New answers tagged 2d
How to bridge / connect two 2d shapes into one object
Not sure what's the problem with LoopTools > Bridge or CtrlE > Bridge Edge Loops? Create your A and O, make sure that they have the same amount of inner and outer vertices:
Select the holes and ...
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2d × 379animation × 133
grease-pencil × 128
rendering × 28
image × 27
keyframes × 22
modeling × 19
mesh × 19
3d-view × 19
rigging × 14
layers × 12
texturing × 11
camera × 10
shaders × 9
eevee-render-engine × 9
lighting × 9
python × 8
export × 8
bezier-curves × 8
transforms × 8
transparency × 8
materials × 7
uv × 7
armature × 7
edit-mode × 7