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Questions tagged [shadowcatcher]

A Blender object may be a Shadowcatcher, becoming an object that only receives shadow rays. Such an object might be used to overlay 3D objects over a real world video or photo. Use this tag for questions about the Shadowcatcher setting and its uses.

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No shadows emitting object

I want to create an object that emits light to produce the correct shadows from my object on the ground plane. When I use a regular spotlight, the object in my scene casts a shadow on the ground plane....
Ocon Ocon's user avatar
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Shadow Catcher not catching shadows from Node-based Emission [duplicate]

So apparently Shadow Catchers are only catching shadows cast by Lights(Area Lights, Sun etc.) But if I use An Emission Shader on an object, the shadows cast by it are not caught by the Catcher. Is ...
Anas's user avatar
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VFX explosions and shadowcatchers [duplicate]

I'm attempting to render an explosion to be composited into live action. The explosion is made using Blender's smoke simulation with an emissive volume shader as described in tutorials like this one. ...
Threedio's user avatar
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How to get reflection pass when there's no light on the scene

Here's my blend file : There's no light - only use default world lighting. I combine 2 render layers using compositor ...
andio's user avatar
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Stop casting shadow only on specific object

I have a flying object and I don't want it to cast shadows only on 3 meshes, but everything else stays the same, so only isolate it for 3 specific meshes. If that's not possible eliminate shadow ...
ahkai's user avatar
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Shadow catcher only works in viewport, in render it is invisible (no shadows caught)

I am able to get my shadow to show in the viewport render, but I can't get it to show in the final render. I only want to render the shadow (not the rat casting it). You can see here that she shadow ...
Douglas Rowland II's user avatar
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Shadowcatcher on a plane with a alpha image cuts my torus in half

I have a plane with an alpha image of a building but i only want shadows on the plane from objects landing on it, But were ever my objects intersect with the plane they got cut of. And if i activate ...
Atoatonio's user avatar
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Shadow catcher woes

So, I have a shadow catcher set up to gather the light from a fireball in a VFX shot. It shows on the shadow catcher pass in the viewport render view, but not when I take the shadow catcher pass in ...
Braedon Rogers's user avatar
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Results of Shadow catcher are different from Viewport

I'm creating some renders that I need to export as PNGs with corresponding floor shadows. It looks correct in the viewport, but when I render, the shadows come out very harsh and dark. I've searched ...
Polimp's user avatar
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Edge Gap in Shadow Catcher Material Masking Blender Eevee

so I'm trying to render an object with shadow, since eevee doesnt have shadow catcher, (blender 36.2) I use "material shadow catcher", then separate the render in two layer (the object & ...
Muhammad Fakhri Husaini's user avatar
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Fire simulation casts light with weird holes/shadows in it. How can I fix this?

This project uses a shadow catcher to catch light and shadows and is composited onto my footage. I'm using adaptive domain (though I tried a low res bake with no adaptive domain, that just killed any ...
Braedon Rogers's user avatar
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Shadow catcher layer looking weird

Trying to build up a decent reflection catcher to mix it with shadow catcher. Using a plane with shadow catcher on first render layer and reflective plane for the second layer. Why does the shadow ...
fundorin's user avatar
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How do I increase shadow darkness in render?

The shadowcatcher in this render has no control for how dark a shadow should be. Any help on adjusting it while maintaining the look of the scene? any help on the fresnel of the glossy surface would ...
James Riley's user avatar
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How to hide object without his geo-node attributes

I have some issues with ray visibility. I added growing grass geo-nodes to the Cube, and want to hide cube with shadow catcher mask. But by that grass is also hides. So how can i hide the cube without ...
antony's user avatar
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How to have a Reflective Shadow catcher? [duplicate]

I have a shadow catcher plane (Cycles) that works fine, but would like to add reflection of objects just above it. How do I activate this reflection ?
Laurent Crivello's user avatar
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Why is my Shadow Catcher not transparent?

