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Deform a volume ray

I'm very new to blender so sorry in advance if my question is easy to answer. I want to create a god ray effect and followed a youtube video using a Voronoi texture. Here is the result: The results ...
Visualisor's user avatar
0 votes
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How to add Fall-Off texture to every instance in geometry nodes individually and keep each instances color?

In Geo Nodes I have a setup that creates these colored circles on certain points. This circles are overlapping and thus not all colors are visible right. I have a texture with a fade/fall-off. But I ...
Prtstrk's user avatar
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Mesh showing through on objects after changing from EEVEE to Cycles

I'm very much a beginner and going through the Blender Guru tutorial for a donut and I'm so close to finishing but after rendering it into Cycles from EEVEE, the curved mesh is showing through on the ...
quailtrail's user avatar
-5 votes
1 answer

thunderstorm seen from ISS shader for surfaces

can you give a hand (some tutorial, shader editor diagram snip, or other stuff, to give a solution) to not proffesional blender user, how to create thunderstorm shader for flat surfaces/areas like we ...
Mr sudzio's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Controlling an animated shader with a proximity Geo nodes

I am trying to use Geo Nodes to control my animated shader on multiple objects. What I want is to use an object so that when it comes closer to objects, it starts to animate and eventually becomes ...
N03's user avatar
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2 votes
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Transparent Glass Material Eevee Blender version 4.2

I encounter difficulties in creating glass material in Blender version 4.2. Same scene in Blender 4.1 work fine, but in version 4.2 the glass material is not still transparent... I have attached here ...
diniulian's user avatar
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How can i create a detailed sandstone?

How can I create a detailed sandstone material?
Blate nogion's user avatar
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Why the renderded edge of Volume looks dark? [duplicate]

I made a cylinder to hold a Gaussian beam. The intensity is calculated by the equation of the Gaussian beam. And the material is set like this (I make every choosable color to #FF0000): The max value ...
user174030's user avatar
1 vote
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Maintaining consistent random colors for animated cars in Blender

I have a follow-up question regarding my earlier inquiry: Traffic animation with cars along a curve I want to animate cars driving along a curve and I want the colors of the cars to be random. So I ...
Pieter Léon's user avatar
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transparent looking shading not working [duplicate]

hello i need some help in the tutorial the eye the transmission to 1 and the alpha to 1 leads to cristal apeareance i need the pink ball inside the cristal ball but to look translucid on evee actually ...
John carmack's user avatar
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Shading different parts of a mesh [duplicate]

I’m beginning my journey with shading in Blender and I’m wondering how to assign different shading to the same mesh. For example, when I’m sculpting a creature and I want to shade scales in a ...
Łukasz Kwiecień's user avatar
0 votes
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Extract code from Blender Shaders

Still pretty new to blender here, but wow, i'm really enjoying working with it. Next question i've tried to search for information on, is: Is there any way to extract the input- and output-values from ...
Martin's user avatar
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Reflective water-like smoke shader

I want to make my smoke simulation look like water. How? I have trouble understanding how to work with volume shaders. Can I somehow convert it to surface?
Václav Musil's user avatar
4 votes
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How can I create a quantum fluctuation simulation?

I'm trying to replicate this real quantum fluctuations observation using Blender. So far, I have used Principled Volume and Voronoi texture to create clouds. However, I can't get my head around how ...
Hacker man's user avatar
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No Normal Output of the Bump Node

I want to use the "Normal" or "Reflection" output from the Texture Coordinate Node. If I do so, the Bump node does not display any normal data. As You can see, the bump node should ...
Marius's user avatar
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Even if "Backface Culling" is not checked, the mesh will still be incomplete

Just like the gif shows. Even when I disable shaders, some meshes still don't show up. But those meshes definitely exist when I check in Edit Mode. The normal direction is correct, and Backface ...
DZ Naught's user avatar
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Make beach waves with shading

