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Questions tagged [freestyle]

An edge and line-based non-photorealistic (NPR) rendering engine. Available in Blender since version 2.67. Use this tag for all of your Freestyle related questions.

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29 votes
2 answers

Scientific Illustration: Non-photorealistic rendering of sparse wireframe with dashed/dotted lines for backfacing areas - Blender 2.80

I'm interested in creating a material that gives this end result: I'm studying the possibility to use Blender as a tool for scientific education in pure mathematics. The idea is that the material ...
publicIDI's user avatar
  • 403
18 votes
4 answers

How to exclude an object from Freestyle render?

The question is how can I exclude an object from the freestyle render? What I need to do is create a Clay render with the wire only on the airplane. My scene is simple I only have two objects the "...
Hammerh5's user avatar
  • 439
18 votes
4 answers

How can I improve the realism of my pencil texture lines in freestyle?

I'm using a charcoal image texture to make my cycles freestyle lines look as though they were drawn by hand with a pencil. My inspiration (and the source of the charcoal image texture) was the teapot ...
Dunstan's user avatar
  • 475
17 votes
3 answers

Why do freestyle outlines occasionally have gaps?

Sometimes freestyle renders will have gaps in the lines: Closer up: What causes this and how can I prevent it?
gandalf3's user avatar
  • 158k
16 votes
1 answer

Freestyle Lines on Wrong Frames [duplicate]

Basically the character is posed and rendered with various props. At random, suddenly, the lines are "sticking" among multiple frames despite the fact that the object has been moved. What could be ...
1Up's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

How to draw line between intersecting meshes in Freestyle?

Is it possible to draw a line between intersecting objects? With my current setup, it won't draw anything between them.
CharlesL's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

How to render a pixelated, occluded wireframe with freestyle?

I'd like to combine these features: The pixelated look of a wire material with anti-aliasing disabled. Proper occlusion of hidden lines. A wireframe material produces the first feature, freestyle ...
Haunt_House's user avatar
  • 16.2k
12 votes
2 answers

Freestyle depth of field

I am using Freestyle on a Cycles scene with some depth of field. The Freestyle doesn't get affected by the depth of field, and so pops out too much on objects that aren't in focus. I am looking for ...
Ascalon's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

How can I start using Freestyle?

Blender 2.67 is out, and one of its main features is the long-awaited Freestyle integration. I'd like to try out Freestyle, but it doesn't appear in the "Render Engine" dropdown. I assume some ...
Peter Cassetta's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

How to make freestyle lines stay the same size?

Is it possible to make freestyle lines stay the same width relative to the distance from the camera? The way free style lines behave by default, they stay the same width in pixels, but vary relative ...
gandalf3's user avatar
  • 158k
11 votes
1 answer

How to have freestyle render change to outline only at a distance

I've been playing with making coloring pages from some low-poly models of mine. To give my coloring pages variety without too much work on my part, I created a scene, populated it with all the models, ...
Cymon's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Adjusting Freestyle in the Blender compositor

Can anyone tell me if it's possible to adjust freestyle in the compositor? I'm using it in my short film and its a drag to actually render the whole thing every time to see the changes I made. ...
Jaco Blignaut's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

How do you add a thin outline?

I am new at this. I am extracting files from a game. In the game they have thin black outlines, but they aren't part of a model. I am having trouble finding anything about this. What is the simplest ...
LadyAriel's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

How can I speed up Freestyle rendering?

I'm rendering shapes in Freestyle. Nothing fancy (think flowerpots). I want a white object and white background, and of course black Freestyle outlines. No textures. It's working fine, but I ...
TIA's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

How to set distance of Freestyle line rendering?

I would like to have thicker lines near camera and a lot of thinner in some range of distance from camera. How can I achive this? I tried 'Distance from camera' modifier (I tested all settings. ...
evilferber's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Freestyle animation has delay in cycles

When rendering my scene as an animation, on particular frames (in this instance, 17), I often get a delay in the outlining, like it's trying to outline the next/previous frame. This doesn't happen ...
SgerbwdGwyn's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

How can lines be smoothed in Freestyle?

