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Questions tagged [height-map]

A heightmap is a raster image. Each pixel of the map stores values, such as surface elevation data. Blender uses height maps in materials through image textures as a way of faking (bump map) or producing (displacement) displacement using the material, along with other uses. Use this tag for questions about the use of heightmaps in Blender.

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1 answer

How to Create a 3D Earth Relief Model in Blender?

I'm trying to create a realistic 3D Earth globe with an exagerated and detailed terrain relief (like mountains, valleys, etc.) in Blender, similar to the one in the reference images. The goal is to ...
Jaime Peña's user avatar
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Baking Heightmap, Curved Instead of Flat?

I am trying to bake a heightmap using Map Range. The mesh is -30m to 230m and is shrunk to 0 to 1 values. I open the heightmap and it is curved instead of flat. I've tried the other settings of Map ...
High Definition's user avatar
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How to mask the area outer Image 1 to see Image 2?

I am trying to make a hillshade with Image 1 and Image 2. I am looking for a method to mask area around Image 1 so that in the final render the Image 2 will be visible I am trying to create a better ...
Gokul Anand's user avatar
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Convert height map to normal map in the shader editor

I can't find a way to convert greyscale image to normal map within the shader editor. I don't talk about using height map to add details with bump/displacement node. I don't talk about baking details ...
norab's user avatar
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How to create terrain mesh from height points (vertices)

I have contour lines (elevation) of map in form of edges. How can I easily and fast create terrain mesh from it (or vertices of those edges)?
TRIANGULAR's user avatar
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Is it possible to use a heightmap to create displacement and use the object as a modular asset with the edges alligned with each other?

I'm trying to make my wall a little more interesting by using a heightmap on a subdivided face, which I then want to decimate to make it a little more manageable. But this method doesn't create ...
Interested's user avatar
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BlenderGIS map define country borders instead of rectangle

I just found Blender and BlenderGIS and got determined to output a country relief map. As of now following many tutorials I can generate the map with elevation details. In every tutorial, they are ...
Nix's user avatar
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why is their black shading on my model from the displacement map?

these textures are exported from substance painter with opengl displacement and bump is on changing the midlevel less or more than .500 inflates the mesh changing the scale doesn't affect the black ...
j a s m i n e's user avatar
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Looking to scale along normals using geometry nodes using a texture as a scaling factor

Not sure how feasable this would be but as the title suggests, I'm looking for a way to shrink a mesh along the vertex normals using a height map for the scaling factor. Context: This is for an animal ...
Jay Ott's user avatar
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3 answers

Bump node create wrong normals from height

I attached a wave texture into a height input of a bump node, expecting to get normals corresponding to a sine surface, but instead I get normals of (0,0,1) and I can't find why.\ I checked the values ...
audi02's user avatar
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1 answer

Help with height map cropping?

I'm trying to apply an entire height map to one plane, but it never appears with the full map, just a portion of it. When applied to a much larger plane, it repeats the still incorrect texture. Can ...
Brontify's user avatar
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Moving a Point on a Plane based on provided UVMap data

Here is the Project file I'm working off of. I am trying to instance an object on top of a map of mine, that will then move according to how I move and scale the UV's from the provided map. The main ...
lotw's user avatar
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Baking large heightmap not creating correctly colored image

If i create a small mesh and bake it out i get the a correctly baked heightmap image. However if i have a large mesh the baked the heightmap the resulting image is almost completely white. How can i ...
SarahLee's user avatar
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Create dynamic Mountains based on Modifiers Issues with Heightfield Blending?

I followed the tutorial Blender tutorial: Create dynamic Mountains based on Modifiers: I added 3 terrain controllers, 2 mountains and one for a ...
reiro's user avatar
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Problem with displacement map when creating collection instances

I am trying to create collections of instances from an object with a material, which includes a displacement map. When rendering, for some reason the displacement of the instance collection does not ...
María's user avatar
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Height map from image geometry node position

I'm making a flat mesh using a plane and geometry nodes. I am using a heightmap that I generated to displace the z for points on the mesh. However, the image is being transformed into a square and not ...
emp's user avatar
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What's the difference in using displacement map vs real geometry?