I have the following scene: I would like to add a white outline to the water to simulate the foam from the waves clashing into the shore. I was wondering if there was an easier way than needing to ...
LD Furlán's user avatar
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My 3D model in .glb is not being exported same as seen in blender view [duplicate]

I created a 3D scan from an external App. I imported the .glb file in blender and added a hue/saturation node to fix colours. When I export the edited model in .GLB, it does not come out same as seen ...
Rumshaa Yunus's user avatar
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i want to mix a texture with noise texture and only want it to be shown where noise exists

i have a grunge texture mask and noise texture, i want grunge to only be visible where it is white in noise. i tried mixing both but, was losing the details of the grunge map while doing so. how do ...
lost protonbender's user avatar
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Emulate Substance Painter edge wear in Blender material?

I'm trying to emulate the following edge wear map (generated in Substance Painter) in Blender: One of the key aspects of this map that I am trying to recreate is the relatively low amount of high ...
Rossilaz's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Cycles and OSL : how to implement a custom closure

I'd like to implement a custom shader in OSL (Open Shading Language) to reproduce the Hapke reflectance model (it allows to visualize the opposition surge effect, visible on the moon for example). I ...
feellemon's user avatar
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How to disable anti-aliasing?

Side Note: I think I've solved the problem, so only respond if you really want to. This is a picture of my profile picture. Basically a dithering effect; and posterization effect with two values per ...
sojobee's user avatar
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Emission Shader Issue in Blender 4.1: Strength Above 1 or 2 Turns White

Whenever I'm using the emission shader in Blender 4.1 and increase the strength above 1 or 2, it turns white. I understand that putting high strength values should automatically dilute the selected ...
Jabson Nusayr Sarhan's user avatar
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Template to drag/drop an image to overlay a shader?

How to Automate Mixing Image Alpha with a Shader? In this case, using materialiq (a procedural shader) and mixing an image over it. With multiple shaders, this process is tedious. How can I automate ...
CountQuadula's user avatar
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Procedural texture looks granular with EEVEE -- how to smooth?

Noob here -- I religiously followed this tutorial (Procedural Saturn Planet Material): But his render engine was Cycles, mine is EEVEE. Because of this,...
SkyeBD's user avatar
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How to color a particle system with shader nodes

In my setup I color the particles by their Z value as shown in the image. Is it possible to color them based on whether they are inside or outside a reference sphere, as in the second image, or on the ...
Takuya Komeda 's user avatar
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How to change/invert color of image texture

I would like these bricks to be white instead of black. Adding a color ramp or invert node causes it to lose the enamel quality that I am trying to maintain, and makes it greyish instead of white. I ...
lil guy's user avatar
2 votes
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The Transmission weight = 1 in Blender 4.1 BSDF Node doesn't allow see through the object

In blender 4.1 when I use BSDF Node with Transmission weight = 1 the light doesn't pass through the object.
Nader Chinichian's user avatar
2 votes
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Transparent image showing background and not logo in Blender

I have a transparent image in Blender that is only showing the background, not the actual subject I am trying to get it to show The image shows up properly in paint: But not in Blender:
prestonferry's user avatar
0 votes
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Get Transparent BSDF to work in Cycles as it is working in Eevee

I'm unable to make the Transparent BSDF work in Cycles the way it it working in Eevee. I have the same node setup for both and in case of Cycles it is rendering the parts that should be transparent as ...
Broly's user avatar
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2 answers

Proximity colors between instances of a same pack

I'm trying to do a little effect where instances (any kind) on points would change their color based on the proximity of another instance. Thanks to some tutorials and questions here, I've ...
Zazou Z's user avatar
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Can't see my smooth shading button in Dyntopo

Can't see my smooth shading button like everyone does in Dyntopo
Harsh Jain's user avatar
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How can one randomize both instance topology and instance shading variation across object instances?

I created several parallel instances of a wooden beam object using the following Geometry Node Tree: And with the following Shader Node Tree: As expected, each instance of the beam has the same ...
Andrew's user avatar
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How to combine texture and normal map to create procedural paper/cloth material?