I'm doing everything I know how to do, but I must be missing something because my shadow catcher isn't working. It receives a shadow, but instead of becoming transparent, it just gets dark. (Using ...
Glen Candle's user avatar
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Localized shadow below object with shadow catcher in cycles

I am trying to set up a shadow capture for an object with a diffuse yet localized shadow using world lighting and transparent background. The problem is that the shadow bleeds out too far from the ...
mrp's user avatar
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shadow only looks good when it has to be behind the character. on the front does not work correctly

how to make the shadow stay correctly in front of the image plane, when it is supposed to be behind it is perfect, when it needs to be in front it is cut off and away from the character.[In this first ...
Carlos Eduardo's user avatar
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When I activate the shadow catcher in the plane it shows the hdri instead of showing just the shadow

When the shadow catcher is activated on the plane, it shows the envarioment instead of the other ground plane follow new images to check it out
Carlos Eduardo's user avatar
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What can cause Shadow Catcher mask to be disregarded by Blender?

I tried to add shadow catcher to the scene I was working on. I reduced a blend file that I was working on to a simplest scene with a cube and a plane and still couldn't make shadow appear on the plane....
J. A.'s user avatar
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Shadow catcher do not rendering in one specific project

I have a specific project in which shadows are not displayed when rendering with a shadow catcher, although in all other projects everything works fine Its how shadow catcher looking on render mode in ...
SabreLxrd's user avatar
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Changes of shadows color when enabling shadow catcher

I'm working on a project where I do a render in which a light passes through tinted glass and is reflected on a real footage wall. When I test the reflection on a plane, the shadows takes on the ...
Aymeric Crouzat's user avatar
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How to have only the shadow of an object into its own render layer?

Hello people of stackexchange, I'm working on a more complex setup but want to understand the basics, so I'll use a simple example. I have a plane and a cube. The cube is casting a shadow on the plane....
user3450's user avatar
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Correct Shadow/Reflection Catcher for external compositing?

Is there a correct way to save out shadow/reflection of an object to composite on transparent background in Photoshop? Kinda like Cinema4D or Vray matte works in 3Ds Max. I tried using Blender's 3.5 ...
MMM's user avatar
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Where is the shadow catcher in blender 3.5?

I can't seem to find the shadow catcher in blender 3.5. Did they moved it or is it a bug and it's just not there?
J.Jesse's user avatar
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Is there any way to mask out surface and leave reflection/shadow only?

I'm trying to create a composite image with bottles on a table and I need to have shadow/refraction/gloss of the bottle to be separate from the bottle itself. I tried Shadow Catcher pass, but it ...
Nebular Dust's user avatar
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Can I prevent an object from being shaded by lights, while still receiving cast shadows?

In Eevee, I'm trying to render an object against a transparent background, while still catching the object's cast shadow. Unfortunately, the transparent surface I'm using to catch the shadow is for ...
Jamin Grey's user avatar
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Shadow catcher not catching shadows

I can't get a shadow catcher to work. Here are the steps I followed: Create a new scene, and add an object and a plane. Set Render Properties > Render Engine to Cycles and turn on Render ...
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Is there a way around the strange behavior of a shadow catcher's projected shadows?

I'm working on some composites, where I need to mix 3D models with real photographs, and I need to use shadow catchers on both a ground plane, and on some rebuilt scene geometry to get accurate ...
Arcomade's user avatar
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Shadow catcher over baked floor

I'm trying to make a semi real render without breaking Le VRam bank and time and so I decided to bake a combined on everything (even the floor) and then I placed my shadow catcher on the floor and put ...
Guy_mqn's user avatar
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Shadow Catcher missing in 3.2

I was trying to capture shadows on transparency and was following a Youtube video, and the very first step I could not do. The video said to select the object to receive the shadow and go to the ...
user153116's user avatar
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Shadow Catcher on semi-transparent image as own layer with Cycles?

