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How to calculate the rendered Blender freestyle stroke coordinates

Is there any way we can access the coordinates of the rendered stroke as we can access for e.g Cube mesh. Since we can see if we enable blender freestyle rendering, it does the stroke rendering based ...
BlenderLearner's user avatar
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Adjusting Freestyle Linestyle With Script

Been stuck on this for a few hours now and it's so frustrating because it seems so simple. I'm just trying to control the freestyle line set and line style settings in the View Layer Properties panel. ...
Chris E Kinch's user avatar
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Setting restrict_to_unvisited=false isn't working as I expected in freestyle.types.Operators.chain

I'm trying to write a chaining iterator for Freestyle to produce a single, fully-joined chain; mathematically, I believe this requires me to trace each line twice. I have written a simple chaining ...
user124778's user avatar
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Render to vector file using command line + Freestyle

I am trying to render to a vector file using Freestyle. I have enabled it in my file and when I render to image via GUI, it generates both a PNG and an SVG file, so everything is OK. When I do it via ...
Marc's user avatar
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How to run a script just before freestyle is invoked?

Is it possible to automatically run script before freestyle is invoked? I know there are handlers, but it looks like there is no "before_freestyle" handler.
PensiveRaven's user avatar
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How do I add a Freestyle Line-Style to a Freestyle Line-Set using python script?

I have the following code that turns on freestyle, adds a Line-Set, and adjusts parameters for that Line-Set. What I can't figure out is how to add a new Line-Style to a Line-Set, and adjust it's ...
Teknari's user avatar
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Why are the python style modules of freestyle not working?

I downloaded and tested the example from several links, including the freestyle official page, but it did not work at all. official page of freestyle, blendswap, freestyleintegration However, the ...
J. SungHoon's user avatar
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Using python to create freestyle line groups

I am trying to make a python script that creates a 3-d graph and automatically puts certain edges in a freestyle line group. So far I am able to create a surface with the code ...
Jason Siefken's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Freestyle Line Flickers in Animation - How to Control?

The Problem: I'm attempting to adapt one of my vector-based characters to a 3d format for animation. This character, being a vector drawing usually, has big clean lines and cell shading. Notice ...
Pipsqweek's user avatar
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How to select freestyle style module programmatically?

I'm using python scripting in blender to create scenes, with static scenes rendered in freestyle. I am aiming to be able to use freestyle style modules (eg ...
Will King's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Mesh silhouette as a polygon or pixels surrounded by the silhouette on the rendered image?

Here is my target application. The rendered image with rendered meshes is used in an interactive application. A user may click or point the cursor to an object on the image. Information related to ...
vvoovv's user avatar
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Straight Lines with no Face, Freestyle

I have a rather lenghty question. Following situation: I have a external tool, which can submit data via a TCP-Socket to a modal operator running in Blender-Python. For normal Meshes and primitives ...
Dragonseel's user avatar
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Is it conceivable to create a Freestyle thickness modifier that multiplies by vertex weights?

I'm quite new to Freestyle but I can imagine using it for great many things. One feature I could really use would be to finetune line thickness with vertex weights, for example masking areas where ...
volvis's user avatar
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