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How can I send instance attributes from Geometry Nodes to Shading Editor?

I have a file created with Blender 4.1. My GeoNode creates instances and changes their color based on their ID using "Store Named Attribute" and creating an attribute named "color",...
SteeveDroz's user avatar
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Is there any data lost opening 4.0+ files in Blender 3.6?

Due to my computer's graphics card, Blender 3.6 is the latest version I can open. I am able to open 4.0+ files fine, but was wondering if there's anything to look out for. I'm specifically asking if ...
Ethan's user avatar
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4.2.0 - Both my Add-Ons menu and my Extensions menu are blank upon updating

I updated my version of Blender, loaded my settings from the previous version, and now my Add-ons menu, and the new Extensions menu are both completely and utterly blank. I've looked in the console ...
SystemSearcher's user avatar
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How to install previous version of the blender preference to the new blender 4.2 version?

How can I install the previous version's preferences like add-ons, themes and settings into the new version? The problem is that I've already uninstalled the earlier version of Blender(which I had ...
Manpreet Singh's user avatar
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Why does blender check for a ton of non-existen directories?

I opened a file on the command line on Linux and Blender started checking a ton of non-existing directories. Here's a part of the log: ...
simone's user avatar
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Principled BSDF Changes between 3.3 and 4.2

At work, we've been using Blender 3.3 LTS and since this LTS has come to an end, we are testing the next LTS (4.2). Is it normal that a file saved in 3.3 looks very different when rendered in 4.2 (...
DrassPro's user avatar
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Old user interface ( object data properties ) for Blender 4.0?

Is it possible to get the older interface of the tab Object data properties for Blender 4.0? It's the main reason i never use newest blenders , i'm mostly intestred by the older Skeleton layers system ...
ShuLien022's user avatar
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Transferring Addons Across Blender Upgrades

What is the easiest way to store and transfer (and keep track of) your add-ons whenever upgrading Blender? Is it as easy as transferring a folder over to your newest version of Blender? How do YOU ...
Kasiemba Okeyo's user avatar
3 votes
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Issue with building a version of Blender 4.1.1 (GooEngine)

I've been trying to build a version of Blender from its github. It kinda works i can open it fine and work on it. But in the cmd prompt, i get this message: ...
Melabr's user avatar
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-1 votes
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My Blender 4.1 whit error AttributeError: '' object has no attribute 'version_char' [closed]

is this : Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender 4.1\4.1\scripts\modules\", line 376, in enable mod = importlib.import_module(...
Paulo Petris's user avatar
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How to transfer shape keys from blender 3.6+ to version 2.79b?

Object has equal count of vertices. When i copy (ctrl + c, ctrl + v) from 3.6 to 2.79 - error. When i append this object from blender 3.6, then object loses it shape keys. Maybe some addon? Help pls, ...
UMANETS's user avatar
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How do I migrate an addon from 2.93 to 4? [duplicate]

On the topic of duplication I don't think this is a duplicate of the suggested post, although the contents of it may be helpful. The issue of converting an addon to run on Blender 4 is not going to ...
MisterLBlends's user avatar
-1 votes
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All curves emerging from a single origin point following up on Plexus effect

I followed a couple of tutorials for creating a Plexus effect using Geo-nodes in Blender. But all my curves(connection) appear to come from a single point source and other dots do not connect at all. ...
SSR's user avatar
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Why Blender v.4, even v4.0.2 is much slower in cycle rendering than v3.6.5?

first time i've noticed that, the first day i was installed v4 and after started to render a scene i that i make that before. it was take about 30m, and i expected something about 10 to 15 m. I waited ...
Nima Ashoori's user avatar
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Does Blender 4 Cycles handle light differently?

I have a large file with lots of lights, that I created and have been working with Blender 3.6. When I opened it with Blender 4 I realized that renders are much different (Cycles); mainly brighter. I ...
joethelion's user avatar
2 votes
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Subdivision Surface creates only one level of subdiv in 3.6 [duplicate]

I got this strange behaviour of the SubSurf Modifier and the Multires modifier in 3.6. Until 3.5 everything works as expected. I saw that lots of people don't have any issue, and I didn't find ...
josh sanfelici's user avatar
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Water simulation - How to make water spill (difference between 2.8 version and 3.6 new update)

How can I recreate this fluid simulation from 2.8 version to current 3.6 version? I do not see any 'obstacles' in fluid simulation. I was following this tutorial "making water spill from backet ...
J13's user avatar
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Where is the sampling integrator in version 3.6?

