render layer). I have 3 render layers: 1. SCENE 2. ...
Evgeniy Pupkin's user avatar
2 votes
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How to create Full Transparent Emissive Shader in Eevee(Raytracing)?

I want to make lights using Geometry, Textures and Emission Shader, but I want these lights(geometry) to be completely transparent and invisible to the camera, how can I do this using shaders?
gfytrbbbaa's user avatar
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Texture previews properly in material preview but not render preview

material preview and object shaderI have set up a texture as described here Tapering Textures with Nodes which works in material preview but which renders and bakes black. I have set up the render ...
architom's user avatar
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1 answer

Why in Blender, low metallic fades color while V-Ray does not?

I got a simple sword model in Cycles, but rendering result was wrong. Parts of the object faded color, mainly where metallic map was nearly black(nearly 0). Unlink the metallic map and input 1.0 in ...
Aaron Liu's user avatar
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I'm seeing wierd boxy artefacts in the volumes (Cycles)

I have a mesh with modifiers like remesher and displace, on this mesh I apllied also Volume modifier to make cloud. That said, I have this result in final render.
Богдан Ковальский's user avatar
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Ambient occlusion falloff

I am trying to work with the Ambient Occlusion node in Blender 4.2.0 using Cycles to try and get a nice gradient falloff on my background, however it's creating large triangular shadows in the corners ...
Doeba0ermo's user avatar
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Blender 4.2 weird shading

I´ve modeled a bottle, and I've tried to do everything with proper extrudes and edge loops, I can't see any double vertices or overlapping faces or anything that explains that weird shading:
Dani Roca's user avatar
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Models have a weird dotted-like texture when viewing in Material Preview & Rendered, how do I fix this issue?

I recently got Blender v4.2.1 and already I'm starting to have a render issue when viewing in Material Preview and Rendered on EEVEE Render engine but when I go into Cycles Engine, it looks normal ...
Vin Solo2000's user avatar
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Any Idea about hudge blocks in Cycles rendering

I imported an FBX Revit model and started to modify it a little bit. I added some textures, etc. In the first days the render was ok. today after some modifications is not. Do you have any idea why ...
Chiupa's user avatar
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Eevee Toon Shader Shadows Looking Jagged and Choppy, everything is set to shade smooth

I've tried every other solution on stack exchange but can't find much luck. Sometimes my toon shaders will have this choppy, angular look that isn't ideal. Here is what things look like rendered: But ...
Zack Alves's user avatar
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Weird shading on meshes when adding NormalMap to material

I am trying to make a render of the interior of a race car I made but as soon as I add the NormalMap textures of the carbon the objects have weird shading all over the place: Without NormalMap there ...
TheNuvolari's user avatar
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Viewport Shading preview different than Render

I'm a complete newbie at Blender, trying to teach myself with web tutorials, and I'm completely stumped on this issue. The material shading render preview shows the effect I'm looking for, metallic ...
DrawbotDesign's user avatar
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EEVEE NEXT: Hard Shadows of SunLight with ToonShader

does anybody here know how to achieve harder edges on the sunlight, falling through the window? I didn't seem to find adjustments that do the work, so I thought I'd just ask if anybody has an idea. ...
Almagor 's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Image as plane imported turns the image grey and slightly blurry any idea how to make it look like the original?

I'm new to blender and found a similar problem with another person, but their question wasn't solved, essentially I import it from my file as a plane, and it becomes greyish and unlike its original ...
What is da dog doin 's user avatar
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Deform a volume ray

I'm very new to blender so sorry in advance if my question is easy to answer. I want to create a god ray effect and followed a youtube video using a Voronoi texture. Here is the result: The results ...
Visualisor's user avatar
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Why the renderded edge of Volume looks dark? [duplicate]

I made a cylinder to hold a Gaussian beam. The intensity is calculated by the equation of the Gaussian beam. And the material is set like this (I make every choosable color to #FF0000): The max value ...
user174030's user avatar
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How to disable anti-aliasing?

Side Note: I think I've solved the problem, so only respond if you really want to. This is a picture of my profile picture. Basically a dithering effect; and posterization effect with two values per ...
sojobee's user avatar
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2 answers

Light Path: Is Shadow Ray Not working

The way I usually approach it isn't working. I've followed numerous tutorials and read forums and the way I have it set up should work. How to resolve this issue?
Cameron Moorcroft's user avatar
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Need help removing black line on clothing

I added my sims to Blender 3.6 and noticed there was a black line shadow around her dress. How do I fix this problem?? I tried going to change the shader materials but that was not the problem at all. ...
AsiaWilliams's user avatar
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How to import materialX into blender 4.1

Comming from this post: How to import MaterialX library into blender? But since I can't comment, I would like to ask the same question again. For my surprise, I couldn't find any addon, or updated ...
Anderson Sudario's user avatar
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Shader to render Flow map/Directional Map

I am creating a pipeline to render all needed maps to create haircards and I am missing the directional/flow map from hairs. Basically what I need is a material to override the render in cycles that ...
Julio Cesar's user avatar
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Bump doesn't look the same in viewport and render

I am creating a vinyl record in Blender and used a wave texture to add bump in the shader editor. But the bump almost doesn't show in the final render. Viewport: Final Render: Here is my .blend file:...
Eyal Cohen's user avatar
1 vote
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Render part of a file in eevee part in cycles

I have a file that needs parts to be renders in EEVEE but some other parts in Cycles, how is best to do this. Most of the file needs to be rendered in EEVEE, the only part that needs to be rendered ...
Swithers's user avatar
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Render is different from layout and shading

I'm trying to render a water bottle with Cycles engine, and some water in it. However render is different (the water surface rendered as dark). What's wrong, please advise, thanks.
e109923's user avatar
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Render objects without lights [duplicate]

Is it possible to bypass lights with a custom material/shader so that the material/shader is rendered directly to pixels? What I'm looking to do would have the renderer simply evaluate the scene and ...
Zdepthcharge's user avatar
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Issue with Smooth Shading with Array?

