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EANIIX's user avatar
EANIIX's user avatar
  • Member for 4 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than 4 years ago
2 votes

Eevee shadow catcher in 2.83 release?

1 vote

Proxy vs Library Override

1 vote

Hair children don't seem to respond to changes?

1 vote

Drive value with no input

1 vote

Why is material with 'Displacement and Bump' set only showing 'bump' displacement in Cycles?

1 vote

Is there a way to group or organise keyframes for a complex animation?

1 vote

Interacting with rigid body objects as animation plays [B2.83]

0 votes

unusual rotation of particle

0 votes

How do I fill in missing faces?

0 votes

Why objects reflected in the mirror are darker than original, as they were not receiving light

0 votes

Floating Plastic bag in Air with Wind

0 votes

I have problems assigning different materials to different faces

0 votes

Eevee Shader not showing in final render

0 votes

Help I can't figure out why this won't unwrap correctly

-1 votes

Pin cloth vertices at a specific set of frames, and un-pin otherwise (in python)

-1 votes

How do I make my glasses look realistic?