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Cavity shading in different model sizes problem

I have a trouble with cavity shading in viewport. I really like using it, but I notice it doesn't work as I would expect with bigger objects. Is there a way to make it more visible keeping the desired ...
Piotrek B.'s user avatar
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Two spheres at the bottom right corner 3D viewport

The 2 spheres at the bottom right corner in 3d viewport look like this on my blender, while in many tutorials they are the other way round. My question is will that effect anything and is there a way ...
angelikaZ's user avatar
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Controlling which texture is displayed in textured viewport shading

Since it uses up less data, I like to use the viewport shading with texture as the color option most often. An issue I commonly come across is that it will display the normal map of the material ...
Ethan's user avatar
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Attribute to material

I downloaded the .obj result from this tool: When I open it in blender I have to switch to viewport shading/ color/ attribute to see the shade. Is ...
darkon11's user avatar
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Glass modeling workflow?

So this might be a niche question without a good answer, but I have an awful lot of trouble modeling things that use a lot of transparent materials like environments with lots of glass. It would help ...
canslp's user avatar
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Viewport shading shadows not related to lights in scene?

Can someone explain this? I cant see how to control shadows from lights in Viewport Shading mode... There is some wierd other light source... Also, in Material preview and Render, the "Scene ...
Tony Sands's user avatar
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Does anyone know how to resolve this reflection issue?

I want these two truss to work as one in term of reflection but don't know how to make them one. I have tried joining them by Ctrl + J but not working.
Munim Faiz's user avatar
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Blender Shading Viewport Completely Grey

I was working on a project when i tried to change my clip start/end because the procedural clouds i was making didn't show anymore after scaling (quite large). Suddenly my viewport (only in shading ...
Glenn's user avatar
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The material does not apply to all object polygons

I encounter this problem on some models. The material does not apply to all object polygons. When merging (Ctrl+J) this object with another, the "unregistered" polygons will be assigned to ...
solo_GRV's user avatar
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Why isn't my render looking like my object in viewport shading?

I did this a while back, so most of my knowledge of blender has gone out the window. When I render my image the object is no loses its material from that's visible from viewport shading. Any idea how ...
Jeremy's user avatar
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Accelerator keys in Blender 4.0

Does anybody know how to make accelerator keys to work in Blender 4.0 ? Can it be fixed by an add-on? They 'replaced' accelerator keys with a search bar. I read UI dev discussion and I think their ...
MikeTS's user avatar
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Model with hair shows up black in rendered viewport shading

First off, I am a complete beginner, and I was following a very high-altitude tutorial. So I expect there is a box that I haven't checked. Here is what I see: The model is supposed to look like ...
Krozber's user avatar
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Is it possible to view a shape throught a specific shader in camera view? Real time, eevee, no comp (kind of shader holdout)

The pupil is in front of the head. Is it possible to make it visible only in the white part of the eye according to the camera view? Like a kind of shader holdout inverted and limited to mask the ...
Gilles's user avatar
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Glass BSDF shader rendering problem

I'm trying to follow a tutorial on fluid simulation. Everything works fine until the rendering. As shown, the viewport render looks well but when trying to render image (F12) the torus roughness ...
Mohamed Obeid's user avatar
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Im trying to turn this black hole project to a obj with texture. But when i do it just has the circle and squares not what i have view port shading [duplicate]

I'm trying add my black hole to element 3d but the textures are not carrying over when I make it an obj
Thirst God's user avatar
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Shading Problems with model [duplicate]

For some reason, my model doesn't shade properly. Why is this happening.
Alasdair Bird's user avatar
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When I switch the viewport shading from Solid to Material Preview, some of my textures don't work

When I switch the viewport shading from Solid to Material Preview, some of my textures don't work. It only works on pants and shoes, but when I select the jacket and skin (I made sure I selected the ...
Diego Tsai's user avatar
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Blender 3.5 Material preview mode in Cycles, everything appears with a glow, even new objects from scratch

I apologize for this inquiry, I'm sure it's very basic, but I have very little experience with Blender, and I'm asking this question after having tried for hours to solve it and without having found ...
Alex Bnn's user avatar
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Why is the viewport shading color : texture grey instead the base color of my texture?