For example the lines on this monkey render show pointed edges instead of a smooth curves. How can the lines come out more smooth? Current Line Smooth Line
Animatoring's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Freestyle: control the Thickness of stroked curve using Radius?

(My english isn't very good, do not hesitate to edit my question) I'm currently searching the best way to draw some 2D filled shape using Blender. For example: This image is a render from ...
snoob dogg's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Freestyle without anti aliasing for pixel art (2.8)

I've got a simple question that likely has a very complicated answer. Simple enough, I need to know how to make these freestyle lines completely sharp. I'm trying to make pixel art. By default, ...
Humble Hat's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

What's the best way to take a bezier curve and have it render as a freestyle line?

I'm attempting to draw a road onto a mesh terrain and am looking for a better solution than the one I currently have. At the moment I create a bezier curve in the shape of the road then apply a Shrink ...
Dunstan's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

How to export fills on Freestyle SVG export?

I have a simple cube object with a blue diffuse color. I enable the freestyle svg plugin and check all the necessary boxes. Freestyle exports the edges to the .SVG but there are no colors present. Do ...
Jubei's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

Multicolored outlines (For Blender Render)

I want to give to my model a outline with multiple colors. As you can see in this image, the outlines are slighty darker than the material they surround. How can I do something like that in Blender (...
Deep Weeb's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

How to make an object transparent to the freestyle pass?

In Blender 2.75a, I'm making a render using Cycles and the Freestyle pass. My scene contains a mesh with a smoke modifier that I'm rendering through a volumetric shader. The boundaries of this mesh (...
Nicola Sap's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Smooth contours with grid lines

Total noob here. My goal is to be able to create figures in the following style (source): with a workflow consisting of Blender and Inkscape. I'm sufficiently skilled with Inkscape, but I'd really ...
Timtro's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

how can I stop freestyle from drawing in mist?

I have a plane for the ground, but leaving a sharp edge between it and the camera looks odd. so I tried to use mist to help blur the edges and make it look somewhat natural(since I can't just make it ...
ZCoder's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

What is Freestyle chaining?

In the Freestyle render settings under the Freestyle Line Style rollout there are a group of settings having to do with chaining. I have played around with these settings in a number of ways and ...
PGmath's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

How can I get the outline of a shadow with Freestyle?

For a vector illustration project, I am looking for a way to extract the shadows of objects in Freestyle. Currently I am only able to export the object itself (with Freestyle Edge Marks and the ...
Arnaud Antkowiak's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Freestyle not drawing all the edges

I have a problem with Freestyle rendering: I can't make it draw all the edges. Sometimes it just skips them. I recreated this with a cube and two planes by just adding additional loop cuts: Does ...
Vitaliy's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

How do I make Freestyle ignore a specific edge, material or object? [duplicate]

I'm currently trying to use Freestyle with Cycles to render a toon shaded image of a robot. The robot is holding a sword, which uses a separate material, and since it glows, I don't want freestyle to ...
MrFlamey's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Blender Freestyle : Vertical lines

On Blender Freestyle documentation, a picture is shown with two Suzannes made of vertical/horizontal lines. Click to enlarge How to reproduce this effect with Blender Freestyle? Using modifiers? ...
MarcT's user avatar
  • 61
6 votes
2 answers

How to move freestyle line sets to another layer?

How do you move blender line sets from the initial layer they were created on to another layer?
1Up's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to deselect freestyle edges?

Is it possible to deselect freestyle edges? For example, I enabled Material Boundary in Render layers → Freestyle Line Set → Edge Types to draw lines on all edges between faces with ...
gandalf3's user avatar
  • 158k
6 votes
2 answers

Render a cut through a mesh

I would like to render a cut through an object using Freestyle. Is there a neat way to cut away a part of the mesh in the rendering (not for real) without using The cut tool (manipulating the mesh) ...
miceterminator's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Freestyle, render some objects with dashed lines and others with solid lines?