So I've go a mesh more or less the shape of a slice of bread. I've added an array modifier and curve modifier, and connected it to said-curve to get what you see here. My issue is that when rendered ...
capieshka's user avatar
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Smoke not showing in Cycles Render

The smoke effect in my scene randomly stopped showing up in renders. I'm not sure what's changed Show in renders visibility is set to on The smoke has a material There appears to be no problem with ...
Mike's user avatar
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2 answers

My plate has some parts half black and half-white when its supposed to be only white

So my plate has a white ceramic texture attached to it (color, roughness and normal map) but when I enter rendered mode (only in Cycles) there are some parts half black, I already tried checking the ...
cxrxzxnxdx's user avatar
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Blender file from 2018 renders no shading in Blender 4.0.2

I've opened a blender file, I made in 2018 in Blender 4.0.2. It is some 3D text. But when I render it, there are not materials and no lighting apparently. Maybe it is just transparent background. I've ...
isgoed's user avatar
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Is there a way to open a blender file from 4.0 into 3.4?

I am trying to open a file I made in Blender 4.0 into version 3.4. I find the shaders tab easier to understand but it won't let me open the file in 3.4. When I go into the open file, it just closes ...
BigBoy's user avatar
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Inconsistent/jagged outline(?)

I'm working on something and I want to make a jagged outline similar to the outline of this 3d model. Preferably it'll change its jagged-ness each frame and it'll only encompass the exterior of the ...
Ineedagun's user avatar
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All Light Paths combined in Shader not resulting in correct image

I've been trying to develop a Node Group for the Shader Editor that gives me more control over Light Paths on my various light sources and emissive materials. Now I've hit a roadblock that I just can'...
dasfrodo's user avatar
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Render without shading

I am trying to render a scene without any shading. I followed the steps shown in the answer of this question from many years ago: Selected "Cycles" as render engine Enabled color passes ...
xWourFo's user avatar
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Adding emission to hair shader

Houdini 20 has a new fur shader incorporating the medulla, a structure within animal fur that makes it appear softer and more volume-like than human hair. Can the emission node be connected to Blender'...
Robert Hintz's user avatar
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How to view two objects with different color sources in the same viewport shading?

I am quite new to blender and I'm having trouble rendering the following environment. I have a car in that has been created in blender and has been appended to the project, and the background house, ...
diegobc11's user avatar
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Shading issue only occurs on a single frame in Cycles?

I have rendered a video with a red wave (plane with wave modifier), which moves around the earth. The shading is set so it gets darker (alpha decreased) with increasing distance from the earth's ...
QuantumCoder's user avatar
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The lighting of one of the pillars in my compositing render has a black box and a dark line, but the viewport render doesn’t (cyclesrender)

so for some reason in my animation the top of the pillar is black, but the top isn’t the only part. The bottom has messed up lighting and doesn’t match the environment. Also at the top again with the ...
Yellow Guy 's user avatar
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Glass BSDF shader rendering problem

I'm trying to follow a tutorial on fluid simulation. Everything works fine until the rendering. As shown, the viewport render looks well but when trying to render image (F12) the torus roughness ...
Mohamed Obeid's user avatar
3 votes
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Complementary Colors using the Color wheel

In Photoshop, I can find the complementary color easily by adding 180 to the Hue (or subtracting 180, if the Hue is already over 180). Since Blender maps the color Wheel from 0 to 1, shouldn't I ...
David Schulz's user avatar
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PBR texture showing fine in Shading Viewport but then as black in the render

I have imported these OBJ and FBX files into a New > General blend file(3.4.1). I gave them their PBR textures and they show black in render but not in Shading Viewport. Shading Viewport, Material &...
Spencer Hooe's user avatar
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Why is my Blender project rendering like this?

I'm not really sure whats going on with my project. This is how the project looks before and This is how it renders . This is my shadings and the only modifier i have on is solidify at 2m. I'm also ...
Sam Maldonado's user avatar
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Textures appear fine Shading Mode, but Flat in Render and Render Mode

I am using Blender 3.6.0 LTS, and I am not able to render my textures properly. In Shading mode Textures are rendered fine, when in Render Mode, Textuers are rendering Flat. Pls Provide any Solution. ...
Redrust's user avatar
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How do I seamlessly blend in one rendered image with a background video?

I have this render of an animation of a hanging head which I composite on top of a video using Alpha Over node. It looks like the face has just been slapped onto the video, and I am unsure what ...
Harry McKenzie's user avatar
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Why does the inverse use of a mask/map not produce visually inverse results?

I have a (procedurally generated) greyscale map/mask that I use as the factor for mixing two shaders. The scratches are much more prominent when I have the scratches in glossy white, then when they ...
Jacco's user avatar
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Is it possible to control the visibility and depth of objects inside the volume?

Is there a way to make the cube inside a foggy volume appear as if there is no volume at all? That is, it did not lose its contrast and was displayed normally and not vaguely. Is it possible to ...
FRYMEAT's user avatar

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