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-1 votes
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2.79 Projects are textureless in blender 3.4

im trying to use some room from a compilatory of old game files, the thing is, when i load it into blender 3.4, it shows like this: but, when opening the file in blender 2.79, it shows normally is ...
Mike's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Varying shader texture offset in Geometry Nodes based animation

I would like to offset the texture for each of the moving circles created with Geometry Nodes so they do not all look identical. I thought this could be done with the initial starting coordinate of ...
ikkjo's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Image texture refuses to line up with the UVs

Even though my UVs are lining up with what I'm doing in the texture paint editor, the result does not visibly line up with what the UV map and image texture suggest it should look like. I have tried ...
Jedidiah West's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Objects darker than they should be

I created a texture with a white background, however when applying it to an object it is darker than it should be. Here viewed in rendered mode in Eevee, however the same happens in cycles: This is ...
cc959's user avatar
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How to make another image text appear on top of the existing image texture [duplicate]

It's connected like this. I want to add a heart-shaped image to a specific part. I want to turn the heart pattern on and off. so I have three questions. first, I connected it like this. Is this the ...
loejua2332's user avatar
0 votes
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Strange shadow being cast/ lights not diffusing correctly

I'm having an issue in one of my scenes where a half of the wall is darker than the other and the lights aren't illuminating it. There are no objects in the scene that could be making this darkening ...
Samuel R's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How can I create a ellipse gradient on flat plane?

I need to create a ellipse gradient to be used as a background in a animation but all I managed to do so far is this circle it works great but no matter what I try I cant change the shape of it.
Daniel's user avatar
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1 answer

How to join multiple object while the material with shader and uv stays the same?

I renamed all the uv so when it was merged it will be merged as 1 but even after uv is renamed etc. the looks still changes when joining. images after joining what causes this and how do I fix this? ...
Amin Wali's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How can I plug multiple image texture nodes into the base color?

I'm trying to put two different kinds of scratches on my mesh, but I'm not sure how am I able to mix the two image texture nodes into the base color. How can I do that?
AlivePositive's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

normal map node plugged in bump node have better results

hello ive been researching for a while now about how normal map works, one thing i acquire is that you simply cant just "strengthen" normal map since it stores vector data. and been messing ...
riesou morrs's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Turning on/off .psd layers inside Blender

Is it possible to turn on or off the visibility of specific layers on a .psd file from within Blender? Or better yet: pick Layer Comps within Blender. I'm asking so that I might use a single .psd file ...
FraggadeliX's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

RVT alternative in Blender?

The Story: Recently, I have stepped into using Unreal Engine for environmental design, pairing it up with Blender's fantastic modeling features. For starters, real-time rendering in Unreal is way ...
BlenderMaster15's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to prevent added texture from appearing on multiple sides of mesh when using generated coordinates?

I have a mesh that I would like to apply a decal to. I add the decal in as an emission shader and use a mix shader node with the alpha as the factor to easily make the decal appear on the side of the ...
lizardpeter's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

quality difference in models [closed]

As you can see, the main car to the left (Porsche) looks great, but the other cars look so wierd compared to it. I still want the porsche to look the best, but the others not to look so crappy ...
Hosam's user avatar
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How do I change the direction of wood texture for other objeccts?

Normally I would make textures for wood that would go into X or Y direction because when I rotated objects the texture would look like the seat in this picture. Rather than create textures for each ...
Goober900's user avatar
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Seams on texture become visible only when zooming out

I have a model with a texture applied and this is what happens when the model is viewed from far away : There are those white lines visible where the seams are but only when viewed from far enough, ...
mqbaka mqbaka's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Procedural texturing for inside of cherry

Hello, I’m wondering how to create a procedural texture for the inside of a cherry (just the “meat”) as pictured above. Help would be appreciated. Thank you!
teamultradrive's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How can I create a copper coil texture in Blender?