For example, I've created a terrain from a subdivided plane. After baking it's geometry to a heightmap and applying that heightmap to a new plane, both planes would contain the same amount of polygons....
dovaogedot's user avatar
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Problem with edges using the displace modifier

I've gone through other peoples' questions and could not find an answer to the following problem: When using a height map with the displace modifier I get 2 neat edges and 2 bad edges that sort of ...
Sahar Nahari's user avatar
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DEM Rendered Terrain looks stairstepped/pixilated/pitted

I am making a map in Blender from a 30m DEM. When I render it, some places come out stair-stepped or pitted.
Briank's user avatar
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Why does Blender GIS not bring in a map and locks up the program

I've loaded Blender GIS add on - As soon as I click on "OK" to bring in the Google map, I get a black screen and my tools are gone and/or frozen (see image). I've reinstalled - same issue. ...
Gramma12345's user avatar
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Displacement Heightmap is not tall enough

I created a plane subdivided it 100 times and added a displacement mod with a heightmap texture. The height map looks great in my source heightmap creator and in Affinity photo as a well defined ...
Jon's user avatar
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why are there black artifacts all over my displacement map?

so, i have a 4k height map exported from substance. i apply it, make sure to turn on displacement and bump, and i get this result: it doesnt matter if i change the scale. see here: this is what it ...
j a s m i n e's user avatar
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How to get accurate normals from bump height within a material?

I am making a procedural bump shader that needs to interact with other directional data in realtime within the material (as opposed to external lighting). Therefore I need to get the normals from this ...
Mentalist's user avatar
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How to generate seamless tile meshes from height maps?

I split the following height-map image into 4 equal parts in an image editing app and generated the 4 tile meshes below by applying a Displace modifier on 4 planes. It works well except I can see the ...
Epsilon's user avatar
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How to create a mesh from a ramp image without discontinuities at the edges in the Y direction

I created a plane mesh and subdivided the plane by 100. I then applied a Displace modifier with the following image (0 to 1) as the height map. It works except for the edges in the y direction (see ...
Epsilon's user avatar
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Height Map issue

I am working through the Blender guru anvil tutorial and I have run into an issue with the height map. When I load the height map info into the shader it looks like the scale is off and results in a ...
fred's user avatar
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How to make a very large heightmap with high resolution

I am trying to make a heightmap with a very large image with high resolution. it is around 15000 pixels by 15000 pixels. I'll use the heightmap to export it into .dem or .obj files so that I can use ...
SeungJoo Han's user avatar
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Change UV wrap size for Image Layer BUT keep UV wrap size for Height Map Layer

This is a question about UV unwrapping. Simple version. I want to unwrap the base color image and the image I use as a "height map" (for shading) on the same surface as two different sizes....
Nix's user avatar
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Turn 3d terrain height map into just contour lines?

I want to A. Import a map from the GIS add on or B. Use a height map. I want to then display only the contour lines of the terrain as shown in this image:
TheKingsNotes's user avatar
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Scaling Height Displacement Map from GIS Data

I am working for a documentary film project that is seeking to accurately scale bathymetry data of California's lakes in Blender to create some simple animations of lakebeds/terrain. So far, I have ...
Kobe Kessler's user avatar
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Is it okay for normal map to have transparency?

