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Questions tagged [layers]

Prior to Blender version 2.8, Layers were used to separate objects in a scene. This tag is specifically for questions related to using layers in blender 2.79 or earlier.

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How do I disable lights by default when I create a new later in grease pencil?

New layers always have "Lights" checked. I have to go through each layer and uncheck it, which is annoying and time-consuming. Is there a way to disable this by default?
buttheadsman's user avatar
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Old user interface ( object data properties ) for Blender 4.0?

Is it possible to get the older interface of the tab Object data properties for Blender 4.0? It's the main reason i never use newest blenders , i'm mostly intestred by the older Skeleton layers system ...
ShuLien022's user avatar
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Bone Layer Won't Change

For context I am Using Blender Somehow I've managed to get all of my bones unassigned from any layer, I'm trying to put them on a layer so I have access to them, I'm Selecting them in the ...
Kwaiikkn's user avatar
2 votes
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Where are the rig layers in blender 4.1?

I am currently using the Blender 4.1. It seems like they removed or moved bone layers, does anyone know where it is now? This is what it looks like in 4.1
Isak Fjeld Rasmussen's user avatar
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How can I get one grease pencil object to appear inside another?

So, I've been having this issue for the last couple of days and I'm sure its my lack of knowledge on how Grease Pencil Objects work and/or interact with each other. Let me give some details. I ...
HiFreequencyVibez's user avatar
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Rain Rig Layers Not Showing Up in the Setting Bar

I downloaded the rain rig and opened it in Blender 4.0 and the layers settings aren't showing up. Is rain not compatible with 4.0? (It's the same in object mode and pose mode.
Snow Echo's user avatar
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Give layer scenes their own color overlay, but keep the hireachy of whats in front and in the back

I have this example scene with Cubes, Cylinders and Spheres, split into 3 different layer scenes. I split them up so I in the Compositing can give the different objects a specific color overlay. The ...
LateChicken's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

create a drive based on the name of the active layer

I saw this video. It explains how to use a py script to retrieve the layer number to use that value in a driver or ...
André Ruf's user avatar
0 votes
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Why did this weird object appear in blender, and how do I get rid of it?

I am new to Blender and I'm following the Blender Guru's donut tutorial. I made it all the way to part 10, when this bizarre object appeared. It seems like it is somehow attatched to my icing layer, ...
Emma's user avatar
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1 answer

Have Bone/Pose position layers moved?

[![layers not shown][1]][1] Image 2 is of Blender 4.0 version which doesn't show skeleton, instead it shows something pose and also it doesn't show 32 layers as that of image 1. How can I fix it? I am ...
Nehal Gadkar's user avatar
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Possible to have unique sculpts of linked mesh?

I have a character base mesh and want to make variations of it that share the same underlying topology, a common use-case for games. "Duplicate Linked" shares the underlying mesh in the way ...
mr.b's user avatar
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Blender 4.0: Rigify Rig Layers on Viewport Ntab not populating. Blender 3.6 works ok

Setup: Blender 4.0.2 Animation with two (2) Rigify-rigged characters in same scene. Problem #1: 3D Viewport; Ntab; 'Item/Rig Layers' is blank (not populated). '../Rig Main Properties' and '.../...
Terrence Zavecz's user avatar
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Light layer in blender

So i was editing light on this road and suddenly new light layer wont work. Even tho the old light layer behind still working. Can someone help?
Huy Tom's user avatar
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Duplicating GreasePencilFrames changes their editing behaviour? (Bug?)

Im instancing some GreasePencilFrames via code. With: ...
Ommadawn's user avatar
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How to change the duration of a Layer in Blender?

