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Questions tagged [freestyle]

An edge and line-based non-photorealistic (NPR) rendering engine. Available in Blender since version 2.67. Use this tag for all of your Freestyle related questions.

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Freestyle with panoramic camera

I started using the panoramic camera, especially the fisheye equisolid, and upon trying to render a frame with freestyle, the lines are places as if the camera was still in the perspective lens type. ...
Throndronis's user avatar
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line art or freestyle border pass 2d fill object what can i do to stop this

strong text line art or freestyle border pass 2d fill object what can i do to stop this
chirag bhosale's user avatar
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Make freestyle-render completely ignore objects

I am trying to get the freestyle render to make a black line around all the monkey heads but as you can see in the image below. the render gets affected by the pink planes in the scene. The planes are ...
Ridertvis's user avatar
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Marked edge (freestyle) on alembic model not showing in render

I'm currently using blender 2.9 I'm having trouble with using freestyle line on an alembic, everything works apart from marked edges, and unfortunately I really need it. The first time I tried using ...
Fra's user avatar
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How can I get the outline of a shadow with Freestyle?

For a vector illustration project, I am looking for a way to extract the shadows of objects in Freestyle. Currently I am only able to export the object itself (with Freestyle Edge Marks and the ...
Arnaud Antkowiak's user avatar
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Is Freestyle this slow?

Rendertime is 1 min 35 seconds with this chair (60 k vertices) occluding the figure. Without the chair it's .3 seconds of render time
user62490's user avatar
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line art invisible

I am trying to make my viewport shader render as line art. Line art, grease pencil, freestyle.. i tried everything. Nothing i do makes any line show anywhere. I tried all render engines. All settings. ...
Erik W's user avatar
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Setting restrict_to_unvisited=false isn't working as I expected in freestyle.types.Operators.chain

I'm trying to write a chaining iterator for Freestyle to produce a single, fully-joined chain; mathematically, I believe this requires me to trace each line twice. I have written a simple chaining ...
user124778's user avatar
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Freestyle of and through Transparent Material (with a caveat) [duplicate]

I'm trying to get blender to render freestyle contours on objects behind a transparent material (literally transparent, not glass) and I can adjust the QI Range to max at 1, and while this does draw ...
tychodin's user avatar
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Freestyle rendering in EEVEE show's up on top of other greace pencil objects, how do i fix it? [duplicate]

When I activate the Freestyle setting in the render tab for my 3D objects and render it, the render of the lines are on top of my other grease pencil objects and intersects them in an unwanted way. Is ...
Hipple's user avatar
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Masking in different scenes

I am a bit confused how to manage my problem. I have got a setup of a building site with several cameras and about 150 objects. Now I want to emphasize one of these objects by using freestyle. Due to ...
Lutz's user avatar
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Can’t get freestyle to render

I am trying to render the wire frame of (any) model using freestyle. I have followed every tutorial I could find, and no matter what settings I check or uncheck, the outline never renders. I have ...
Erin's user avatar
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How to get a "smoothed" wireframe using Freestyle lines?

Let's say I have a cylinder. When I turn on smooth shading and auto-smooth, the side edges are smoothed out like this: So the question is, can I do that on wireframes? I mean I want to hide all the ...
Liuuzaki's user avatar
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I can't draw but I am super creative [closed]

Here's a beginners question. I have always been creative but I was never able to draw or put something on paper. However I can perfectly imagine my idea in 3D. Now I have found Blender and I hope I ...
Denzel's user avatar
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Can the SVG export export edges?

I would like to export the visible edges of a shape into SVG lines. At the moment, I am only able to export lines that are made visible by lighting: But I would like to export all the edges (for ...
MicroMachine's user avatar
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Is Freestyle Line Priority broken?

I can't seem to get the freestyle line priority in the material properties tab to work. The color is always the same as the base color set in the view layer properties. Here is the intended way for it ...
Kevin H's user avatar
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Freestyle "Material Boundary" not working?