Let's say we want to create a shader (in Eevee, no displacement) to mimic crumpled paper or wrinkled cloth. If we just use the paper or cloth texture with a noise texture + bump-node as normal map the ...
darksun's user avatar
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How to use transparent shader so mist pass won't show on crow feathers

I am rendering a scene in Blender with mist pass enabled. The scene has two crow characters that have feathers with a semi transparent shader. But since I have the mist pass on, the feather end up ...
Ali Al-Amri's user avatar
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How to re-achieve the effect made by negative math nodes

Recently there was an update to blender that ended up breaking one of my shaders, the update made sure we dont get negative inputs for closure nodes which I need in order to make the shader work as ...
A guest's user avatar
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Is it possible to make a texture map that controls where shadows appear? And can I use that same map to display stylized dynamic shadows?

I'm making a low poly character (think like a mixture between a psp character and a character model from final fantasy 8) that makes it difficult to display rendered shadows without it looking Jank as ...
Ivory Bird's user avatar
-1 votes
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Can someone please help me make this metal material?

Hello, Is someone able to help me make this material please. I am modeling screws and I can't seem to achieve that material with its imperfections Thanks
Chuckles's user avatar
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How to prevent Blender from renaming appended objects' shared data blocks

I'm running into an issue with appending objects in Blender. I have a file (File A) with several objects that share the same Geometry Nodes modifiers, Node Groups, and materials. When I append these ...
Pieter Léon's user avatar
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Glass Dispersion Shader with blurred sides

I'm wondering how I could create that kind of shader (screenshot) in which only the sides are "blurred" or "rough", but the front and back are kind of clear. My node setup for ...
adrian.blender's user avatar
1 vote
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Image in UV Editing workspace lookings faded in the viewport

I added an image to my object in the UV Editing workspace, unwrapped it, and rotated it to be right side and in the middle, but on the other side of the head, the image is almost faded and not vibrant?...
Nyny's user avatar
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4 votes
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How can I create Meteoric Metal in blender?

so I saw this post on reddit recently but the post is 7 years old so I don't know if the OP will respond but basically I want to create meteoric metal in blender for some projects here is the link to ...
Omer Hayat's user avatar
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Geo Node Sample Average Material

With Geo Nodes I am generating spheres along a mesh with multiple materials, I would like to have the spheres inherit the materials they are closest to and when along a border to average the shaders ...
SawyerM's user avatar
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translucent white resin with embeddings - material

I need to make a volumetric translucent material, possibly working in EEVEE. It is a white semi-translucent resin with objects embedded. The embedded objects are more visible near to the surface of ...
stmaccarelli's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Light Path: Is Shadow Ray Not working

The way I usually approach it isn't working. I've followed numerous tutorials and read forums and the way I have it set up should work. How to resolve this issue?
Cameron Moorcroft's user avatar
3 votes
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How do I get the Transparent Background to appear transparent, not black using emission shaders?

I am attempting to use a png but I want it to light up. I've accomplished this however the transparent background is showing up black. How do I correct this?
Zippa's user avatar
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Better ways to do stylized low resolution shadows?

What options / tools are there to create stylized shadows in Blender? I have been able to find a method that works in the way I want, but at the cost of adding thousands of extra triangles to my ...
NPO's user avatar
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No lights, ambient occlusion, or emmision but object still lighted

I'm doing testing with geometry nodes and textures and when i go into rendered, cycles, the objects are illuminated even though the light object is disabled and there isnt an ambient occlusion option ...
Chirping Wolf's user avatar
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How to create scatter shader? [duplicate]

I am trying to make a scatter shader that will scatter an image. The problem I am facing is that the images are clipping at the border. I want this kind of result. I found a similar solution but the ...
Karan's user avatar
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How do I combine 2 shaders so that only one principled bsdf shader is connected to the material output?

Hello everyone, blender noob here. I have 2 shaders, both of which are connected to a mix shader, which is then connected to the material output. While this works fine and gives me the results I want, ...
user18074777's user avatar

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