According to Blender Guru's tutorial it should be more like this one: Why no color for my viewport shading??
Atharva Deodhar's user avatar
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Blender crashing when trying to access the viewport shader in blender version 3.5 [closed]

I am still new to the hardware aspect and using 3D software such as blender .My specs on my desktop is just the bare minimum but it could run blender viewport shading with default settings on version ...
Deathassassin297's user avatar
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Blender - black mesh is displayed in render view, but in material view it looks fine

I'm working on a project, and today I got stuck on this. I'm using the "experimental Cycles" rendering engine. This is how the setup looks in material preview mode: And, this is how the ...
Radu-Alexandru Popescu's user avatar
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How to I make these 2D images visible with the mist in the render?

I tried to make a polygonal render of a forest but when I test rendered it, the leaf texture I used for the trees only show in the tree area. Is there any way I can make it visible like the other ...
B-Squared's user avatar
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All objects are black in the render view port

The objects are black in render view port but when I render it I can see the color in the image. Can anyone please help. computer info: iMac garphic: Radeon Pro 580 8 GB memory 32 GB DDR4 processor: ...
Sanket's user avatar
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Cycles render is blank in viewport render for previews [duplicate]

I think I have the same problem as here Cycles viewport render blank The rendered preview in cycles does not work. The display in material mode works fine but not in shading mode. And everything works ...
yuka's user avatar
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Strange viewport shading issue with perspective camera [duplicate]

I have been having this very strange problem when viewing geometry through a perspective camera in the viewport. It doesn't matter what kind of shading I apply and it doesn't happen with the ...
Duncan's user avatar
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Final rendered animation is really wierd

My rendered animation is turning up really weird. I don`t even know how to explain the issue. The animation isn't smooth and it's glitchy...I guess. I have turned up the resolution, changed the ...
Ribbit12's user avatar
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How to fix shading issue with Object in view port

Strange shading issue in view port. How can I fix this? The Left object is what I'm going for in the view port shading. I've attached the blend file. Using Blender 3.01 on Ubuntu 20.04
Rick T's user avatar
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When I choose the shading mode, the under working view of the selection was hidden [duplicate]

I don't know what I did with the mouse, the under working view was hidden all of the selection, and I can't find it. How can I open the view of the under working view?
kkkellyhoi's user avatar
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Are there any individual settings that should be checked after shrinking the model with the S key?

After scaling the models down to a tenth of the size I was working before, the animation preview would not play. (I down the size by S key.) When I tried to play it back, it would freeze at frame 1, ...
gecko's user avatar
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which texture should I connect to which input in BSDF [duplicate]

I have a 3D bottle & 6 texture maps such as alpha.jpg, bump.jpg, color.jpg, color-blur.jpg, env.jpg & roughness.jpg . So I want to mix my texture maps in the shader nodes of Blender To achieve ...
Mahdi Ghorbani's user avatar
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How do I set all the faces on my mesh so they are the same shade?

I created this opening animation using blend keys. (viewport shading) When the animation opens up at the end I want all of the triangular faces to be shaded the same colour, as the mesh is now ...
user3600214's user avatar
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Spotty, glitchy, corrupted renderview

I'm working on a large scene animation that has some issues. As you can see here, the viewport shading seems to be corrupted. This translates as well into the final render in cycles, although not as ...
mhess's user avatar
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There's these white glitches in object mode when I turn on viewport shading. How do I fix this?

This is what I see. I see these white lines around it. I am very new to blender and I am doing a donut tutorial. I don't know if this is normal or not.
user131631's user avatar
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Shading issues showing in rendered Cycles viewport but not in solid viewport

For some reason when I render the object in viewport 3D Render I see these lines that look like weird shading or geometry. But I have fixed this in the Solid Viewport where they don't show up. Also I ...
Blendmoth's user avatar
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Why my metallic material seems weird in viewport shading?

