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How come "Updating Lights" takes forever in Blender?

I ended up minimizing all of the dropdowns in my render properties menu and enabled "Persistent Data" which fixed my problem. Render time dropped from around 60 seconds to 9 :).
Xander Way's user avatar
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area light lighting unevenly in a scene evee

You forgot to include your image textures in your blend file, so it's hard to tell for 100% certainty. But shader normals can definitely give such results, and you can see yourself that unplugging the ...
Lauloque's user avatar
  • 19.3k
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How to Keep a Product's Brilliance with a White Background (No HDRI)?

To give you a few examples for what @Lutzi told you about, if you want to use an HDRI for lighting and reflections but do not want to see it in the background, you can always use two different ...
Gordon Brinkmann's user avatar
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Grease Pencil: render is darker than what is displayed in the viewport

To fix that, in the Object Data properties tab, uncheck the option Use Lights, and everything should look exactly like it does in the preview.
Anver Hisham's user avatar
2 votes

Material shows as gray in render

The edge at the top of the front face is part of more than 2 faces, it is bad topology and creates a bad shading problem when you smooth shade, you can either right click in Object mode and Shade Flat,...
moonboots's user avatar
  • 168k
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How to have indirect lightning bounce properly within volumetrics?

I believe I found a solution to my own problem. Somehow, by connecting "Is Diffuse Ray" to a mix shader with the volume scatter connected to the second shader input, the light bounces ...
SBVBA Guy's user avatar
1 vote

The background color affects the mesh of the weapon!

The world background isn’t just a decoration, it illuminates the scene. So, since the world background is green, you are effectively shining a green light on your object from all angles. Since this is ...
TheLabCat's user avatar
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How to have indirect lightning bounce properly within volumetrics?

Seems to work fine without any extra effort: That's simple Volume Scatter shader in the World node tree: And just make sure you have enough volume bounces: It doesn't need to be anything this crazy ...
Martynas Žiemys's user avatar

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