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Is it possible to convert the dimensions that MeasureIt gives into text or Mesh for manipulation?

You could make a mesh that consists of a single edge(or whatever else that has something with any coordinates and you can move that - could be two verts, could be single vert and object's origin - ...
Martynas Žiemys's user avatar
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Is it possible to convert the dimensions that MeasureIt gives into text or Mesh for manipulation?

This script, from Blender Artists worked when I ran it but it has its limitations. ...
common_goldfish's user avatar
3 votes

Why Shader editor doesn't show any node?

Try pressing Home while your mouse cursor is over the Shader Editor. This will “Frame all” nodes. If it still shows nothing, either the Shader Editor is really empty, or you are experiencing a ...
TheLabCat's user avatar
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how can i turn off the node tabs in blender 4.3.0

It doesn't seem possible, that said if you press H or CtrlH or H then CtrlH you'll have the following results:
moonboots's user avatar
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How can I make this material static on the figure? Now the figure slides through it

Don't use the Object output of the Texture Coordinate because the texture won't follow once the object is animated, instead use Generated and stretch the texture in the Mapping node.
moonboots's user avatar
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Is there a way of controlling the position and colour of a stop on a color ramp node?

If you are using two color stops you can also just use map range node from mix & from max values is positions of first and second color stops to max & to min is the values of color stops
Bicukow's user avatar
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How to Make Only White Areas Metallic While Keeping the Rest Matte and Transparent in Blender?

Since you're working with white, it will be very ease. Plug the texture to a color ramp, left side black, right side white, and adjust the limit as you prefer. Do a similar thing to the roughness, but ...
Daniel Möller's user avatar
1 vote

Exporting large geometry node network out as an image

This is the link to the code and the code is below. I tested it with Blender 4.3 Note: This is not my code but it does work. Save the python code ...
Still's user avatar
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Getting the width of a group node

Select the node (so it is active), ⬆ ShiftF4, then paste into the console: ...
Markus von Broady's user avatar
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Array instanced object keeping the same index in Geometry Nodes

You need to add a random value to the the spheres before instancing them on the main grid: And in the shader, you use an "Attribute" node to get this value, with an important setting: it ...
Daniel Möller's user avatar
3 votes

I'd like to change a single color in an image texture

Black is darker than the rest so you can compare the values to some low value: (That's a Math node in Less Than mode)
Martynas Žiemys's user avatar
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How to Connect all Sockets of a Node Group to the Group Input Node in one click

1. Paste to Text Editor and hit the run button ...
X Y's user avatar
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Geometry Node Pattern Help?

Joke answer Imgur mirror (SE image hosting has problems) Imgur mirror Real answer: after booleans, apply the modifier, clean up the geometry (or create new one from scratch, but you now understand ...
Markus von Broady's user avatar
2 votes

Geometry Node Pattern Help?

Another approach, you would plug in your objects using the Object Info node and use a Checker texture. (Blender 4.40)
common_goldfish's user avatar
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Geometry Node Pattern Help?

Just make two grids, one smaller than the other in the right proportion, and you have all the locations: File Hints If you make your base shape having sides = 1 (X and Y), you can automatically set ...
Daniel Möller's user avatar
2 votes

How to open/edit a node group in a new window via python?

Edit Node Group in new window (Shading node groups only) ...
X Y's user avatar
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Fixing undefined shader nodes

For another question I made a script that should theoretically be able to replace undefined Mix nodes in one click. It really works only on Mix nodes, typically as you get undefined ones when opening ...
Lauloque's user avatar
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