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Experimenting with creating an opal-like material (UPDATE)

I've been wanting to create a material that attempts to mimic the look of a white opal gemstone. The biggest issue I am having is figuring out how to effectively create the streaky rainbow effect on ...
Robin Sebbag's user avatar
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Geometry Node Attribute Unusable on Density (Shader Nodes)

I've found something weird. I have an Fac Attribute in my geometry nodes (it's a simple gradient). When I use it in Shader Nodes, it works, but not for the density value on volume absorbtion or volume ...
leevmealone's user avatar
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Dilate/Erode image in Shader Editor?

In the compositor you can dilate/erode an image based on pixel brightness, like this : I'm wondering if there is a way to do the same in the Shader Editor (maybe with some clever vector math?). I'm ...
ChameleonScales's user avatar
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Procedural tile texture with different column width and tile lengths

I'm quite new to textures in Blender and still trying to understand how to create procedural textures using nodes. I'd like to create an approximation of these tiles. There are three column widths, a ...
georgehickey's user avatar
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Streamline Shader using Shader Nodes

I have created these streamlines in geometry nodes Animation Here However, I am limited as these streamlines are geometry and the vertices/polygons really start to add up. There is a way to do ...
TheJeran's user avatar
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How can I make shiny fish scales like these in blender?

I want to make a mermaid character whose scales are iridescent and very reflective/shiny, but without the ugly and unwanted reflection of nearby objects, just like real fish scales. I tried to do it ...
István Laurencsik's user avatar
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How can I get the final evaluated material color of each face?

I want to be able to get the final evaluated color for each face regardless of what shader node setup I have. I just want to get the final color result flowing into the Base Color socket of the ...
Megan Love's user avatar
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RG(B) Map to create a toon/cel face shadow mask

First time modelling a proper anime-style character. I've been trying to create some smoother toon/cel shade-style shadows for the face of a character, I saw an idea used for Unreal that used an RGB ...
Rejala's user avatar
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Does anyone know how to get the color of the light?

I've been trying to figure out how to create a shader in the shader node editor that will take the color of whatever light is hitting the object and put that color all over the object. My intention is ...
Elora Browning's user avatar
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Is it possible to generate curvature mask from geometry normal?

I want the smooth and sharp curvature mask of geometry so that I can use it in a mix color > factor. I know we can do with ...
Karan's user avatar
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Default alpha value from attribute node

I was trying to use the alpha channel as an "exist" factor for a color attribute inside the shader editor and I discovered that the default value for this channel (as default I mean the ...
Felipe Del Rio's user avatar
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How to create L shaped brick pattern with shader nodes?

how can I create this L shaped pattern?
CodyKoInABox's user avatar
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Is it possible to convert a material shader mask to geometry in Geometry Nodes?

Hi I’m curious if it’s possible to convert a material shader’s mask into geometry somehow? I was thinking it might be possible with geometry nodes, but not sure how to access the shader mask ...
Jason's user avatar
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How to mix and animate a lot of shaders

So I have 12 shaders of rather complex materials. I need to be able to smoothly mix between these shaders and be able to animate this mix. At the moment I have this setup (12 shaders into a mix shader ...
NervEasy's user avatar
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How to control edge wear for only certain edges?

I'm following along with this tutorial He uses nodes to get the edge wear effect, but how do I achieve more control over this? Such as edge ...
Mike's user avatar
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Applying Specular Highlights Separately? (Eevee Nodes)

For a bit of context for what I'm stuck on: I'm working on an original anime/toon shader for skin. It takes the base texture colour and applies a colorramp-ed shadow from a principled bsdf shader with ...
Faolan's user avatar
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How to access triangle vertices and their attributes in shader nodes

Is there a way to access the attributes of a triangle or face associated with the currently processed fragment? I see that we can get barycentric coordinates for each face using Geometry node -> ...
Hitokage's user avatar
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In material nodes, can I use Texture Coordinate and vector math instead of drivers to copy rotation from an object?

I have a material that uses a rotation that I get with drivers from an object. This method works but I wonder if I can avoid drivers, by using some combination of the Texture Coordinate node that ...
miahelf's user avatar
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I have a painterly node group with brush direction input. I would like to be able to randomise across the model instead of being uniform please

I have managed to obtain a node group for a painterly style material which is close to perfection. However the brush stroke direction which is controlled is completely uniform. I would like to ...
Jimmy Jones's user avatar
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Ambient occlusion falloff

I am trying to work with the Ambient Occlusion node in Blender 4.2.0 using Cycles to try and get a nice gradient falloff on my background, however it's creating large triangular shadows in the corners ...
Doeba0ermo's user avatar
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Viewport Shading preview different than Render

I'm a complete newbie at Blender, trying to teach myself with web tutorials, and I'm completely stumped on this issue. The material shading render preview shows the effect I'm looking for, metallic ...
DrawbotDesign's user avatar
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Toon shader broken in Eevee 4.2

System Information Operating system: Windows-11 64 Bits Graphics card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 3070. Pilote version : 560.70 Blender Version: Blender 4.2 LTS Hi guys! The new Eevee version is out and I ...
Vouk's user avatar
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How can I use convolution matrix in Shader Node

I want to use a convolution matrix so that I can create a Gaussian Blur for the image without it having too much noise. I saw someone upload it to BlendSwap and also something else here on ...
Golden Dragon's user avatar
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Shader to render Flow map/Directional Map

I am creating a pipeline to render all needed maps to create haircards and I am missing the directional/flow map from hairs. Basically what I need is a material to override the render in cycles that ...
Julio Cesar's user avatar
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Attribute to material

I downloaded the .obj result from this tool: When I open it in blender I have to switch to viewport shading/ color/ attribute to see the shade. Is ...
darkon11's user avatar
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Spike lighting Toon Shader

I'm trying to get this kind of style in evvee with dynamic lighting: By displacing a simple toon shader i got this result : however since the displacement is only on the x-y axis it doesn't work if ...
javelfraise's user avatar
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Geometry nodes Directional Map from curves

I'm trying to make a directional map out of curves based on their direction. I thought of using the curve tangent node, but the result is not quite the same and the baked result doesn't work as ...
Alex's user avatar
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Is it possible to make Simplex, Perlin and Worley noise using shader nodes?