Where is the sampling integrator in version 3.6? I can find it in older versions but it seems to have disappeared in 3.6. Thanks.
JKCapeTown's user avatar
5 votes
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What is the difference between Blender Version X.Y.0 and X.Y.1?

What is the difference between Blender Version X.Y.0 and X.Y.1? For example, between Version 3.6 and 3.6.1. Are these just bug fixes or something? Or are there some relatively significant changes? ...
The Kalaakaar's user avatar
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Selecting vertices inside a box

The question is the same as Selecting vertices within a box defined by exact coordinates, but now on Blender 3.0.1: I want to select all vertices within a bounding box defined by (x1,y1,z1) and (x2, ...
Rodolfo Leibner's user avatar
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Where's the shadow light pass gone (cycles)?

I'm following a tutorial (very beginner here) which wants me to enable the "shadows" light pass in the view layer - the tutorial is in blender version 3.2, which the docs say has this, but I'...
John Graham's user avatar
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2 answers

Open a Blender 3.5 file in Blender 3.4 and earlier

Is there any way to open a blend file made in Blender 3.5 in older versions of Blender? I'd go the FBX route, but I want to preserve the rig.
Ethan's user avatar
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Cant change blender default version. All my blend files keep opening up in older version

So far my main version I was working with was 3.0. I got 3.5 (also tried 3.3) and when I try to make those versions default, even newer files ive saved through them open up in 3.0 Any ideas?
Alex Janaqi's user avatar
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Getting and downloading the last version of Blender used to save file

Getting and downloading the last version of Blender used to save file. I looked at: Do .blend files store information on which version of Blender they were created in? Used a hex editor: I also used ...
Rick T's user avatar
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Can't Move the Gizmo - Just Draws a Select Box

In previous versions of Blender, I was able to click on the different points of a 3D gizmo to manipulate it. However, after the 3.4 update this no longer works. It just draws a select box. I wondered ...
Candle's user avatar
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Blender 3.5 not working on my system

I have been using blender on my PC. (Intel i5 processor, 4G ram, internal Intel graphics card, CPU rendering only) Currently, I am using 3.41, but if I try to use 3.5 as a look-see, Bender mainly ...
Merv Gagen's user avatar
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Get pixel data from rendering in script using built blender python module

I need to get the Pixels of the render pass to convert them to a numpy array within a python script. From my research there are 3 possible ways to solve this: using a viewer node in Compositor using ...
el_flamenco's user avatar
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Different render result from Blender 2.90.1 to 3.4.1

I tried to find this out myself by comparing settings and googling, but I failed so far. Opening an old project, that needs continuous work, renders differently in a newer Blender version. I know, ...
darthsaschi's user avatar
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'Scene' object has no attribute 'rendercycles' error whe saving a Performance preset

I'm using Blender version 3.3.0 and I was trying to save a Performance preset in the render settings. The problem is that, each time I try to save a new preset with the + button, I receive the ...
mqbaka mqbaka's user avatar
-1 votes
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Both Blender 3.0.1 and Blender 3.4 have startup links showing in my Ubuntu 22.04 apps. I see only Blender 3.4 In .cache and .config

How can I get rid of Blender 3.0.1? Is it a subset of Blender 3.4 and there is no real need to delete it?
hertfordkc's user avatar
-5 votes
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Imitate 2000s era renders in 3.3+

Is there any way to recreate these kinds of renders? I have been able to only replicate the old Perlin noise with texture paint, sadly. Utilizing the layer weight node for some of the materials. The ...
B33N P0IS0N's user avatar
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Blender 2.9+ Cycles missing denoising

I Tried to follow tutorials for improving rendering, because i couldn't find the denoise option. Turns out im just completely missing it, and i have nothing of the likes in my sampling. I opened my ...
Lyall K's user avatar
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Possible problems with lower version blender rendering higher version models

I mainly use 2.83 in my work, but when I use it to render some models, there are always some messy errors. I want to ask what changes blender has made after 2.83 that make it impossible to render with ...
李浩然's user avatar
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How do I modify a procedural mud material from Blender 2.79 to 3.3?