I change the metallic node to simulate the metal material, but it shows odd in viewport shading. I have even checked my light is turning on. Please help me to solve this problem.
Andy Chang's user avatar
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Normal error: One vertex shares all normals of an object

I was working with my .blend file on a new computer and when I opened the file, for some reason the viewport couldn't show the shaded surfaces of the objects, only the outlines in object mode. I have ...
Karis's user avatar
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strange edges look in Viewport

I got strange "triangles" all over my scene in viewport. How to fix it? more here: link to YouTube
Jacek Słoma's user avatar
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Viewport shading cannot use scene lights

No matter what I select, it's lit by emission or something, scene lights have no effect on it, adding a sun, turning off a sun, no difference, it's as on images, and no shadows. Thank you, sorry for ...
blenderator's user avatar
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Why aren't textures appearing in viewport render but visible in the final render?

I'm messing around with the Barcelona Pavillion demo scene. When I enable the viewport render, no textures are appearing in the viewport render, the objects are just grey: However, when I render the ...
Oliver Hunter-Providenti's user avatar
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Missing default hdri in shading option

Am new to blender currently am learning from certain youtube tutorials. The problem is in all the youtube videos a shiny ball is seen the viewport of the shading option which is seen in most of the ...
Roshan Assim's user avatar
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why some object doesn't show up color

i add red color to cylinder but it doesn't show up color, only the plane with green have color. what is the problem of my cylinder color?
jae soft's user avatar
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How do I achieve this look for the viewport?

How do you get your objects to look like that? is it an addon/plugin/shader/a setting you change? Tried searching for an ambient occlusion shader or something but came up with nothing. I was watching ...
Adir's user avatar
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Blender 2.9 Eevee- Materials and textures not showing in render or viewport shading (Update)

(Update: I am NOT using a AMD GPU, so the question that has been answered referring to changing the AMD GPU driver to its previous version does NOT work for me. So now I am reposting the question to ...
Mugen893's user avatar
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Mesh looks OK in wireframe but shading is distorted

Imported an OBJ file in Blender 2.91.0. Mesh looks OK in wireframe view and exports OK to other s/ware but weird in all shaded viewport views. Example included shows object Shaded Flat. All surfaces ...
PJ3D's user avatar
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Render result is worse than render view mode. It looks very flat like 2D. How to fix it? [duplicate]

I am a newbie, using Blender 2.91 to make a sword. But my render result looks very flat like 2D, even worse than render view image. I am not satisfied with images on render view and material view mode ...
Yu Sun's user avatar
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Viewport Shading glitchy weird thing [duplicate]

Why is it doing this? Every time I use viewport shading no matter what version I use this occurs. I've restarted blender. I've downloaded several versions both new and old. how do I fix this?
Aaron's user avatar
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Viewport shading option "shadow" not displaying shadow

I'm trying to get the viewport to render shadows to help visualize depth when working in an orthogrpahic view. I toggle the shadows option in the viewport shading menu, but it seems like the only ...
Max Hull's user avatar
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Rendering Colored Texture, but the result is a gray texture [duplicate]

I am making an object and look like this But when i rendered the image, it turns out like this This is my render properties This is the material properties I just want to render the image like the ...
Abraham Yoel's user avatar
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Where is the "default color" of a face, when a texture is applied?

In the first image you can see the materials displayed in the SOLID view. T stands for a material that has a texture applied to it. W, R, Y stand for 3 materials that have no texture applied to them ...
PolyMad's user avatar
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Problem with Viewport shading not displaying my models [duplicate]

Today Ive gotten a problem with my viewport shading. If I work in "Display in solid mode" the models are showing corectlly. But if I change to "Material ...
Dave's user avatar
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