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2 votes
2 answers

Can’t get freestyle to render

I am trying to render the wire frame of (any) model using freestyle. I have followed every tutorial I could find, and no matter what settings I check or uncheck, the outline never renders. I have ...
Erin's user avatar
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2 answers

How to create wireframe fade off effect like this?

Can this be done with freestyle lines alone? or do I have to render separate layers and do it in the compositor?
Kevin's user avatar
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freestyle vs wireframe viewport

hello kind blender stack exchange folks! does anyone know any tips to make the freestyle match viewport wireframe? I am new to blender, but I found I really like using wireframe mode to create ...
zumdar's user avatar
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Unable to create a dashed edges with Freestyle

I am trying to make an object that is rendered in wireframe with dashed edges. So far I am working on a model which is using Freestyle. I have tried a lot of settings but still not achieving what I ...
SHY.John's user avatar
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Dashed line and Wireframe

I'm trying to render a cube with 2 additional vertical edges on a one of the faces. I use the wireframe modifier for making faces transparent and freestyle for making the dashed edges. The issue is ...
Mikhail Nono's user avatar
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How To Render a Wireframe of a model in Blender 2.8

I’m trying to render the wireframes of a model for a turntable animation in Blender 2.8 to show in my portfolio. The turntable renders the mesh perfectly, but the Freestyle Line Set renders only the ...
Bram van Vliet's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Freestyle Wireframe SVG Export Workaround?

Little disclaimer: I don't have much experience with Blender or 3D modelling at all, just downloaded the program last week. My goal is to create polyhedra, then render out the wireframe as a SVG. I ...
stillsleep's user avatar
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1 answer

Hide specific wire line

In this model using 2.70 with toon-rendering and freestyle some edges (circled in red in the image) are rendered that should not be rendered. I am a old man came from very old blender, so please be ...
Grim's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

How to render a pixelated, occluded wireframe with freestyle?

I'd like to combine these features: The pixelated look of a wire material with anti-aliasing disabled. Proper occlusion of hidden lines. A wireframe material produces the first feature, freestyle ...
Haunt_House's user avatar
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