I want to create a realistic-looking stator in Blender, but I don't have any idea how to create the texture. I didn’t find one either. This is the coil look I aim to achieve, and below is what I ...
Marvin W's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

What to do with these nodes to create radial gradient effect... Also how to add 3rd color to mix node?

I am attempting to create a certain screen-like effect with my nodes here... Here's the material I have along with the node set up, I annotated th e part I think I am having trouble with...: I want ...
Marmariyis's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Bump/Displacing does not change anything

I'm using Blender 3.3.1 under Ubuntu 22.04. I'm a newbie with this application and I'm reading the docs and a lot of tutorials. Given an imported mesh (a cylinder, saved in obj format) I want to ...
Mark's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I make led light strips effect, in EEVEE or even in Cycles?

I have tried a lot to make such a realistic led light effect, but couldn't do so. Tried making plastic material and placing point lights in it, but that didn't help. Even tried using emission, but ...
Tally's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Why can't I zoom in Shader Mode?

New to Blender and starting out with the famous doughnut tutorials from YouTube. I am to the point learning about texture. The issue I am facing is once I switch to Shading mode from Layout the ...
BuckMulligan's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Principed BSDF not work with texture image

I am currently trying to achieve my terrain texture. So far no problem but not for the last texture. Here's where I'm at right now (without any problem): Each group (GravelNode, LeaveNode…) Contains ...
erloup's user avatar
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0 answers

Geometry Node Proximity Shader Question

question in this video the person was able to get colors on the cube without subdiving the cube and instead he was using vertex colors, and yes ...
Loko's user avatar
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How do I get rid of the forrest reflection in my glass surface?

Hello, so I'm attempting to use glassy surfaces for the first time. My aim is to see the brown roof in the house from the outside. Therefore full Transmission is required. The problem is that I can't ...
George Tsiklauri's user avatar
2 votes
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Shading not realistic - can you shed any light on this for me? (pun intended!)

Hi all, I’m creating some furniture models based on some real-life pieces of furniture. There’s a type of cabinet door where the shading just doesn’t look right when I render the model. The door is ...
Andy_C's user avatar
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How can I add mesh texture based on my applied shader? (glTF file)

So I used this YouTube guide to import league of legends models from the game so that I can SLA 3D print them with insane detail. The problem is that the object itself looks like this: Blah. And with ...
Steven's user avatar
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1 answer

Animating Shader Noise Texture Node Randomly Every Nth Frame

How may I move the Noise Texture every nth frame (e.g. 12 times per second)? I currently am using the #frame expression with Modulo, which does reduce the animation ...
Dr. Pontchartrain's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Generate Body Skin Texture from Head Skin Texture

I want to combine a character's body with another character's head. While tweaking the base skin color and brightness will get me far, the skin details and shading is still way off between both body ...
Blender Noob's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Image Texture with opacity map over another material

I am trying to get an image texture with an opacity map to appear over another texture, but I am having some trouble getting the base material to show under the texture I am attempting to apply. I am ...
Tyler Freeman's user avatar
0 votes
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UDIM texture correct in "Material Preview Shading" in viewport but different in "Rendered Shading" (Cycles)

I set up a UDIM texture and got it working right when looking at it in "Material Preview" mode in the viewport. I'm wrapping it around a sphere and the UV map has been adjusted to cover the ...
Nathan's user avatar
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Is there a way to adjust the Nishita sky horizon location?

I'm wondering if there is a way to keep the horizon lined up with the ground while having a higher and more oblique camera angle, and without having to extent the ground plane excessively. I was ...
Pixo's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How can I create this imperfection?

