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Using 2 enumproperties , at init selecting one item at index 4 select in the other list one item as same index, is it possible to have it at index 0?

I'm using the Gorgeous example as it is what I want to use and it's a great example ;) see How to show limited enum items? The problem when I run the script, is if I select in first list the item at ...
cscholl's user avatar
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IntProperty in panel without key/animatable (dot) icon [duplicate]

Developing an addon for blender. how can I remove the animate(keyable) symbol right here as arrow2 shows ? I have another addon that somehow IntProperty (as arrow1 shows) does not have that animate ...
Zen Of Kursat's user avatar
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How can I add custom section panel to the Texture Paint Properties?

I’m trying to add custom panel to the Texture Paint tools on the Properties tab, it’s suppoesd to be a simple task, but from some reason it’s doesn’t really work. I think the problem is on the ...
Golden Dragon's user avatar
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How to avoid drawing an UIList item in draw_item?

I have an UIList drawing a collection of items. When those items have a property (bool) draw_in_ui set to False, I would like to avoid it from drawing in draw_item() function: I thought about ...
Ommadawn's user avatar
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Properties don't show up on panel [duplicate]

I was following this tutorial to make a simple calculator in blender (v3.3.1), my code is almost if not completely identical to that of the recording but unlike the tutorial's mine does not seem to ...
Daniel Fernández's user avatar
3 votes
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Blender Python Addon doesn't unregister (registers fine)

Disclaimer: I'm new to Blender Python. Thank you in advance for your assistance, and patience. I saw this related question but I'm not sure it applies here. I am developing an addon with a panel class ...
Tyler's user avatar
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Is it possible to use single pointer to assign on multiple modifers' Pointer Properties at once?

Bear with me, I am still new to python in blender, I apologize, I am not very good with words or is capable of explaining the issues I am having or solutions I am looking for. So instead of struggling ...
sirrus's user avatar
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Display object custom value in the object panel

I'm trying to create some tool for blender that requires to store and show some boolean value for each object. I have create simple Panel in Object context with one bool property sadly it's not ...
websterek's user avatar
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How can I call operator methods by changing values in a panel?

Currently I have a script that draws a line strip whose vertices depend on 2 boolean values, controlled from a panel. However, the line is only updated when the operator is invoked. What I need is for ...
Malkalypse's user avatar
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How can I update panel properties only once on event

I am writing an addon that deals with creating objects and assigning them properties based on panel parameters. I want the panel to update it's parameters to match the properties of my selected object ...
Tyler Beaird's user avatar
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Setting the Default Value of a Float Property Dynamically

I am updating the active object's location.x with a FloatProperty with the following code. How can I change the value of the FloatProperty slider to the active_object's current location.x when the ...
Dr. Pontchartrain's user avatar
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Connecting an Operator with a Panel Float Slider

I have a very basic question about Operators and Properties. I can't wrap my mind around how I'd make a Float slider in a Panel that affects a selected object in the 3D view as I drag it in real time. ...
Dr. Pontchartrain's user avatar
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How to re-access properties panel after misclicked by accident? [duplicate]

I usually change the segments & rings at the properties panel after generated an object. The problem is when I misclick, it disappears and couldn't find re-opening option. I have to delete the ...
sniffingdoggo's user avatar
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Rig Properties DISAPPEARED from the N panel

I imported a Rigged character named 'Abi' from the project files of a course I was following... (File > Append > Blend file > Collection...) The rig was originally created with the Rigify add-...
GRIZZ's user avatar
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How to add a radian property to a panel and have it work?

I'm trying to add the Line art crease angle to my viewport panel. I thought it should be fairly straightforward. When I change it to 180 degrees using the slider control I get this in the console area:...
chippwalters's user avatar
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Update String Property Every Time a Key is Pressed [duplicate]

I need to get what's been typed as it's happening. The update function in a string property is only called when the typing is finished. Unfortunately I wasn't able to circumvent that. So, is there a ...
Pedro's user avatar
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Custom/dynamic tooltips when hovering over properties in the UI

I recently found out about the great "Paint Palettes" addon that comes with Blender but one thing that I really would have liked to see implemented is useful tooltips like name and/or values ...
Joey's user avatar
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Choosing right context for property in viewport panel [duplicate]

I have a simple panel that you can see in the viewport which is a shorter version of UI Panel Simple. Seeing from other panels, by using Edit Source, they all define a context where the property is ...
Lala_Ghost's user avatar
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How do you access the object that a PointerProperty points to?

I have created a PointerProperty so that I can specify a target object that I want a my script to act on, but I can't seem to find any information about how to actually use the pointer property once I ...
Stef's user avatar
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How to make a text box active(Similar to rename by F2) in blender python?