I somehow do not get it, and various other answers somehow do not help me here. I have a cube and a plane. The plane acts as a "Shadow Catcher" and that works fine so far. When I render the ...
quellenform's user avatar
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Casting Volumetric Shadows in Cycles Fastest Way

I am experimenting with trying to combine Eevee for volumetrics and Cycles for everything else. I have found a way to produce smoke that is really effective and much more efficient than using cycles ...
DrIgnatiusCole's user avatar
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Composite image with shadow catcher

So, while compositing a scene, seeing as DAZ models are kinda resource intensive, I tried to break it down into layers. The layers are combined using alpha over nodes and seem to be in the right order....
Zack Hound's user avatar
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Object Randomly Going Transparent When Rendered

I have an animation that I did with a tree falling over. It's going to be put over some footage I have so I'm just rendering the object and the animation itself. I added transparency to the background ...
brendan685's user avatar
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Shadow catcher for curved surface in EEVEE?

I'm using EEVEE as my main renderer and I need to provide a 2D team with a character image with a shadow in translucent pixels. My character is standing on a curved floor. However, all of the EEVEE ...
J. SungHoon's user avatar
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Shadow catcher doesn't work with multiple objects

I have multiple objects and I want to set all of them to shadow catcher. I want to render only the shadows that the objects cast on each other. It works in the ...
dome's user avatar
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How to create procedural square transparent simulated shadow?

I am new to Blender, and I would like to create a procedural material that simulates a transparent shadow for a cube. I already know how to create a simulated transparent shadow for a sphere (see ...
GilbertOOl's user avatar
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In Blender 3.2, can I exclude light sources form a shadow catcher without compositing view layers?

My scene has an object which is lit from the side by a light. There is another light on top of the object, and a shadow catcher underneath the object. I want the object to be lit by the side light, ...
sw1337's user avatar
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Casting the shadow of a inner object on the outer of a sphere

I'm using eevee as render engine, the sphere is a shadow catcher (video), I don't know how to see the shadow on the front face of the sphere. file Thank you !
Myosis's user avatar
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Trying to produce a shadow that is exported with an object

Potentially an impossible task, but feels like it should be able to be done. Is there a way to cast a shadow onto a transparent shadowcatcher, than export the .glb file so that when I use the image in ...
James's user avatar
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How can I composite the new shadow catcher that should work with reflections in latest versions of blender?

There are no so many shadow catcher youtube tutorials on blender, and all of them are outdated. I tried using the new shadow catcher that should work with reflections also and couldn't make it look ...
Agustín Caniglia's user avatar
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How can I create a freestyle line without a shadowcatcher affecting the line calculation?

In the default scene with freestyle enabled and external contour selected, I get this: If I then add a plane below the cube you get this: Then I enable shadowcatcher on the plane, and get this: As ...
DrewTNBD's user avatar
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How to bake ambient occlusion of a plane with transparency?

I'm new to Blender and 3D in general. I have a single object (mesh), a plane, and no lights and I've set an environment (world?) for my scene. Now, I want to export the scene to GLTF and want to bake ...
Mahozad's user avatar
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How can I remove white from my backgorund layer?

How can I remove white from my background layer while keeping this blue color (because if I set the ground as shadow catcher I get only black shadow)?
vukiM's user avatar
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Shadowcatcher not working in 3.0

I recently updated to 3.0 and the shadowcatcher won't work. Spent a lot of time researching and saw also this post but I simply can't make it work. If someone could help me I'd be grateful! Also, how ...
noobblenderer's user avatar
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Eevee - How to use the Shadow Catcher in blender 3.0?

How to do Shadow Catcher in blender 3.0. In 2.9 is very easy to make Shadow Catcher. But I can't find it in 3.0 I don't have shadow catcher?!
gary yang's user avatar
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Blender 3 Cycles Shadow Catcher Fail

Cycles Shadow Catcher in 3.0 won't work for me. The shadow appears in the viewport but doesn't render. It works in 2.93 no problem. If anyone could point me in the right direction I'd be most grateful....
Green Beetle's user avatar
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Is it possible to bake animated shadows?

I use the add on Grove to animate trees in the wind and project the shadow on a wall. But the method is not very efficient because the scene is already very full and the trees require a lot of ...
user123511's user avatar
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Blender 3.0 shadow catcher really slow

Since the new Blender 3.0 version came out, it seems that they use a new shadow catcher in cycles, which is much slower than in version 2.93, which makes it unusable for me as the render times ...
Julian Huber's user avatar