I'm following this tutorial: As can be read in the comments, the setup doesn't work for recent versions of Blender, and I'd be incredibly grateful for ...
Jen's user avatar
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Blender 3.2 Download instead of 3.3

I would like to download Blender 3.2 instead of Blender 3.3 because 3.3 is not working properly on my computer. However the Blender website only enables me to download 3.3. (when I click download 3.2 ...
Tommy Thunder's user avatar
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Where can I download the earliest version of blender 2.8 beta?

I need to download the earliest versions of Blender 2.8 beta because I'm trying to find the old viewport studio lighting.
MrChurch2005's user avatar
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Will there be a Blender 3.x LTS and if yes, when? [closed]

According to this post ( referenced at the bottom of the official Blender LTS download page, Blender 3.3 LTS was proposed to release in May ...
sefexin245's user avatar
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Flickery Mirror modifier or Render in 3.2.2?

I had to rerender some project files, but in the mean time I updated Blender from 2.93 to 3.2.2. Now the render "Flickers" in the parts with the mirror modifier. (also in the File) What ...
user153007's user avatar
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How to edit autosave file location for (blend1, blend2, ...)

As a company we are used to save different versions of our files constantly, to be able to go back to previous steps in the process: ...
liese's user avatar
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Why am I missing nodes in my geometry nodes editor? [duplicate]

I'm currently following along with this tutorial, and at 1:20 and 2:00, I noticed that in the add menu, I simply don't have the nodes "integer" or "dual mesh". They just don't ...
A modeler in need.'s user avatar
1 vote
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Where to find older versions of Blender? [closed]

I have got the "Blender for Dummies" book from late 2016 and would like to ask where to find an appropriate old version of Blender?
Petr Punčochář's user avatar
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Does the portable ZIP version of Blender have any perfomance differences?

So I want to use the portable ZIP version of Blender, and as far as I know the functionalities are exactly the same as the install version. But are there any perfomance differences between the ...
tempdev nova's user avatar
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Python script to check Blender version and block file saving

I am working in a company where a dedicated 3D team uses Blender to create assets and backgrounds. For internal reasons, we are currently stuck with using Blender 2.93 in our pipeline, and we are ...
Adisage's user avatar
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Pitch Black Image Editor & UV Editor

Hi. I recently upgraded to Windows 10 and Blender 3.1.2 I noticed that I cannot see my selected faces in the Black UV Editing environment. Selection seems to be under the black pixel as if it is a ...
Derossi's user avatar
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Blender 3.1.2 M1 chip- Metal- GPU enabled- cycles on but NO CAUSTIC checkbox

According to tutorials with the uplisted settings I should have the opinion to see "caustics" checkboxes under object properties, but there are no caustic boxes. I use MacBook Air m1 chip ...
younever's user avatar
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Are previous branch builds saved anywhere? I'm looking for the 3.0 viewport compositing branch that never made it to main

I know about the collection of basically all the previous release builds, but I'm looking for a branch that had an experimental feature that never made it to a release. I'd really like to experiment ...
Zenoctra's user avatar
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I can no longer get smooth playback in video editor after 3.1 update. Anyway to fix this?

Hi I recently downloaded Blender 3.1 and I'm now having problems with the video editor. I know 3.1 has a feature that automatically creates a proxy but since I'm used creating it on my own I changed ...
Billy Mountain's user avatar
2 votes
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Blender 3+ version is freezing constantly on Macos

I'm using Blender for a lot of years now and since version 3 on Macos I'm getting constant freezings. Blender not responding, etc. Nothing much in the scene, even with simple cubes. The only way to ...
idchlife's user avatar
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Is there a global switch or some reason why my animated people have reverted to a T pose?

I'm using v3.0. I have a scene that I've added Mixamo characters in various running or walking animations. I have zero experience rigging or animating figures, but managed to get everything working ...
cinemagix's user avatar
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3.0: Rearrange/restore menu bar?

Today I updated from 2.93 to 3.0 and noticed the Tool Settings menu has swapped places with the View/Select/Add/Object menu. How can I change it back? I am not opposed to installing an addon or ...
NotOnLand's user avatar

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