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1 vote

Is there any help with the deforming weight error rig?

The parenting with Automatic Weights didn't work correctly because your faces were inverted (image), to fix that go in Edit mode, select all and recalculate the normals (ShiftN):
moonboots's user avatar
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9 votes

Need an advice to rig a spaceship with mechanicals part

Initial setup First let's make a simple bone setup: a root bone, parent of a wheel bone, parent of a crank bone. Note how I oriented the bones with +Z upwards and +Y on whatever their main rotation ...
Lauloque's user avatar
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3 votes

keep foots on the ground

Add a foot bone even if there is no foot, make sure it's not child of the leg (it can be child of the hips or, better, child of a root bone). Uncheck its "Deform" option in the bone ...
josh sanfelici's user avatar
0 votes

Arm twists too much even with twist bones

The topology is pretty bad, you should retopologize, that said the problem comes from bad weight, for example you have enable the Deform option of this bone when it should be deactivated: On the ...
moonboots's user avatar
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Rigging the eyes

As the eye is not spherical, it will get out of eyesocket when rotating. The solution is to start with a spherical eye and add a machinary bone (MCH in my example) wich is parent of the deforming eye ...
josh sanfelici's user avatar
0 votes

Rigging the eyes

Without downloading the blend file, but having encountered similar issues, I have a suggestion. make sure your eyes are completely detached from all other parts of the mesh place the root of a bone ...
Warlax56's user avatar
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Bone rotates strangely when using basic human rig

This is likely bad rotation interpolation caused by gimbal lock. You can alleviate the issue by running an euler filter on the rotation curves, from the graph editor, in the curves menu. If it doesn't ...
Hadriscus's user avatar
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1 vote

Exporting both .blend and .fbx file from Blender to Unity creates unexpected results

I tried baking the animation as I mentioned and then exporting with options as I would do all the time, and importing that back to Blender I notice the armature and its animation have no problem ...
Lauloque's user avatar
  • 19.4k
0 votes

Rigging a pupil as a separate mesh

Maybe first remove the shapekeys of the eye, align the mesh with the world XYZ and put the origin at the center: Give a Shrinkwrap constraint (not modifier) to the eye with the eye as Target, ...
moonboots's user avatar
  • 168k
0 votes

Rigging character with eye

What I think might be the problem is that you did not add weight to the eyes. I will suggest you do the following: Select the eyes, select the bone to control the eyes ...
Adeoye Adegbite's user avatar
1 vote

How can I get my "limit rotation" bone constrains to work WITH the rest of my armature instead of against it?

It's because your constraint is in 'World Space' and not in 'Local Space'.
AAA Yerus's user avatar
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How to make a cube which can stretch upwards and compress down?

You could use two different Shape Keys. One to bring down the upper surface and scale it up on x and y. The other to rise the top and make it thinner.
Blendamed's user avatar
2 votes

How to make a cube which can stretch upwards and compress down?

With a Bevel modifier: Use a simple cube, create 3 shapekeys, one for each shape, give a Bevel and a Subdivision Surface modifier to your object, set the bevel Segments to 3, keyframe the Amount, 0.5 ...
moonboots's user avatar
  • 168k
0 votes

Issue with weight painting and rig

Maybe join the collar to the dress, then in Edit mode move up the edge and collar like that: Remove all these vertices from all groups: Paint the weight of each bone in Weight Paint mode: change ...
moonboots's user avatar
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1 vote

Rigging a robotic arm with IK Armature and a always pointing down bone

What you need is an IK controller directly connected to "Arm 2", because you actually don't want the "Point down" bone to be controlled by the IK - it should only be connected to &...
Gordon Brinkmann's user avatar
0 votes

Inverse Kinematics leg/arm rig bending the wrong way

In Edit Mode move the ball between the upper and lower leg bone a little more to the direction you want it to bend to.
Eve's user avatar
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issues joining / control two armatures with one mesh - Joining mixamo rig & universal human rig

You need to export the mesh with the armature only as an FBX. Delete any other meshes like eyelashes or eyeballs or teeth, etc cause Mixamo won't know how to rig those and give an error. When you ...
Mike Albert's user avatar
0 votes

Rigify Error: Bone 'upper_arm.L': Input to rig type must be a chain of at least 3 bones

The bone which is preventing the generation is the thumb one, named forearm.001, which has to be separated from the arm chain (Edit mode, select it, Alt P > Disconnect bone). There are many others ...
josh sanfelici's user avatar
0 votes

How to create advanced slider controller (like Maya's)?

