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Create procedural texture oriented toward light

I'm trying to create procedural texture in Blender (4.2) Eevee : some kind of hatching effect, and brushstrokes oriented toward light. On the upper right corner, it's been done in photoshop with ...
Tolgan's user avatar
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How can I see the light emitted by a emissions plane that is parallel to the viewport in Blender's Eevee renderer?

By blender 4.2 eevee When the plane is parallel to the viewport, I can't see the light emitted by the plane illuminating the monkey using the Light Probe ↓
user208244's user avatar
0 votes
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Eevee Toon Shader Shadows Looking Jagged and Choppy, everything is set to shade smooth

I've tried every other solution on stack exchange but can't find much luck. Sometimes my toon shaders will have this choppy, angular look that isn't ideal. Here is what things look like rendered: But ...
Zack Alves's user avatar
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EEVEE NEXT: Hard Shadows of SunLight with ToonShader

does anybody here know how to achieve harder edges on the sunlight, falling through the window? I didn't seem to find adjustments that do the work, so I thought I'd just ask if anybody has an idea. ...
Almagor 's user avatar
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How to disable anti-aliasing?

Side Note: I think I've solved the problem, so only respond if you really want to. This is a picture of my profile picture. Basically a dithering effect; and posterization effect with two values per ...
sojobee's user avatar
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Render part of a file in eevee part in cycles

I have a file that needs parts to be renders in EEVEE but some other parts in Cycles, how is best to do this. Most of the file needs to be rendered in EEVEE, the only part that needs to be rendered ...
Swithers's user avatar
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Shading changes between eevee and cycles

Okay, I'm having some shading issues when I render in cycles which I don't have when I render in Eevee is there a way to fix the issues in cycles, I would prefer to use cycles for my renders, Thanks. ...
Ataqua00's user avatar
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How can I make transparent window for cycles and eevee in Blender?

I'm trying to make windows for this building but I am having trouble finding a good window texture that works well in Cycles and Eevee... This is what the building and texture nodes look like so far:
prestonferry's user avatar
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How can I make all objects use a toon shader?

So I'm trying to make a background for a webtoon. But I want to render it with outlines and a cel-shaded look. So I looked up toon shader for blender and found one. But there are many objects. Do I ...
Emily's user avatar
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Why is the ground not showing in the render? [duplicate]

In the viewport there is the desert ground but it isn't there in the render?
Henry's user avatar
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Transparent plastic eevee

I have the issue with back side of material when rendering transparent plastic in Eevee. First picture attached was in RGB colour format, this is how it supposed to look. Second picture attached is in ...
Ramiz Dzhavadov's user avatar
2 votes
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Pricipled Volume

attached is the same picture rendered with Eevee engine with the shader 'Principled Volume' applied on the left. I have used a Light 'Spot' for the torch. As we can see I get that glitch on the torch, ...
Larry's user avatar
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My character looks wrong even though everything is ok!

While I was examining a model made in blender, I came across the following image: My character's textures are in very good condition. you can see this in eevee mode = but the situation worsens when ...
ilba ilba's user avatar
1 vote
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Why does a material show through another mesh's material?

Why is the plane that is below another mesh showing through it? I have transmission and transparency set to 0 for the materials that are being shown through. When I hide the plane, the material ...
kaisa's user avatar
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Why I can' see my project? |Eevee render| Blender 2.93

Can anyone help me? Why when I use Eevee rendering, in render mode, the house looks so black and nothing is understood, and in Render Mode it looks the same as in Material Preview. I'm new to Blender ...
Antonio Margina's user avatar
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Weird shading issue with Eevee (shadow lines)

I struggle with some shading issues. I made a little animation with little camera movement. On same frames there are weird shadow lines. Other frames which are almost the same, are totally fine. It ...
slammerton's user avatar
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White colors in view port vs render output Eevee

Hi all, I'm hoping someone could help me with this problem here, which I believe is a shader's problem? Left side is the render output, the right side is the viewport rendered view, eevee. The ...
Chlyxu's user avatar
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All colors locked in blue hue - can't change hue

Somehow suddenly when I want to edit colors anywhere in my project, be it in the color ramp, or the base or subsurface color of the principled BSDF, or the Bloom color picker of Evee, all the colors ...
JoshBadert's user avatar
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Why isn't the shadow being rendered?

I've used this tutorial to do a toon shader: I have this in my shading tab: The shading appears just fine in the Material Preview (although mind that for ...
alex's user avatar
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How to imitate LAMBERT diffuse shading and COOKTOR specular shading in 2.8?