I want to create classic Simplex, Perlin, and Worley noise using shader nodes. The Noise Texture says it is a fractal Perlin noise but I want the classic Perlin ...
Karan's user avatar
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How to make gradient based bevel square?

I want to create bevel squares based on gradient values. I mean the corner of bevel should be a gradient value (if it makes sense). Related to this question Let's say I have these gradients in a grid. ...
Karan's user avatar
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How to build a scene with Curved World effect

Is there a way to have a curved world like Death Spank or Animal Crossing? This effect used to be called Rolling Log Effect (by Nintendo) also World Bending Effect is another name. This effect is a ...
Roozy's user avatar
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Black Outlines Showing with Shaders on a Curve Object

New to blender and have been digging into a lot of tutorials and trying to learn more about shaders and how they interact. I have a neon-like flicker effect on some text which is working well when the ...
osriusthebear's user avatar
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Can't add nodes in shader editor - Node list is Empty ( Blender 4.0 Factory Settings )

I can't add nodes in shader editor. It works for other menus. This is a fresh blender 4.0 stable install with factory settings. Any ideas ? Thank you
Grimstore Jax's user avatar
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Creating a fake point light with a normal map and empty game object

I'm trying to create a fake point light using a empty game object to have complete control of the color and shading. I get it to work pretty well using high-poly geometry by calculating the dot ...
hurmeli's user avatar
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Making an infinite box without compositor and without cycles?

I'm trying to do something like this The only differences are that I need to have objects ...
HeatLand1's user avatar
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Fixing Texture stretching with no UVs

So I have a nice dragon that I've been working on for quite some time. Recently I decided to add scales by the Shaders with a simple Texture image, which is connected to the Bump node (oh, and there ...
Golden Dragon's user avatar
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How to render prism refraction with Cycles?

The dispersion (red, green, blue) seems working under normal light conditions by using this methode Video. But in the extreme case of using a prism it does not, the prism stays dark, no matter how ...
PowerNow's user avatar
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I want fingerprint to appear only on the white color of the noise texture in the left how can I do that?

[![The right plane have fingerprints roughness i want them to appear only in the white value in the left plane]1
Blenderabi's user avatar
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How do I get rid of this shading pattern?

The artifacts appear when I increase the metallic factor in the bsdf shading node. Smooth shading is on, normals are correct, and I'm pretty sure there aren't any duplicate faces. I got the material ...
Ananias Ford's user avatar
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Randomizing via color ramp collection linked meshes with same material

I downloaded a container from blender swap. The container is made of various parts with different modifiers and so on. I am using collection instances to replicate the container, but I would like to ...
Bruno Suraski's user avatar
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Cycles Shader Nodes - Where/How to learn advanced and clever nodes

Where/How do I approach moving from an intermediate to advanced Cycles Shader node user? I recently came across a youtube landscape tutorial that shows how to mask off displacement of peaks with just ...
Jon's user avatar
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How would you randomize a wave texture per brick on a brick texture?

I followed this YouTube tutorial but have realized there's 1 problem. The wave textures in the video almost look like they're connecting even though it's seperated by black lines. My .blend file ...
Ur Mom's user avatar
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Cycles: out of SVM stack space, shader "" too big

Any idea on how to increase this? Im working with a rather large node tree and adding #noise.random() as an input value looks like the straw that broke the camels back. I'm able to get it to work if I ...
rtwhite's user avatar
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Is vector math node slower than math node?

I looked at and apparently Blender is pretty good at optimizing node trees. This made me wonder a ...
tempdev nova's user avatar
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How to get the actual light reflectance vector?

The texture coordinate node has an output called "reflection". But this "...
tempdev nova's user avatar
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How to give particles the emitter body's colours at points of ejection using Normal data?

I have an Emitter object shaded using its mesh's Normal data and doesn't have a texture applied. I want the particles it emit to inherit colours from their point of ejection but cannot seem to figure ...
jais's user avatar
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How do I create foam around the object?

I can do it, but using dynamic paint, baking the image and using it as a coordinate But the waveform completely misses the design! in this image I used texture coordinate and used monkey as value... ...
user116840's user avatar
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Procedurally Creating Tiny Imperfections using Shader or Geometry Nodes

I'm working on a project where I'm importing GCODE (that is a file that a 3d printer takes in and prints an object for you) and displaying it on Blender. This is what I have so far. Please understand ...
Vipul Rajan's user avatar
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Has the way the way the Shader to RGB node functions changed in 3.2?

So I'm using the 3.2 alpha, and was working on my comic which I do with a toon-esque render. But then, I noticed that my bump maps weren't functioning properly. After much tinkering, I tracked it down ...
lakan-inocencio's user avatar
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Is it possible to control particles with shader's texture?

I have this shader where gradient goes through an object and changing its color to red. I control this animation with an empty. I would like to add particles to the yellow part. Is it somehow possible ...
Firefly's user avatar
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How can I get my bump map less extreme?

So I am mixing a bump map and normal map. I can turn the strength down which gives the effect I want for the bump map, but that decreases the strength of my normal map which I do NOT want. I tried ...
j a s m i n e's user avatar