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14 votes

Blender 2.8: Grease Pencil Fill Brush Not Working

The confusion is caused by the default setting of any new draw brush material where the fill is set to 0.0 alpha which means it is transparent (it makes sense as you'll most often just want to draw a ...
Rhinoz's user avatar
  • 156
8 votes

Render 2D cross sections of 3D Objects

That can be done using shader driven by the current frame. The node settings: The generated texture coordinates is between 0 and 1. Value nodes: one is driven by the current frame, the other is the ...
lemon's user avatar
  • 60.6k
8 votes

2D Physics on 3D object

Sure. You want it acting like a pinball machine, and pinball machines are 3D, so it shouldn't be a problem. We'll just use non-rendering physics: We'll start with six boxes, forming the walls of ...
Nathan's user avatar
  • 25.1k
7 votes

Extrude a PNG image spherically

I'm adding a simpler solution as you say that you don't need holes. First solution: Follow the shape with some extrusions: Extrude and bevel: Fix the topology, symmetrize (on Y here): Unwrap with ...
moonboots's user avatar
  • 164k
6 votes

Grease pencil 2.8, how to move strokes / curves / shapes between layers within the same GP objects

In edit mode, you can select strokes and assign them to the layer of your choice with the shortcut M or by going to the Stroke menu -> "Move to layer"
S-p's user avatar
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6 votes

image does not render in blender 2.8

When dragging an image from a folder to the 2D-anim workspace, an empty with the image is created. This will never render, and is probably meant as an reference-image. Use "images as planes" instead. ...
Acebone's user avatar
  • 305
6 votes

How to make a sine wave distortion effect?

Mix color instead of Add color Starting from a similar situation: You should set up a wave texture with horizontal bands and a little bit of distortion: Then Mix the coordinate of the UV map with ...
Carlo's user avatar
  • 24.9k
6 votes

Creating a cardboard cut-out OR How do I make my geometry respect my 2d image import?

If you use alpha to give transparency I'm not sure you'll be able to give it thickness properly. What you need to do is use your image as a background, draw a mesh that will have the exact same shape ...
moonboots's user avatar
  • 164k
6 votes

How to draw out of XZ plane in Blender?

You have 2 options available in the viewport to control the placement of new strokes. Hint : Hover your cursor over a setting to see more information about it. Stroke Placement You can choose to ...
Gorgious's user avatar
  • 32k
6 votes

How to create a camera-space 2D bounding box in Geometry Nodes?

Here's an old method that I recycled for you to do the trick. Although it may not be elegant, it is rather straightforward. First, we'll take the object to be boxed and reproject it to the camera ...
Obfuscate's user avatar
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5 votes

Freestyle: control the Thickness of stroked curve using Radius?

Animation Nodes can be used here. Essentially, if you add a 2D curve and copy the 3D spline to it using this simple node tree, you will get what you need: It also works for multiple splines: But ...
Omar Emara's user avatar
  • 22.6k
5 votes

Freestyle: control the Thickness of stroked curve using Radius?

There is a modifier in Freestyle which will let you do this: in the Freestyle Line Style for your current line set, select 'Thickness' and assign an 'Along Stroke' modifier. In the modifier, set the ...
Robin Betts's user avatar
  • 78.3k
5 votes

Grease pencil showing the wrong colour

It turned out that I was using the Solid shading instead of the Material Preview viewport shading.
LoserLemur's user avatar
5 votes

How to place match the floor of a picture with a plane using f-spy?

Incorrect perspective reconstruction Your reconstructed camera in the blendfile has different orientation from the one used in the source image. Just look at the angle between the floor ad the camera'...
Carlo's user avatar
  • 24.9k
5 votes

Create circular object from a 2d mesh

Try a Screw Modifier. Just don't increase the "Screw" count (so it doesn't go "up"). You can increase the number of divisions from the modifier panel, and change the shape of the ...
Christopher Bennett's user avatar
5 votes

How to do this type of trailing effects?

