Combine pass in compositior Blender 4.2
It works the same way as in many previous versions.
You add direct and indirect passes and multiply the result by color pass for diffuse, glossy, transmission and volume passes add them together and ...
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cycles-render-engine × 9088rendering × 3173
materials × 1597
texturing × 1011
node-editor × 972
lighting × 842
shaders × 664
transparency × 435
gpu × 425
animation × 397
eevee-render-engine × 395
compositing-nodes × 311
particles × 300
modeling × 299
uv × 292
blender-internal-render-engine × 256
3d-view × 248
volumetrics × 248
texture-baking × 227
python × 213
smoke-simulation × 204
shadows × 191
glass × 190
camera × 180
mesh × 177