I have a panel that pops up when a user presses some shortcut key and the panel has one text box(row.prop(....)).Now i want to make the text box active so that when the user presses the shortcut key ...
Amandeep's user avatar
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Texture tab/properties panel missing 2.82/2.91

Texture tab/properties panel is missing. When I open a new file, it's there. It's definitely something to do with the file, because it's the same story after opening this file in 2.91 and 2.82. Also ...
RM2's user avatar
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3 votes
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How to create a panel with different properties for different objects

In Blender when I select an object and I change any setting, the other objects are not affected, but when I create a panel with properties from bpy.props, changing an intProperty on one changes it on ...
Tareyes's user avatar
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How to control spacing/alignment of Label + Horizontal Enum Property?

I would like to achieve the layout of this panel but I'm having some issues. The example is from blender's Bevel Operator. As far as I can tell it's just an Enum Property without the enum_flag since ...
Armored Wolf's user avatar
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How to get Property Panel attached My Panel?

I want to get "Use Count" Panel to attach to My Panel, what should I do? I know its Class is "PARTICLE_PT_render_collection_use_count", as shown below. Hope to get help, Many ...
Kim Quyen's user avatar
2 votes
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Python- Panel and Redo Panel Hooks and Method

i'm using 2.83.4 and if someone could point me to a tutorial on hooking controls from a panel and how to get the redo panel to work right, that would help immensely! HalfKill is basically the same as ...
blr's user avatar
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Checkbox array functioning as one. How do you separate the checkboxes

I trying to see if this is possible. I want to have the ability to choose which frames to re-render with checkboxes. First issue I am having is that the checkboxes active and de-active together. I ...
Sharl's user avatar
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How to make the panel detect that the operator has been executed correctly?

NOTE : There are already two posts concerning this problem but I can't find an answer in them. I enclose the link that leads to it: Answers Hy everyone, I have in my script, a panel and an operator. ...
pierre950's user avatar
7 votes
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How to assign PointerProperty in Operator through UI?

I have multiple instances of class LayerSettings(bpy.types.PropertyGroup), which is simply a group of variables. These are stored at the scene level (they're a ...
S. Magnusson's user avatar
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How to display the "animate property" diamond keyframe insert button (2.8x)

I am making a custom panel for a rig and I would like to be able to easily insert keyframes on my rig properties the same way we can already do in the default properties panel. I'd basically like to ...
azagwen's user avatar
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what file to put float property and properties class blender 2.8

Thanks in advance for any help :) Premise: I have three .py files for my blender addon: 1. 2. 3. I'm trying to make a float slider that controls the face and shape ...
dood's user avatar
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How do i display the Lengths of an object in 2.8

How do i show the lengths of objects in 2.8?. For example in 2.79 i could scale a wall or floor and it would display the length on the edges.
Mingo's user avatar
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Bring up the operation panel

How do you bring up the operations panel for an object after accidentally clicking into the 3D View? For example when you bring in an cylinder you can set its properties i.e. the number of vertices ...
Mingo's user avatar
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How to have a custom floatproperty based on the selected face? (Knowing that it is not possible)2.8

Reading here and I saw that there is no possibility of having a custom property based on a selected face, but in blender I think you can do "Hackerate" and fly over this problem. I think for example, ...
Noob Cat's user avatar
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How to display and use operator properties in a custom UI panel? [duplicate]

For example, as you can see in the keymap preferences, there are operators that have properties, like this Smooth Vertices: With this little code ...
TheRedWaxPolice's user avatar
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Pass dir.path to a diferent script

I'm building an addon which is a collection of scripts, and I have my UI coded as one of this scripts. On of my tools (script) requires a user input, in this case a folder path, but I don`t know how ...
Juan Manuel Lynch's user avatar
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Property's update function not called

I made a new panel in the N bar that contains a boolean property for which I put an update function, but after adding a debug line at the top of this function I can tell it's never called when I click ...
antho57400's user avatar
8 votes
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Change size of StringProperty Text Input [duplicate]

Is there a way to increase the vertical height of a StringProperty? My goal is to have a multi line text entry field. I have applied a scale_y which works on operator buttons but doesn't seem to work ...
AkBKukU's user avatar
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Where did my properties interface/panel go?

(Not the one you get when you key N), the one that has all the texture/world/material properties. I was in edit mode trying to press Shift + Ctrl + Alt + C but messed up and now the panel is just ...
Peek Utch You's user avatar
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My Scene bpy.types.Panel appears on all tabs

I created a simple bpy.types.Panel to allow modification of custom scene properties, wanting it to appear only on the Scene property tab, and thus created it like ...
Ray's user avatar
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How to create a simple list in the UI with Python API that would display data from Python?

I've been writing scripts for Maya and 3Ds Max, now I'm trying to learn Python API of Blender. So I'm not a beginner in scripting for such applications, but I'm a total beginner in scripting for ...
Kowalski Paweł's user avatar
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Object data panel menu, not available [duplicate]

The panel that appears as shown in the image below, cannot be re-opened. It only appears, on the left-hand-side of the screen when I create a new object. How do I get it back as shown in the image? ...
Mr. 645's user avatar
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