I am trying to add an outline around this geometry, that is overlapping a plane. This is not the result I was hoping for. I thought the checkbox "Material Boundary" would solve my problem ...
SvenDraws's user avatar
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How to render edges without faces?

I wanted to improve my understanding in perspective. I created simple scene with rays from every cube's vertex and these rays meeting in one point. Now I want to render these rays. These are only ...
user99579's user avatar
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Camera view shows transparent object

This is how my imported stl looks inside the view port in Blender 2.92: When I view it through the camera it looks like this: The object seems to be transparent which is not what I want. Any ...
evolved's user avatar
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Freestyle line thickness based on lighting?

Is it possible to have a freestyle line render thin where the underlying geometry gets a lot of direct light and thick where it's not getting any direct light? I'm using a single light source in the ...
Booth's user avatar
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"Freestyle" lines not complete, missing or inexplicable

See title. I marked the inexplicable lines red and the missing ones green, how I would like it to be. I use cycles, does that matter anyway? What settings do I have to use or is there a good ...
itsaunix's user avatar
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What could cause these lines in Freestyle Rendering?

Ubuntu 18.04 Blender 2.91 Skill level: near pathetic I have a simple shape I'm trying to freestyle and it is rendering extra lines it shouldn't. I've seen this bug and it's not the same, my simple ...
SdBill's user avatar
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Transparent Alpha textures and Freestyle rendering

(Using version 2.83) When I use Transparent alpha and render image with Freestyle it keeps rendering transparent Edges and are visible, how do I make them invisible?
Donald MASH's user avatar
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The Freestyle check box in the Render tab reads "Freestyle SVG Export" instead of "Freestyle"

I'm using Blender 2.91. I've watched a couple of videos where the plugin is called "Freestyle" However, when I enable the only plugin I can find Preferences -> add-ons it called itself &...
Mike's user avatar
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Inconsistant edges and lights rendering for orthogonal pixel art with freestyle

I'm trying to recreate a Gameboy pixel-art style using a front-facing orthogonal view and freestyle for edges. My reference is this well-known picture from a pokemon game: My main problem is that ...
MattOnyx's user avatar
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Render an object with a freestyle outline, ignoring objects made invisible by holdout

I have a view layer. A few collections have holdout enabled, as I wish to mask out the area they occupy. However, freestyle outlines sections that shouldn't be visible Essentially, if I have the setup ...
user116120's user avatar
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Simplify freestyle svg

I am trying to export this part to an svg and would like to keep the exported paths as simple as possible: The result looks good at first However, when viewed in Inkscape the results I get are short ...
evolved's user avatar
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whats the best outline for toon/anime outlines, freestyle vs inverted hull method vs some other method i dont know in 2.9? [closed]

I'm doing anime style animations, but I'm having trouble figuring out what's the best outline method to use. Keep in mind this is full animations, not an image. I'll also be using 2d plane assets for ...
Juko The10-Tails's user avatar
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unwanted freestyle lines with poor-geometry sketchup import

I'm a street designer who usually works in Sketchup/AI, looking to move my rendering to Blender. Having issues with unwanted freestyle lines on an imported Sketchup model of a street design. The ...
Pete Robie's user avatar
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Any way I can remove everything except the outline?

Exactly like the question says. I'm using the freestyle tool. Is there any way to remove all the faces in this image and just keep the outline. Either in edit mode or rendering? Or do I need to learn ...
Martin Marino's user avatar
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In blender 2.9 how do I get freestyle to ignore transparent materials on a vroid character

I'm doing a more anime style animation and I'm using vroid to help with anime characters but it uses transparent materials for the eyebrows and eyelashes. Obviously if I'm using vroid for anime ...
Juko The10-Tails's user avatar
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What is wrong with my mesh? Freestyle render is glitchy and won't show certain lines

I’m a beginner modeler and make backgrounds for a personal comic in a freestyle render. But for some reason in this particular file, freestyle render is not working properly. Each line appears, ...
Mikoto Misaka's user avatar
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Freestyle line color from underlying material not working as expected

