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How to set a PointerPropery in an Attributes node?

Yes, it's possible, use my_pointer_prop.my_vectors if you change the values via scripting ...
Karan's user avatar
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Hide unmasked areas Blender 4.2 API

bpy.ops.paint.hide_show_masked(action='HIDE') Hide/show all masked vertices ...
Jayanam's user avatar
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script to clean up video sequence and adjust params (resolution, filepath, etc)

Here is an example script. Let me know if you can change/add to this first attempt. ...
james_t's user avatar
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How to generate Textures without Rendering to File?

If you wanted to try using geometry to store the texture made in Geometry Nodes, you would need to have some geometry with vertices positioned in 2d space and indexed in similar way as image pixels. ...
Martynas Žiemys's user avatar
1 vote

How to Calculate the Shadow Area Cast by One Object on Another in Blender Using Sunlight?

Assuming manifold geometry, you can elongate the shadow caster(s), and find their boolean mesh intersection with shadow receivers. Then find the surface to the front of the Sun, which you can simply ...
Markus von Broady's user avatar
2 votes

How to draw consistent dotted line similar to default blender measure tool?

Draw a screen space dash line from (0, 0, 0) to (1, 1, 1) Fixed dash size: 5 px gap size: 5 px colors_len = 0: use 1 color colors_len = 1: use 2 color If you see the gap size and dash size changing ...
X Y's user avatar
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3 votes

How to set Active and Selected Object into another Scene?

Just like with the context example, you have to set the active object via the view_layer attribute of the scene. Pretty straightforward. ...
Jakemoyo's user avatar
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Adding checkbox to Output Panel

Yes, use append or prepend e.g. bpy.types.VIEW3D_MT_view.append() or ...
Karan's user avatar
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Geometry nodes Instances data export to CSV file

got the same problem,... If u got not so dense geometry and just got 21 instances u could make instances real and delete the geometry nodes on the instances create the
FreaKYGReeN Fish's user avatar
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Blender 4.2: Activate extension with python?

I was able to solve my issue. First, get the users blender addon folder so it doesn't matter what operator system the user has, then download the addon zip, extract the zip and then enable the addon. <...
David Knief's user avatar
1 vote

How to generate Textures without Rendering to File?

If you bake a texture, you have the image in Blender, it is accessible through the API and is not saved to disk. If you render an image without output to file ...
Martynas Žiemys's user avatar
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how to select matching polygons?

You can make a Geometry Nodes tool to select by proximity of another geometry: Don't forget to enable it for edit mode:
Martynas Žiemys's user avatar
1 vote

Selecting vertices with Python only works sometimes

Selecting vertices definitely works fine. You don't deselect any already selected geometry in the script though. To deselect everything, you need to deselect verts, edges and faces because they are ...
Martynas Žiemys's user avatar
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How to display Size property in form of "number+units" in the custom operator's REDO panel?

@XY has answered my question in the comments, but for some reason hasn't posted it as a full answer. So, here is the solution (kudos to XY) : FloatProperty (as any ...
Yaroslav's user avatar
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Rna subtype iterative redefining

I found an alternative route to tracing executions, it stems ironically from halting the UI entirely. Just registering a class to invoke(self,context,event) with <...
brock mag num's user avatar
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I want to make a transparent block using Blender Python in Blender 4.3

My apologies, I answered my own question but not in the correct manner. Short answer: it was not the code but the values in the right-hand panes Settings, Scene and Render. Step by step I have ...
narratorjay's user avatar
4 votes

Why does the color of the UI set by FloatVectorProperty appear inconsistent?

use subtype = "COLOR_GAMMA"
Karan's user avatar
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Not possible to render using optix via bpy in docker image

I found the solution to the problem. I was missing the shared libraries libnvoptix as well as the rtcore library. Once I copied those over it works. Note that copying over is probably not the right ...
glenn_clarence's user avatar
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Using 3rd party Python modules

I tried all the other answers, and they mostly didn't work. The main issue I was facing is that I needed something that I could run without administrative privileges. In particular, I needed ...
Seph Reed's user avatar
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How to add UI element to a Modifier

Modifier UI is not accessible via Python API. It is not possible to add anything to a panel of a modifier in the Properties editor, Modifier tab using Python. You can create various types of inputs ...
Martynas Žiemys's user avatar
2 votes

How to change paint brush in Blender 4.3 with python?

The problem is not related to Blender's version. You did right actions but in the wrong order. It should be: bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='TEXTURE_PAINT') ...
Yaroslav's user avatar
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Display image in addon

You can use the icon_id of the image with bpy.types.UILayout.icon This code will display the image icon of the size you want, from the image ...
Noob Cat's user avatar
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How to open the Manage Unused Data window using python code?

After a bit of trial&error I found that you must call the operator with the special INVOKE_AREA parameter. ...
Gorgious's user avatar
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How to get the orientation normal vector to align the camera?

It's not a python solution (you've tagged your question as python). Select the plane (or the face of the plane in Edit mode if the origin of the plane is not aligned with the face), open the Transform ...
moonboots's user avatar
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knife_project context

A variant that does not use ops.viwe3d. ...
unwave's user avatar
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knife_project context needs to be called after updating the view with bpy.ops
NotAProgrammer's user avatar
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Custom Blender Addon: How to make an input prompt?

You can define bl_property and then a string property inside an operator using the same name, then use invoke function to return a pop-up (...
Martynas Žiemys's user avatar
4 votes

How to Connect all Sockets of a Node Group to the Group Input Node in one click

1. Paste to Text Editor and hit the run button ...
X Y's user avatar
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How can I set the active category in the "N" panel?

In blender 4.2 they added the ability to change and set categories. There is another option, through ctypes, it is implemented in my addon UniV, in the operator SplitUVToggle, but it is too complex ...
Oxicid's user avatar
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bpy.ops.console.scrollback_append RuntimeError context is incorrect when called from SimpleOperator template

overriding the context of a bpy operator changed, there is now bpy.context.temp_override in blender 4.2+ specifically for changing the window, screen, and area context items. for example, to ...
ThorSummoner's user avatar
2 votes

Merge by Distance/remove_double removes 0 vertices when scripted with bpy

Your problem is caused by altered unit scale, which apparently you have to use to recalculate the distances on your own: ...
Markus von Broady's user avatar
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How to selecting Principled BSDF node in the shader of the selected object if blender is not set in English

It depends on the situation how you select the node you need. You could loop through nodes until you find the right type: ...
Martynas Žiemys's user avatar
2 votes

How to open/edit a node group in a new window via python?

Edit Node Group in new window (Shading node groups only) ...
X Y's user avatar
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Installing blender from file

TL;DR Run these commands after extracting blender in /usr/local: ...
jota0222's user avatar

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