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12 questions from the last 7 days
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2 answers

Strange Shading Artifacts

I'm fairly new to Blender modeling and I'm following a Blender Guru Chair Modeling Tutorial. At Some Point, I realized there were weird shading artifacts in my geometry, as you can see in the picture. ...
Xinyu Sunny's user avatar
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1 answer

Sample output of diffuse BSDF with pixelated texture coordinates

I'm not sure the title of this question really makes sense. Basically what I'm trying to do is create pixelated lighting from the output of a Diffuse BSDF + Shader to RGB, so that the pixels are ...
Some1's user avatar
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White screen gray image

When I try to render image, I get a white background and solid gray silhouette of my image. Not sure if I made a mistake during shading. I will attach my Layout, Shading, and Rendering screens here.
SYD UNIVERSITY's user avatar
-3 votes
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What's wrong with my script! Shading Nodes won't place!

Currently trying to wrap my head around why my script won't place my Brightness/Contrast Node in the desired location and configuration. Shaders for all materials are currently arranged and directly ...
The Vision Tunnel's user avatar
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Find "2D plane" shape and use it for a shader? [closed]

Hard to explain, but I am trying to achieve a traditional 2d animation look and want to have the pink grain shader shown in the pic copy the shape path of the object. And be able to move it, ...
jon's user avatar
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1 answer

In material nodes, can I use Texture Coordinate and vector math instead of drivers to copy rotation from an object?

I have a material that uses a rotation that I get with drivers from an object. This method works but I wonder if I can avoid drivers, by using some combination of the Texture Coordinate node that ...
miahelf's user avatar
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How to fix pixels in text [closed]

I need to remove the pixels in my text. I add it through Image Texture and add bump node. But bump node works wrong. How to fix that
zhyk's user avatar
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Streamline Shader using Shader Nodes

I have created these streamlines in geometry nodes Animation Here However, I am limited as these streamlines are geometry and the vertices/polygons really start to add up. There is a way to do ...
TheJeran's user avatar
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Cavity shading in different model sizes problem

I have a trouble with cavity shading in viewport. I really like using it, but I notice it doesn't work as I would expect with bigger objects. Is there a way to make it more visible keeping the desired ...
Piotrek B.'s user avatar
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Faulty Node Setup

I'm currently part the way to isolating the windows in this building by color range/threshold. I'm happy to keep the emissive areas as is, but have been unsuccessful in making the black areas ...
The Vision Tunnel's user avatar
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How to use USD Hydra addon to import MaxterialX library into Blender?

I've already installed the plugin, but it says "Workspace Url is required, check Addon Preferences", causing Properties Editor > Materials Tab, Can't find the Material Library. Can you ...
seeker-hdc's user avatar
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0 answers

Apply a tint mask to a texture with specific parameters from Unreal Engine 5

I've got an ARGB tint mask which applies to a base color texture with some UE5 script which uses parameters from pic1 which I can't quite understand. How do I approach it with blender shader nodes?
Savard Oleggson's user avatar