In order to reproduce the effect it is useful to know how it would have originally been produced. At the time of the original effect being produced (early 1970s) there were not the digital tools ...
Rich Sedman's user avatar
  • 45.1k
5 votes

Is there any difference between selecting knife tool in the tool menu and pressing hotkey "K"?

It is difference between you use shortcut and call it in menu. In the Preferences, You can see there has two same operator mesh.knife_tool ...
X Y's user avatar
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5 votes

Line art, how to show the hidden edges? those which usually are dotted in technical drawings

If I understand correctly this is what you are looking for: Add > Grease Pencil > Object Line Art (and select the cube as the target Object) In the modifiers Tab go to chaining and check ...
Vagabonk's user avatar
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5 votes

Creating and saving cross-section images from 3D objects

Shader You can get an object's position in a shader and use it as a transparency mask: Note: If you are using only a Principled BSDF shader to begin with, you can plug the Greater Than output ...
Lauloque's user avatar
  • 18.2k
4 votes

Why are Grease Pencil Strokes converted to thin Lines?

I had the same problem with the random hotkey, still don't know what it was. On the top right corner of the viewport are four icons which change the Viewport Shading. Select the second or third icon ...
kyu_kimchee's user avatar
4 votes

World displays as grey even though set to white

"White" is not an absolute value. The values change depending on the transforms used in the color management section. If you are using sRGB, with a sRGB view transform, white should be 1. ...
susu's user avatar
  • 14.2k
4 votes

Can Grease Pencil objects created with older Blender versions interact with light sources in Blender 2.83?

That's correct. The Grease Pencil has been rewritten from scratch and lights are only affecting Grease Pencil Objects created in Blender 2.83. Quote from the official Blog Post (5. Converting Old ...
brockmann's user avatar
  • 12.7k
4 votes

Depth of Field with Grease Pencil Objects not working

Unfortunately Grease Pencil doesn't have true camera DOF enabled yet, but there are several workarounds available: 1) Add the "blur" effect under the "visual effects properties" tab and check "Use ...
Darthfurby's user avatar
4 votes

How to centre align a circle to be above another circle in other layer?

In Object Mode, the action Selection to cursor will move the object such that its origin is at the cursor. For your object, it's origin is not at its center, so it ...
person132's user avatar
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4 votes

How to distort a generated node (not image) without using compositing?

Apologies.. I felt I had to make a tadpole with a longer tail to illustrate. You can distort a procedural texture in exactly the same way as you would distort an image texture: by distorting the whole ...
Robin Betts's user avatar
  • 78.3k
4 votes

How to make an edge/vertices follow path?

Create a number of desired bezier curve objects with the intended shapes. For each of them add a small plane object, make sure it is aligned with the starting point of the bezier curve. For ease of ...
Duarte Farrajota Ramos's user avatar
4 votes

Plane is stuck in 2D, won't move in the y axis

It's probably because the scale of that object is all over the place, including the Z scale being zero! In Object mode, apply the scale with Ctrl-A > Scale and you'll find that it works fine.
John Eason's user avatar
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4 votes

How can I achieve Fake Depth of field for a 2D Image Plane?

If you don't mind using the Compositor, you can use a Defocus Node when you enable the Z Pass in the View Layer Properties: For more control over the blur shape, you can also use the Defocus Node ...
LaserLars's user avatar
  • 858
3 votes

Why are Grease Pencil Strokes converted to thin Lines?

This is because the viewport is set for Wireframe shading mode. The hotkey for this is Shift+Z.
Daniel Wallace's user avatar
3 votes

Blender live-action footage and Grease Pencil animation

The grease pencil works only in the 3D viewport, you can't use it on the VSE or in the Movie Clip Editor. Here are a couple of options: 1. Use video as background for the camera. Select the camera ...
A.dalvik's user avatar

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