I'm trying to color freestyle lines using the underlying material. It looks like it should be able to pick up the RGBAa diffuse and specular channels, and the documentation agrees. But I can't make it ...
Antoine Perez's user avatar
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Outline works, but badly

I'm very new at Blender but have (or had) a pretty extensive knowledge of 3dsmax. So I've managed to make this shape, and even managed to do outlines to make it look like a drawing, which is what I'm ...
user1164625's user avatar
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Fisheye + Freestyle

I would like to render a freestyle line over a render with fisheye lens in 2.9. Is this possible?
Jehu Campos's user avatar
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How to copy Linesets between scenes?

I want to copy Linesets from one file to another. I appended the required scene from the source file to the target file. Then following THIS ANSWER from, I tried copy-pasting the ...
jais's user avatar
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Set Vertex Colors as Freestyle Line Colors

I was trying to figure out how to make the Freestyle line colors the same colors as the vertex paint but couldn't figure it out. Is this possible? If so how do I do it?
Troy Carpenter's user avatar
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How is the demo image for "Freestyle SVG Exporter" in the Blender manual made?

On the page for Freestyle SVG Exporter, there's a demo image with 2 monkey head with Freestyle stripes. How could those stripes be made?
Vun-Hugh Vaw's user avatar
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How to create wireframe fade off effect like this?

Can this be done with freestyle lines alone? or do I have to render separate layers and do it in the compositor?
Kevin's user avatar
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How do I use the Freestyle SVG Exporter to reproduce the examples in the documentation?

If I understand correctly from the severely short documentation page, the Freestyle SVG exporter can export a model to a SVG file using different styles: -a series of volumetric lines, as seen here: -...
MicroMachine's user avatar
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Freestyle renders broken contours

I have been playing with freestyle lately. I end up with the following wrong rendering with discontinuous contours on the blue shapes and I really don't understand why. The freestyle setting are ...
Gael's user avatar
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How do I get freestyle lines to render "behind" a mesh?

I'm using freestyle to create thick, bold black outlines around my models. I use a line set with external contour edge type at a high thickness value. The problem I am having is that my freestyle ...
user105417's user avatar
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How to assign freestyle attributes to different objects for rendering?

I have a quadrilateral mesh and a triangle mesh in my collection, for quadrilaterial we want to render the visible edge, for triangle mesh we want to render the whole boundary which included the ...
Jack Deng's user avatar
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How would I get this 3 tone lighting effect for edges?

I want to get this effect that defines the edges and then colors them with 3 tone coloring, I've tried with freestyle but I want to get the same effect, I think this wad one is workbench
Tech Crate's user avatar
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Freestyle Line Separated By Material

I am trying to have my freestyle line be separated by each individual material, so it goes around each material separately here is an image as you can see i am trying to mimic the portal stye of ...
Ned's user avatar
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is there a way to freestyle the trasnparent images?

So i made the mout on a plane and used a mix shader and transparent shader to make it transparent, i only want the external freestyle line, and want the mouth highlighted as well but it only out lines ...
Angel Doodles's user avatar
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Freestyle lines behind transparent plane blender 3d

Please, help me. I have a problem with Freestyle (eevee/cycles) I want to draw cube lines behind with transparency. I have already experimented with groups and collections (already in the past). Post ...
Tomcatdima B's user avatar
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Can Freestyle Visibility accuracy be improved?

It seems to me the freestyle visibility computation is erroneous. I am getting lines where they should not be visible. This is the scene I am trying to add freestyle lines to: This is the result ...
A. Tropics's user avatar
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What does the Freestyle Diffuse Color Modifier do?

I can't find any info on it. Anyone know what it does? Really curious.
Neil Giliomee's user avatar
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Why i cannot change freestyle colour in eevee?

happen only in eevee in 2.83 and 2.83.1. Everytime i change the colour other than black it turn like this works fine in cycle (freestyle in green) already tried redownload blender and using factory ...
Riki maru's user avatar
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