Recently, I was creating a normal map from a transparent height map (both normal map and height map are pinned below). There isn't any shading problems (I'm using Blender) when I'm using a normal map ...
Vitaly CG's user avatar
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Cutting in a plane using an image as a mask

I would like to create independent tortoiseshells meshes from a boolean mask. The boolean mask would be used to cut in the plane automatically. The method I am using at the moment is to use the cut ...
Andrew Karam's user avatar
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4 answers

How to generate height map from/for complex surface

This is what I'm trying to get procedurally via shading nodes: This model is for reference. I want the peaks to be white and lows to be black so that I could bake Emit and get a heightmap. Edit (...
ilyak's user avatar
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Engraved wireframe lines across sphere

Beginner here. Im trying to model the earth below. I'm a bit unsure about the approach I should take to do the engraved lines across a solid sphere similar to the image below? For the continents I was ...
busymetal's user avatar
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how would i render a normal map of a model?

let's say I have a bunch of rope models (all the deep crevices and spirals. multiple ropes together). I want to take that rope bundle and get the height data from that scene as a normal map.
mehnoy's user avatar
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Normal map to height (black and white)

How to convert normal maps (the colorful ones) into black and white maps (height) with some nodes to use them later?
Alex's user avatar
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Shading problem while creating a heightmap

I am trying to create a heightmap from blender GIS addon. I am pretty sure that i have applied correct nodes for creating a heightmap (following a video) but the shading viewport shows only bright ...
Ayush Kumar's user avatar
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tearing in object using displacement map

im working on an object that has displacement. it has 4 sides that will be seen. the 2 long sides and the 2 short sides. the long sides have materials separate from the short sides although they are ...
desperrrr's user avatar
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Turn black and white image into normal map blender

I have an image like this: I want to map it into a normal map, with black being lower parts and the white parts being raised. I tried this node map: But its evidently not working. How can I ...
Aaron's user avatar
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How to "create" a bigger height difference between the continents and oceans of this Earth model?

I assume missing something very basic, but I can't for the life of me figure out a way to properly increase the "height" of the continents . Still sort of new in using Blender and I feel ...
CeRbErU30's user avatar
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Adjust mapping of displacement texture in EEVEE?

Because EEVEE requires the use of the displacement modifier rather than the displacement channel in the shader editor, is there a way to properly adjust the corresponding height map in parallel to the ...
Sandberg's user avatar
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How to use image textures to displace and colour planes to create a 3D bar chart (for data visualisation)

I'm trying to displace a plane using (a) a height map (greyscale) image texture to set the height, such that each pixel of the height map determines the height of a corresponding column and (b) ...
JohnH's user avatar
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Blender-GIS Get SRTM wont work

Hey I'm running Blender 3.0 and every time I try to get the elevation Data from the Website it shows me this Error: "Cannot reach OpenTopography Webservice, check logs for more Infos". So if ...
Freddy's user avatar
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Dune Simulation

Can this be done in Blender? I tried subdivide plane and use python. But subdivision as excepted don't go well. Then I tried material volumes, but can't get desired resolution and can't see how ...
Nika Tvildiani's user avatar
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Best way to lighten only shadows?

I have a simple scene (in Blender 3.0): in which I have a problem with shadows. The texture of the topographic map will go on this relief. So I need the shadows to be lighter - maybe something like ...
Filip's user avatar
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Strange surface of my height map using displacement node

I have problem with my height map. I plan to create a relief map using digital elevation model (DEM), which I will be able to print on A2 paper. I have DEM 10m (42 692 x 20 429 px) and in QGIS I clip ...
Filip's user avatar
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I want to convert a terrain mesh to a displaced plane so i can add google maps image texture

I want to make a game which is a bit like GTA but in my home town. I'm making the map in Blender. I found a 3d model from my towns website for geological data, it is CAD file, consisting of polygons. ...
Adrian's user avatar
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Issue with color value when loading rendered image in GIMP

I want to create a height map in Blender, for use in an external program, with specific color values for the different height levels. But when I import the rendered image (saved as Tiff) in GIMP, the ...
Nico's user avatar
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How to make grills in blender? [duplicate]

I'm following this tutorial on how to put grills on teeth but the artists uses C4D. There is a point where he changed the level of detail to increase the resolution of the image texture to make it the ...
Combo Star's user avatar
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Position a sphere on a heightmap [duplicate]

In my scene I have a heightmap (that is, a plane with a displace modifier) and a sphere. I want the z coordinate of the sphere to automatically match that of the heightmap when I animate the sphere's (...
maroxe's user avatar
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