You should be able to do this using Bone constraints. The slider controller in that case would probably be a target bone or an empty. The Bone constraints only show up in pose mode of the rig and you ...
Hannes's user avatar
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Rigify Incorrect armature for type 'base_generate'

My problem was the same as everyone else online: I had accidentally changed the rigify type of one of my bones (foot.R in my case). For the bug, line 501 of is ...
Malssistra's user avatar
0 votes

locked track constraint *with offset* on mechanical rig

I generally use IK for this kind of rigs. In my example Aim Bone has a IK constraint targeting at Target, chain lenght 3. Target is unparented to any of the chain bones. The rest of the chain is ...
josh sanfelici's user avatar
0 votes

Hair won't follow rig (Blender 2.9)

You have these hair curves and your scalp, your scalp follows as it should but the hair is stubbornly stuck in place? In the Outliner, select the curves (specifically, and in Object Mode) under the ...
Alex B's user avatar
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1 vote

Error With Mirroring and Weight Paint

Put the Mirror modifier above the Armature modifier (or apply it).
moonboots's user avatar
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4 votes

I have a few questions about animal fur in blender as well as rigging said character

Topic is quite long, I try to address you in some basics: There are more than two options actually: mains are meshes, particle system and geometry nodes (curves that get scattered, combed and ...
josh sanfelici's user avatar
1 vote

Best set up for rigging a linked mechanism

The correct setup for this kind of movements is to use IK in this way: IK target is child of Rotor. IK2 has the IK constraint, targeting IK Target, with chain lenght = 2. Make sure that Rotor is ...
josh sanfelici's user avatar
3 votes

Transfer weights to selected area only

You can select the vertices of the destination mesh, assign them to a vertex group named "Limit Influence", then add a Data Transfer modifier, targeting the source mesh and using the limit ...
josh sanfelici's user avatar
0 votes

Parts of model do not deform when joined to the properly deforming base

Separate the armor with AltP, select the undersuit, shift select the armor, switch to Weight Paint mode, go into Weights > Transfer Weights, in the pop-up panel choose Source Layers Selection > ...
moonboots's user avatar
  • 168k
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Help with Animating a Leech-like Creature on a Parent Character’s Deforming Surface

In my example I go in cylinder edit mode, select 3 appropriate vertices, press Shift S > Selection to cursor. In obj Mode create an empty, shift select the cylinder, press Ctrl P > Vertex ...
josh sanfelici's user avatar
2 votes

How can I make an already rigged model be controlled by newly added bones?

A bone controls some vertices of the mesh if theese conditions are set: The mesh has an Armature modifier, targeting the Armature that contains the bone. The vertices are part of a vertex group ...
josh sanfelici's user avatar
0 votes

Issues with Exporting Rigged Animation from Blender to Cinema 4D

I found that I was due to render icon that I didn't checked
Kasey's user avatar
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0 votes

Rigging is going out of shape on setup

You have reversed the target and the pole target bones, bone 1 should be the pole target, bone 2 should be the target. As soon as you switch to Pose mode, the IK bone will stick to the target, that's ...
moonboots's user avatar
  • 168k
0 votes

All strips are greyed out

The issue was the theme I was using (I use maya theme just because I like the gradient falloff in the viewport background). One I switched it back to Blender Dark (the default theme) the issue was ...
Isaac G. Obi's user avatar
3 votes

IK bone flips suddenly during movement

I think your setup is a bit complicated and could be simplified, that said the main problem is that you haven't bent the bone chain so Blender doesn't know how to bend it when animated, just bend a ...
moonboots's user avatar
  • 168k
4 votes

Bend paper maintaning proportions / rig constraints

Edit: Not sure it anwsers your question. A little bit tedious but you could parent the mesh this way, each bone controlling the 2 adjacent vertices: Once animated: File:
moonboots's user avatar
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1 vote

Generated rig controls are twisted

Metarig is supposed to face you during front view, so that X axis is Left-Right. To solve rotate 90 degrees on Z axis both Metarig and character, Apply the rotations (Ctrl A), then re-generate the rig....
josh sanfelici's user avatar
0 votes

How can I animate one object being the child of two bones?

You can add to a bone an armature bone constraint, adding more than one target bone and animating its weight (influence). It's better not to use more than one child of constraint.
josh sanfelici's user avatar
2 votes

Is this rig improperly connected to its attached model or is this normal?

Saying there are two armatures or even "sub" armatures is a recipe for unnecessary confusion 🙃 These are not different armatures, it's just two sets of bones that you interact with ...
Lauloque's user avatar
  • 19.4k

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