I would be happy if someone could recreate this for me or give me tips on how to recreate this imperfection. EDIT: I've almost solved the problem, the only problem I'm stuck with right now is that I ...
hristineBer's user avatar
0 votes
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help with requested paint finish

I've been asked to reproduce a paint finish such as the image shown, I have tried using a texture but when it is scaled over a large area the repeat becomes obvious. should this been done procedurally ...
ade rees's user avatar
1 vote
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How Do I Make Fast Ship Contrails/Wake

I am working on a project involving boats. It looks really plain right now, but I wanted to add some contrails behind the boat to make the scene look better. Something like in the examples but smaller ...
Bluffyyy's user avatar
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Randomizing node tree that is not working as expected

I created this randomizer that should be able to output one of two input colors randomly. I understand that using a White Noise Texture should return a value from 0.0 to 1.0. So I should be able to ...
rtwhite's user avatar
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How do force textures to map to a vanishing point like distant traintracks?

I want egyptian hieroglyphics to 'scroll' down the face of a pyramid, and stretch out horizontally as they reach the bottom. But at the moment they're refusing to shrink to the 'vanishing point' at ...
MeltyButter's user avatar
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Banknote is faded

I am modelling a slim wallet with some bank notes on the back. Unfortunately, when I light the scene the bank note loses the color and looks faded. I reduced the lights to a minimum but that didn't ...
Jonas's user avatar
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How to make this texture look round and smooth?

I want to remove the hard edge of this texture as its bend and turn it into more of a round edge as show in this reference image But with the existing geometry, I can only get hard edges. I cannot ...
Muzamil Iqrar's user avatar
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Toon Shader + Textures, how could i do?

I'm using a Classic Toon Shader, but I dont know how I could combine a texture with that shader Now if I put the Fac of the mix node to $0,5$ this happens How could I combine the two without losing ...
TheDarkRockman's user avatar
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Workaround massive bool operation

I have this formation of objects. These are around 23.000 cylinders and a Sphere in the middel. I need to make a hole everywhere a cylinder intercepts with the sphere and then export this sphere to an ...
Alec's user avatar
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Is it possible to recreate iPhone pro frosted glass material using Blender's standard shader nodes?

Apple "Pro" iPhone models have had a frosted glass back material for a while now and I am not quite sure how to incorporate such a material in my models using Blender's standard shader ...
Immanuel Sabwami's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Is there any way to mask out parts of a texture to make it a different colour to the rest?

Been following this really great tutorial from "Critical Giants" on how to make procedural planets, and to begin, I wanted to try making an Earth-like planet. While I've got a decent ...
Overworked Potato's user avatar
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Why are there strips of faces that are a different color from the Base Color? [duplicate]

My model has these small parts of it that are miscolored, and I don't know why. I think it might be related to the lighting. Does anyone know why this is, or what causes it? I'm new to Blender, and I ...
Meme Cereal's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How to make a circular grid in geometry nodes?

I was following Blender Guru's latest tutorial of LED in geometry nodes ( I wanted to get the same results but on a circular grid. [Model Below] Blender Guru uses a grid ...
Muzamil Iqrar's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

Procedural Border Detection on a Flat Object

My aim is to create a border around a dynamically changing flat surface. AO and Pointiness don't work obviously. The image below is from here which illustrates my goal somewhat. I would like to have ...
Alan's user avatar
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Can't texture small wall without it looking weird or artifacts on the edges

I created a small wall, next to a road and put some pbr wall texture on it. I am trying forever to get rid of these artifacts and thought it is because of uv mapping. First I did cube projection ...
patrick823's user avatar
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How do I avoid this weird pixelated effect when creating a grunge texture?

So I was informed by one of the moderators that my post's title was not specific enough. So I decided to just create another one that aligned more with my problem and deleted the last post. Hope that'...
objectedbear431's user avatar
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Issues with Shadows (Followup)

Yesterday I made a post about how my character didn't have any shadows rendered on it, the person who answered the question said he couldn't explain very much without a screenshot, so here's the ...
Agent Evan's user avatar
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Creating textures for other programs

I created a chain mail with blender. I would like to be able to export only texture images (like BaseColor, Diffuse, Metalness, Normals, Roughness) without 3d object, to use them in other programs ...
Iacopo Guarneri's user avatar

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