I have two objects in my scene. I'm using Freestyle. I can't figure out how to make it so that Object 1 renders with a dashed (or dotted) outline, while Object 2 simultaneously renders with a solid ...
TIA's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Remove extra points in export to SVG

Following this post, I exported a scene to an SVG format using the bundled add-on ("Render: Freestyle SVG Exporter"). However, when I did that I noticed that the resulting SVG has a bunch of ...
Veech's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Is there any way to get single pixel wide aliased lines?

I'm trying to get clean, one pixel wide lines on my renders like the pic below, but nothing I try seems to work. I've tried freestyle with one sample, but I get extra pixels at some parts of the ...
Plecofish97's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Freestyle Line Flickers in Animation - How to Control?

The Problem: I'm attempting to adapt one of my vector-based characters to a 3d format for animation. This character, being a vector drawing usually, has big clean lines and cell shading. Notice ...
Pipsqweek's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Rendering Freestyle strokes behind objects using alpha transparency

Is there any way to render Freestyle edges according to their real visibility on camera, by taking in consideration the alpha transparency maps of occluding objects, without compositing multiple ...
nliautaud's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Inconsistant edges and lights rendering for orthogonal pixel art with freestyle

I'm trying to recreate a Gameboy pixel-art style using a front-facing orthogonal view and freestyle for edges. My reference is this well-known picture from a pokemon game: My main problem is that ...
MattOnyx's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Freestyle - unwanted gaps

I am trying to render a blueprint of a model in Blender 2.74, I am facing an issue with some of the generated lines being non-continuos, this is the result: I followed this tutorial: Tutorial: ...
Khaled Abu AlKheir's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Freestyle Noise Modifier Animation

I've started getting into Freestyle, and found that for a rough, sketchy look, the spatial noise or perlin noise modifier under Geometry tab works great, however when I animate things, these modifiers ...
galingong's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Freestyle Uniform Displacement

I been looking online for this so idk if this is a duplicate or not, I never seen this asked before. But for the curvy lines I went with the Sinus Displacement modifier in the geometry tab and its ...
Spiritual Learning's user avatar
5 votes
5 answers

How can I freestyle render outlines but remove the object itself?

I am working on a project that requires the freestyle lines render set. I am creating a 3D floor plan and would like to overlay dotted lines as the "walls" of the building. How can I render the ...
Daynedk23's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Rendering freestyle lines in Cycles

I've been using BI to render objects as meshes using freestyle edges. I'm now trying to learn to use Cycles. Is it possible to render freestyle edges in Cycles? If so, how?
ajwood's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

How can I solve a far away stacking Freestyle line

Im a beginner to use blender for comic i try a way to make line on faraway object to be small but it still have a result like this. their are the way or some easy method to make a stacking line look ...
THETERM's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

How to make all edges in the scene rendered by freestyle?

Is there a way to mark all edges to be rendered with freestyle, without marking all edges as freestyle lines in each individual object one by one?
gandalf3's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Freestyle with multiple objects [duplicate]

I have several objects that intersect each other: I would like to draw lines on the silhouette and key details with Freestyle, however Blender does detect intersections between objects and gives a ...
user2248702's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Is freestyle Render in Viewport in v2.8x bugged?

Is it possible to have Freestyle render layers show in the rendered viewport? This was possible in v2.79: As you can see, just checking 'freestyle' in the right panel, the Freestyle render layer ...
나미손's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

How to make a comic in blender? [closed]

I'm new on blender, I'm not animator or anything like that. I like comics and I was searching a different way to make them. I used blender years ago just for fun, to make a character walk, but, I ...
Matias Varela's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Freestyle External Contour has Large Gaps. Error Related to Topology?

Large Gaps appearing in external contour. I've disabled any modifiers and have troubleshot the issue extensively using other "gap fix" procedures & recommendations. Error appears to occur at very ...
Steve Zapata's user avatar

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