I'm new to blender and was working on updating some code for a project from 2.79 and 2.8. But it appears that the LAMBERT shading and COOKTORR shading isn't supported anymore because Blender doesn't ...
vmallela's user avatar
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Eevee render lighting causes to flicker and distorted

I'm fairly new to blender with 2.83. I have the shirt and waist objects using point light as an only source for lighting. I set up shading nodes using diffuse shader in order to light up the object ...
Wissam Seaifan's user avatar
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Why eevee renders reflective objects in black and cycles does not?

Eevee renders objects in black, while Cycles renders as expected. HDR is present and lights are in the scene. I'm not using any textures. Thanks for any ideas. Q: Why my reflective object is pitch ...
RocketSurgeon's user avatar
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how to write a custom projection type?

Is it possible to create a lens shader with EEVEE/Cycles ? I'd like to have the control over the camera position and the ray direction per sample. This allows to simulate various conventional lens ...
menoz's user avatar
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Eevee volumetrics different in render

When I was trying to make a cloud in Blender, I began to notice a strange issue. When the cloud is rendered using Eevee in the viewport, it looks fine. But when I render it, it looks much more ...
Eric Xue's user avatar
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Eevee Shader not showing in final render

So i've tried to render this animation a couple of times, but in the final result it doesn't show the colors of the Sky(Plane) like it does on the sun. I used the same shader on both objects, just ...
SkimaskLama's user avatar
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How to render like this - toon but with fuzzy edges?

Alright, trying out toon rendering styles trying to match this (Puddles from Short Circuit by Disney): Ive tried out various toon shaders including
blue's user avatar
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How can I achieve a Kuwahara painted effect in Blender?

An example of this effect in action, and code for Unity can be seen here. I'm somewhat new to shader coding and converting such work to Blender - I don't suppose anybody has any suggestions on how to ...
Reverend Speed's user avatar
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Eevee bloom effect covers my texture as camera gets further away from the object

I have a star mesh that has a Texture on it for the mouth, which is just a black curve for a smile. The star's material has a translucent shader and the star has a light inside it, creating a glow ...
Caleb W's user avatar
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My glass material isn't transparent in Eevee

When using Eevee, an object with a glass material (in this case: Principled BSDF, trasmission set to 1.0) doesn't seem like it can be looked through: it's completely opaque. See for instance the ...
Nicola Sap's user avatar
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Where is the Clamp Node

I've been experimenting with nodes recently and following along with other people's work. I've noticed they used a clamp node that I cannot seem to find in the search menu. This blender documents say ...
Jimmy's user avatar
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Why is working with material on eevee so slow?

I have been moving to Blender 2.8 and am really impressed by how accessible the software got now. Initially it also was quite responsive and swift, but for some reasons I am running into trouble ...
Marcus's user avatar
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Why my Render has black outlines?

Im noob here. I tried to make a sci-fi car but when I render it, its like this(see photo). I dont want these black lines
Rt Sayochi Kun's user avatar
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EEVEE Sub Division Surfaces with Blocky Shading

I'm having an issue rendering subdivision surfaces in EEVEE and can not find an answer anywhere. When applying subdivision surfaces to objects in EEVEE, it creates very distorted reflections in the ...
Shawn Paul's user avatar
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Volume emission not working in blender 2.8 eevee

I got this fire shader a while back. from what I can remember it worked in eevee but now it doesn't. also a normal emission shader in the volume is not working either. any suggestions?
Ferwous's user avatar
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Ambient Occlusion node in EEVEE not working

So I am using Blender 2.8, and I cannot seem to get the Ambient Occlusion node to work in EEVEE. I realize it is in beta, so it could just be a bug in 2.8, but I have seen other people use ambient ...
person132's user avatar
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5 votes
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Is there a Cycles equivalent to Eevee's Bloom Option?

Is there any equivalent option or process to get results equal, similar or better than Eevee's Bloom? If yes, how could I do it? I have an object with Emission Surface on Material in that case it is ...
Valter Queiroz's user avatar
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Eevee vs Cycles on tinted glass

I made a test scene with a windowframe with glass, glass without a frame and a solid cube. Sun is the main light source with a little bit of HDRI lighting in the world settings. In cycles the tinted ...
Taaske Prins's user avatar
41 votes
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How does EEVEE work?

We all know what Cycles is, at least to a first approximation: Cycles is a path tracing engine [...] Specifically, cycles is a "backwards" path tracer, which means that it traces light rays ...
Nicola Sap's user avatar
2 votes
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How to turn on Eevvee rendering live preview?

How can I turn on Eevee rendering live preview in 3D view window? The new Blender version has some interface changes, and in the Eevee rendering mode I can render an image, but I don't see live ...
Rumata's user avatar
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