How to change how long a layer is visible, for example for making blinking eyes or having a character disappear
materadv09 mater's user avatar
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Blender is laggy when using Grease Pencil with long animation

My laptop is i7 12700h Nvidia GeForce RTX 3050 Ti, with Blender 3.5 on Windows 11, but it is pretty laggy in Blender especially now because I'm working on a project with a lot of frames. Specifically ...
knight beheadedknight14's user avatar
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Is there a way to incorporate a PNG with stroke layers using Grease Pencil

I am animating a hand holding a crayon. The hand is a 2-D grease pencil stroke layer with a full layer and the crayon is a PNG imported as a plane. I was able to animate the crayon to move around with ...
TuffWaffles's user avatar
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How to export foreground collection objects without changing it's light setup?

My scene If anybody can provide send a link to a tutorial how to export separatly my objects, when i isolate my foreground the hdri makes everything bright.
Dimitar Drew's user avatar
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Can't render shadows the way I want

I'm setting up render layers and I am stuck on something I know is really silly. I just want to render a background plane where 2 objects casts shadows to. My goal is to have 3 different image ...
Sumatra's user avatar
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Find Bmesh face, given mesh polygon

Blender's OBJ exporter has a main loop that iterates over object mesh polygons, rather than using Bmesh. I have added a customer integer data layer to an object's Bmesh and now want to access it ...
Octavius_Ace's user avatar
3 votes
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Is there a way to lock a bone layer?

I know bones can be arranged by layers in the armature properties. Is it possible to somehow "lock" a layer so that all bones in that layer cannot be selected?
Pancakes's user avatar
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Help darken stars as they enter the bounds of nebulas

I am new to Blender. I am trying to create a skybox of a sort that involves an HDRI and procedurally generated stars, fog, and nebulas. I was following Kaetsu's Studio tutorial to create stars and ...
superpav's user avatar
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Render Layers Shadows

I have two render layers: SCENE & OBJECTS and I want to render them separately and combine them in the compositor. Why I don't have the shadows from the objects (in the foreground) layer ...
Daniel's user avatar
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How can I execute a code/function when a Grease Pencil layer is renamed?

I'm making a grease pencil addon, and to mantain my system integrity, I need to check when a grease pencil layer has been renamed. (As far as I know, their name act basically as an ID). I need to know ...
Ommadawn's user avatar
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How to switch the sweep layer (UW Map) on all selected objects at all once?

I was asked to clarify the question, okay. There are many objects with the same number of sweep channels (UW Maps). All sweep channels (UW Maps) on each object have the same name. I need to select all ...
Sergsk's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I make it appear as if there's an outline around the object, as if it's selected, but this being for appearance reasons

Very much like this orange outline here, but I need this outer layer but purple and part of the actual model itself.
Googolplexia's user avatar
-4 votes
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Placing a flat box layer on the bottom

I'm trying to place a flat box layer on the bottom of every objects but how? The layer goes on top of them instead.
Davy YG's user avatar
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the object behind is visible

While editing, the text is behind the curtain. but during rendering (picture 3) the text appears in front.
muffin man's user avatar
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Trying to use an accurate reference (GIS/Google map) to help create a Stylized NPR (comic/cartoon) background/midground for an animation

I'm relatively new at Blender and trying to make an animation with a specific location in mind. I have the addon BlenderGIS to help me generate the area for my scenes, but not sure how to go about ...
Scott LaMere's user avatar
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All my objects have disappeared

I don't know where all my objects went. I think I pressed something wrong, but when I press slash or alt+H nothing happens. All of the meshes are grayed out. I think I am in the right layer. Here is a ...
Please help's user avatar
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Turning on/off .psd layers inside Blender

Is it possible to turn on or off the visibility of specific layers on a .psd file from within Blender? Or better yet: pick Layer Comps within Blender. I'm asking so that I might use a single .psd file ...
FraggadeliX's user avatar
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How to rename the layers in 2D animation

I want to have an organized layer by changing the names, but I don't know how.
AnimeIsHealthy's user avatar
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Layers can't be edit because they are locked

