Thanks in advance for any help :)
Premise: I have three .py files for my blender addon: 1. 2. 3.
I'm trying to make a float slider that controls the face and shape thresholds. When the code is in one .py file it works well enough. Now that I've split the files I cant figure out the following:
- Do I need to register the classes in the and/or in the file from which they originate.
- When I create a MyVariables(PropertyGroup) my intuition is that it ought to go into panel but it doesn't seem to work...
I've looked at various bits of answers but I can't seem to shoehorn them into what I'm trying to achieve here.
I if there's some basic premise (what file is inheriting from what) that I can be pointed to for further reading please let me know. The docs have been pretty cryptic so far.