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Second driven values don't get updated, in my script

Long story short, I'm encountering this issue where a driven property that depends on an output value from my script doesn't update. But this just happen when the input value is driven by another ...
Eduardo's user avatar
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How to display Size property in form of "number+units" in the custom operator's REDO panel?

If we add some standard mesh (e.g, cube) - the Size property will be displayed as number + units : API documentation says that in case of primitive_cube_add the ...
Yaroslav's user avatar
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Custom properties possible for individual path points?

I am working on a small script that turns Blender into a kind of level editor and can import and export Bezier paths from CSV information into Blender. However, these CSVs contain custom properties ...
Louis Miles's user avatar
3 votes
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How to toggle the camera ray visibility property with Python for objects that are assigned to a Collection Info node + Replace Material node

I would like to ask for help with an issue I'm having regarding a Python script to enable or disable the camera property (visible_camera) in the ...
Joeyvm's user avatar
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Using 2 enumproperties , at init selecting one item at index 4 select in the other list one item as same index, is it possible to have it at index 0?

I'm using the Gorgeous example as it is what I want to use and it's a great example ;) see How to show limited enum items? The problem when I run the script, is if I select in first list the item at ...
cscholl's user avatar
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Why cant i see all light and shadow properties in Blender version 4.2 and EEVEE renderer

Im new to Blender and im using version 4.2 and while trying to follow a tutorial i cant see the same light/shadow porperties as the video shows. I should be seeing the properties for Cascaded shadow ...
filipe maia's user avatar
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Geo Nodes: Read a CSV text spreadsheet and input said text into String node

I'm looking for a way to import text from spreadsheet into a String node input (or into the textbox). I found there are many ways of imputing coordinates or numerical values, but not text. How can it ...
Demeterino's user avatar
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Can I control a Constraint Influece property from a geometry node?

I'm using a custom property to control the state of an object. If the property is set to 1, the object is set to one location, and if it's set to 0, the object is set to a different location. When the ...
MagicalMCBoss's user avatar
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How to add items to my custom collection property at the start of blender without any user explict clicking

I have data stored in local file and want to sync them to my custom collection property once the blender was started. But my collection is registed to the Scene, it ...
Trantor's user avatar
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How to Remotely Reference Property Group in Registration

It seems to be impossible to remotely reference property groups registered from other scripts. If you try to do: ...
socrathien's user avatar
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IntProperty in panel without key/animatable (dot) icon [duplicate]

Developing an addon for blender. how can I remove the animate(keyable) symbol right here as arrow2 shows ? I have another addon that somehow IntProperty (as arrow1 shows) does not have that animate ...
Zen Of Kursat's user avatar
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Props Dialog Width Issue

context.window_manager.invoke_props_dialog(self, width=400) Should be giving me a popup window that is 400 wide, but it isn’t. At least not right away: https://www....
Lukas Sneyd's user avatar
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Armatures Presets folder created at startup

Every time Blender starts up, this folder is created on Drive C on Windows. If I access different drives during work process, the same folder is created on each of those drives. Do you know what is ...
Sergei Kritzien's user avatar
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Load properties from scene in another blend file (without contents)

I'm trying to load scene properties from a given blend file into the current one using ...
mugwortz's user avatar
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How to Get All Possible Values of an EnumProperty in Blender Python [duplicate]

I'm developing a script where I need to retrieve the available values of some EnumProperties in Blender. I found a similar question already answered here. However, ...
RodrigoGama's user avatar
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How to pause function call(back) for ie intproperty value setting, which has update function?

We have ui panel with intproperty & stringproperty fields (all those below 'timezone'): all those properties have 'update=update_coordinates' ...
aum hren's user avatar
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How to avoid persisting bpy properties to .blend files

I have a few operators that are effectively batch scripts that perform bulk operations on objects in a scene or .blend file. Each operator is a one-shot thing that has no need for the followup ...
Foxcapades's user avatar
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NodeTree Pointer Property Not Saving in Scene Property Group

I'm developing a Blender addon and have encountered an issue with saving and restoring a NodeTree pointer property within a custom ...
RodrigoGama's user avatar
5 votes
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How can I expose Geometry Nodes properties in my addon panel?

I came across this question and learned that I can actually expose properties from the Blender UI in my addon panel. So I was experimenting on exposing properties of modifiers like for example the ...
Harry McKenzie's user avatar
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how do I change the properties of the selected element in the UIList?

so, i have the ui list and many properties for each element witch is added to it. The idea is that when the user selects an object in the list, its properties are displayed at the bottom. He can ...
blend file's user avatar
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Character Rig - Knees Bending Incorrectly

I've been working on a custom character rig for my online image for the past while now, and I've managed to model my character with a decently working rig and somewhat-reasonable control blocks ...
SmartToaster4K's user avatar
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How can I make an instance-level dictionary in a PropertyGroup class?

I have a class that inherits PropertyGroup I have lots of properties inside, and besides I want it to have also a dictionary that store different keys and values ...
Golden Dragon's user avatar
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Python - Attach property to current blend file

My goal I'm currently working on an addon. I'm quite new to Python, but I'm fluent in programmation in general. My addon's goal is to speed up the process of naming output files, keep track of version ...
Lutzi's user avatar
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Existing icons are not visible on the properties tab

Existing icons are not visible on the properties tab.As in the second image below, there were various tabs, but they disappeared. Even if I delete and reinstall the blender app, I don't get a few tabs....
user185142's user avatar
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Delete all custom properties from selected object?

Seen bunch of threads for deleting every custom property from the whole scene, but not for the currently selected object. Or selected objects.
J4k996's user avatar
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I created a dice cube model using a tutorial and i would like to expoert the subdivision holes as properties to unity3d. how can i do it?

