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18 votes

Emission on steel from laser cut

You can achieve this effect by using the dynamic paint system. Select your steel plate and give it a dynamic paint physics modifier, set it to be a canvas. Then set your laser object to be a dynamic ...
Nascent Space's user avatar
16 votes

How do I change strength of emission at Principled BSDF

Blender 2.92 + : In the newer versions the principled BSDF shader actually has a field for emission strength, right below the emission color field. You can use it much like the simpler Emission Shader....
Gorgious's user avatar
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12 votes

Emission: Red glow while the object itself is white

From a physically based rendering point of view, the problem you are running into is that Blender's HDR tone mapping is trying too hard to be helpful. The effect you see in the reference image occurs ...
Aaron Rotenberg's user avatar
12 votes

Emission: Red glow while the object itself is white

If you really want to use Cycles: Add a box which encloses the entire scene, add a principled volume shader to the box and play with Density and Anisotropy: In comp you can add a Denoise node to save ...
Manu Järvinen's user avatar
11 votes

How can I hide hidden topology with a hologram shader?

Cycles Light Path > Transparent Depth Eevee Material Properties > Settings > Blend Mode > Alpha Blend Show Backface > OFF
vklidu's user avatar
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11 votes

How to get LED light appearance right

I'm not sure if there is too much to say ... blue is just visually darker color ... so less prominent for blooming. Here all colors intensity of 10. Options for compensations are several ... it ...
vklidu's user avatar
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11 votes

How do I make emission pass through something like it is underneath a cloth?

What you're asking for is called translucency. There's a Translucent BSDF available in Cycles (not to be confused with Transparent BSDF) which you can use in conjunction with other nodes. Here's a ...
Kuboå's user avatar
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10 votes

How do I texture paint with glow?

It has nothing to do with the painting per se. First, you need to paint the emission map of your shader : Make sure to use black as blank color when creating the texture, so it doesn't emit light ...
Lauloque's user avatar
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10 votes

Images as emitters constantly come out dull. White emission not actually white. What am I doing wrong?

Set the color management as standard instead of filmic, and read this answer for detailed infos. Render with a wider dynamic range in cycles to produce photorealistic looking images
josh sanfelici's user avatar
9 votes

Emission: Red glow while the object itself is white

That's actually quite challenging. I wonder if the maker of your reference image used some compositing. At least I think separate lights were used for the background objects. And to answer your ...
Manu Järvinen's user avatar
8 votes

Emission wont emit through black colour screen

Reframing the idea behind “Alpha” as occlusion should make the idea clearer, where “Transmission” is a degree of filtration. The 0.0-1.0 range in alpha represents the degree of occlusion from 0% to ...
troy_s's user avatar
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8 votes

How can I make a material that is transparent at the center and emission at the corners of a plane

Some function of (distance from object origin) will give you a circle to do what you want with.. here, using a Map Range to soften the mask, which is plugged into the alpha-channel of an emissive ...
Robin Betts's user avatar
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8 votes

Emissive shader does not change much in changes of orders of magnitudes

The problem is the light clamping setting. Set "Direct Light" to 0 to fix the power issue. Setting the clamping to 1 means that any value brighter than 1 ...
HISEROD's user avatar
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7 votes

I'm trying to recreate my logo in Blender but I'm out of ideas

This image shows every sign of being a negative. (The light is acting as a shadow.) You could use negative lights.. but that might be a bit confusing. Here, some faces of the logo-object have been ...
Robin Betts's user avatar
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7 votes

Change material of mesh with sphere

One way would be to have a sphere with an emissive material on it and disable Ray Visibility for Camera and Shadow. This way the emissive sphere would highlight the body wherever they are intersecting ...
Gordon Brinkmann's user avatar
7 votes

How to make the emission of an object sharper?

Use the Dot Product of the Geometry's normal and incoming vector. Clamp it above some high value ($0.9$ - $0.99$) to only emit in the direction of the normal. Mix that with the original emission to ...
Leander's user avatar
  • 27.8k
6 votes

How to emit many colors at once?

Just to illustrate my comment :-). Simply run an image texture through the Emission node.
jachym michal's user avatar
6 votes

Is there a way to make emission shader not looking flat?

As Jachym says, you can get a good result with the Principled BSDF (choose a color for Emission, a Strength value will be implemented in the next Blender): You could also mix the Emission with a ...
moonboots's user avatar
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6 votes

Animating an emission shader (or any)

While howering mouse over a Strength value in Emission node, you can press I key to insert a keyframe for this parameter. Move in Timeline to another frame. Move mouse over node strength parameter and ...
vklidu's user avatar
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6 votes

How can I raise the brightness of just the voronoi part of this shader?

If you want to brighten just the "stars", use a second ColorRamp to isolate just the white values (against a black background). Then, use a math node to multiply this by some value (...
Christopher Bennett's user avatar
6 votes

How can I add Emission to the "Mortar" of a grid texture?

If you generate your grid texture with a Brick Texture node, you can connect the Fac output to the Emission Strength input of a Principled BSDF: Note the green glow cast on the small sphere. If you ...
Alexis King's user avatar
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6 votes

Color ramp as Value for Strength input on Emission shader

The Color Ramp node can output values outside the [0...1] range, but you have to manually input the values inside the field though. The limit of 1 is a soft limit and you can't go below 0. I just ...
Gorgious's user avatar
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6 votes

Can you make an emissive surface black? (Blender 3.1.2 Mac)

If you're looking for an invisible light source, you could also use a Light. An Area Light might be perfect for your situation.
Samuel's user avatar
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6 votes

Mix shader is not working with an emission node

Mix Shader node is for mixing shaders. Mix Color node is for mixing colors and images.
Martynas Žiemys's user avatar
5 votes

How do Power and Strength values correlate?

I did some testing. You can use this as a reference sheet :). Power : Strength ratio is 10:2,5 (for 1m² area) Area lights use Power (W), Mesh lights use Strength Mesh light used - default plane ...
jachym michal's user avatar
5 votes

How to get blooming effect in cycles without compositing

As Jachym Michal says you can create a box with volumetric. A lighter solution is to fake the glowing with a Layer Weight/Facing node: Create your object. Create a sphere that contains your object (...
moonboots's user avatar
  • 168k
5 votes

How can I have a strong emission object without it turning white?

Technically, Cycles is correct in making it look white. Because it's so bright, the camera is overexposed and it comes out as white. If you try to take a real picture of a light bulb, depending on ...
ElliotThomas's user avatar
5 votes

How can I make a material that is transparent at the center and emission at the corners of a plane

If you want the transparent "circle" to stretch to fit the shape of the plane (so there are uniform boundaries), you can use a Generated texture coordinate. You will have to use a mapping (...
Christopher Bennett's user avatar
5 votes

How do I use emission, without my object's shape getting lost in the emission?

You could try with Ambient Occlusion and a color ramp.
Emir's user avatar
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5 votes

How do I get a colored object to glow on white?

Switch the render engine to Cycles and Emission will cast light onto other objects as expected. In Eevee, shift+A Add 'Light Probe' >'Irradiance Volume' Scale it up so the inner bounding box ...
Aubrey's user avatar
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