My layers claim they are locked but the ones I am editing or at least trying to edit are not allowing me to do so. The one I am trying to erase is the background layer.
Papa Pastrami's user avatar
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Animation render problems

I have an animation with a layer for the background and a layer for the armature. Buy when i render animation, the character and armature appears gray.any ideas?
Chadley123's user avatar
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Deactivate all layer except selected

I was wondering if there is a way to automatically hide all layers except the selected one (in the same way ⇧ Shift + H hides selected objects. This is more useful than ⇧ Shift + Alt + H shortcuts in ...
Vincent De Nil's user avatar
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Missing layer/object when exporting

i've only been using blender for a few days. However i've been stuck trying to export a project however one of the object in there doesn't export. the only Difference with the object is that it has a '...
camwrob's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

My armature disappeared in pose/object mode

My armature is not visible in object/pose mode. I may have moved it into a layer but I'm not sure how to make it reappear.
EverBlazen's user avatar
5 votes
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Would possible to put patterns or it on the skin of a 3D character so that they stay as static backgrounds and not change as they move like "Chowder"

Could anyone please tell me how to make static backgrounds for 3D character skins or shirts like this in Chowder from Cartoon Network? To understand clearly, please, show me your explanation in a ...
Logan Freeman's user avatar
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export image slices of model for resin printing

How can I export individual images of a model for daylight resin printing. Basically slicing the model into layer images. The idea is to use Arduino to display each image on a LCD for a few seconds to ...
Coetzer69's user avatar
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Onion skin option disappeared

I have run into a problem. I'm new to blender, and i'm working on an animation. The onion skin button was working/showing and then it disappeared from the layers menu. Could anyone help me bring it ...
van's user avatar
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How to fix the Data Transfer (CLOSE) I FIGURED IT OUT

Okay, I finally got the one problem fixed now it's another one. So sorry I'm such a noob! Anyhow, as it shows in the picture when I go to do a data transfer zero uv_0 or uv_1 shows up to apply. Where ...
WillowRose's user avatar
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Can UV Layers be applied over procedural textures? [duplicate]

I am planning out a future project and I am planning to create a procedural wood texture for the front of a wooden sign. I also have created some PNGs in Illustrator that I want to use as UV layers ...
Emilia Fredrickson's user avatar
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Sequencer is Rendering In Eevee Vs Cycles and looks different than Viewport

I camera tracked some footage in my alley to try and composite some models but when I hit render either all my models disappear when rendering from viewport or I get a weird shading when rendering ...
Steven Caban's user avatar
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Layers and keyframes not showing in Summary

Why are the layers not showing up under the Summary tab? I have tried to find out for hours, but i can seem to figure it out.
Jesper Bjerre's user avatar
3 votes
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there are easy way to set / order 2d object depth in blender?

there are easy way button / shortcut / plugin to set depth each object in blender? TLDR: I need button / function like this: Long Version: I'm (try to) use blender for 2d animation, where I import ...
udn jelek's user avatar
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Add layers in blender 2.93

I am new to blender I downloaded it just now. I am trying to add a new layer in 2D Animation but I don't know how to. I am using Windows 10. Any help will be accepted.
Yoplayer 1's user avatar
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How do I split up geometry without any gaps?

I'm trying to better organize my scene and I'd like to split up my geometry into some parts. However, there always remains a gap in between the parts and I don't get why. Of course, I can easily join ...
Laz007's user avatar
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Enabling collection unhides all objects

Whenever I enable a collection in Blender, it unhides all objects that I've selectively hidden. This is very irritating as it means I needs to rehide the objects I want hidden, or keep objects in ...
Lucas Holden's user avatar
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Moving keyframes layers greasepencil

Can you move multiple keyframes from one layer to another, like Animate etc?
tom_supernova's user avatar
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Where can I find the rig layer menu in blender 2.9

in blender 2.8 the rig layer menu appears when pressing the "N" button, but where can I find the rig layer in blender 2.9
Haza's user avatar
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