This is the tutorial : This is the model in my blender: in the video tutorial it's on minute 9:31 Extrude Faces Along Normals and then when you ...
Daniel Lip's user avatar
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"attribute is read-only" error when trying to set a PointerProperty of a Shader Node

I'm working on a addon that makes use of custom node groups that has a Pointer property that holds a specific custom class type. like that: ...
Golden Dragon's user avatar
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How to set type and sybtype of custom propertie with python script?

I have a script like this: ...
Dmitriy's user avatar
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Blender Docs Misleading? 'Invalid Keyword' Error with Inherited Properties

Property, alongside having several subclasses (like BoolProperty), has a number of property definitions, such as is_library_editable. According to my understanding of class inheritance, children of a ...
Candle's user avatar
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How can I create a custom property set for the objects using Python?

I have to code a custom property and quantity set for objects in my Blender scene using Python. I'm a rookie in this kind of stuff, is there someone who can help me? Thank you! I've tried to follow ...
Valerio Gianforte's user avatar
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Showing (and modifying) a Color Ramp in addon's menu?

I've seen this post from 9 years ago and I'm asking it again because is possible that things have changed (I hope) when it comes to work with color ramps. I'd like to display and modify a color ramp ...
Ommadawn's user avatar
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Drivers Editor : Adding more than 2 keyframes

I'm trying to adapt some Maya rig for Blender, and I'm translating Maya's Set Driven Key to Drivers. But for the life of me, I can't seem to figure out how to add more than two keyframes to my driver'...
Lou's user avatar
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Export does not include keyframed properties

My animations have keyframes on the "Inherit Rotation" property, as it is used in some animations, but not all. I see that this keyframes are not stored in object, like all other animations, ...
Sondre Kile Andersen's user avatar
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Blender freezes when adjusting editing materials and value slider

Been having this issue for a long time and can't seem to find the answers. While in Render View any material value slider adding nodes/removing etc blender will freeze and viewport goes grey while it ...
Paul's user avatar
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Armature selection using a eyedropper

I created an addon that uses an eyedropper to select an armature. The type retrieved is determined by how the object is selected. Using an eyedropper makes it an "Object", and using a list ...
Kageji's user avatar
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Sky texture not working properly

Sky texture is not showing any shadows and changing intensity in properties has no effect. Some other features are off too. I tried changing elevation rotation everything still no effect.
Blending's user avatar
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How to Remove All Specific Properties in a Model

I have a 3d model with armor and thanks to an addon, my model has become full of custom properties that are bothering me a lot. I wanted to know how to remove all custom properties that contain the ...
MeguiTaA12's user avatar
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i hava some troubles in understand the when i use blender , thank to you good

What is the meaning of the following code? bone_rotation_matrix = (bone_rest_matrix_inv @bone_rotation_matrix @bone_rest_matrix) I want to know what the ...
王先生's user avatar
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What is the correct way to add settings from the Bone Properties tab to a Sidebar Panel?

I once again stumped with the add-on that I'm working on that puts the settings from the Properties Editor into a panel in the 3D Viewport sidebar. I completed the Armature Data Properties section, ...
Sonario648's user avatar
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How to save a list of objects as a scene property for operator filtering objects

is there a way to have an equivalent of a list/tuple as a scene property? something similar to c++ like "array< classname >* object list" the operator i'm working with hides any ...
user avatar
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Is there A Possibility To Add A Shape Key Property With bpy.types.ShapeKey

Recently I tried to add a API Property To ever shape key, like I can with bpy.types.Object. However when I try to access it, I get the info, that the property is ...
Coloremblem's user avatar
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How to get Shape Key box working in Pose Mode

Back again with another add-on in development. The add-on that I am currently working on is a Viewport Sidebar version of the Properties Editor, with various improvements that are just not possible ...
Sonario648's user avatar
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How can I add custom section panel to the Texture Paint Properties?

I’m trying to add custom panel to the Texture Paint tools on the Properties tab, it’s suppoesd to be a simple task, but from some reason it’s doesn’t really work. I think the problem is on the ...
Golden Dragon's user avatar
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How do I adjust my jig so that it can accept larger diameter wire?

I am building Malt Whiskey's LED cube and need to adjust his jigs he created to solder the LEDs. He is using .65mm wire and I am using .8mm. The large holes in the model below are for the LEDs and ...
Temp Account's user avatar
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Prevent that changing an Operator's property retriggers the operator?

I'm making an operator that has the bl_options = {'REGISTER','UNDO'} in order to call the undo menu. Since my menu's draw() is ...
Ommadawn's user avatar
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How to create an enum dropdown that updates when an object is selected?

I have created an enum property that contains all UV maps of an object ...
DerOrbiter1's user avatar
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3Dmax "user defined properties" similar in Blender

Is there a way in add 'User Defined Properties' in Blender like in 3DMax
Er Re's user avatar
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The Active Tool Tab in the Properites Editor is Entirely Empty

I was doing some sculpting and went to change some of the settings on the tool I was using, but the Active Tool tab was entirely empty. I don't know what could have caused this and I couldn't find ...
Injaa's user avatar
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State color for bone properties does not respond (i.e. turn orange) to changes from keyframed value

Essentially, the state color does not change to orange when a transformation is made to bones in my armature, which makes it difficult for me to keep track of which transforms have had a keyframe ...
Kynes's user avatar
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Change Material Properties of Multiple Materials

I'm importing hundreds of different textures into Blender and I want to change the blend mode on all of them from Alpha Blend to Opaque. I understand I will need to run a python command, however the ...
David's user avatar
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