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How to subdivide triangles into four triangles with Geometry Nodes?

Here is my late entry. It works as follows: Triangulate, using a "Triangulate" node. Let n (≥1) denote the number of subdivisions each edge is to be subdivided into (i.e. n-1≥0 new ...
Don Hatch's user avatar
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2 votes

Face Selection Issue in Geometry Nodes for odd Grid X & Y inputs

For this, you will have to alternate rows. I created an "index" solution and a "position" solution. The index one is easier, but I thought of it only after I finished the hard one (...
Daniel Möller's user avatar
2 votes

Face Selection Issue in Geometry Nodes for odd Grid X & Y inputs

This is a simple math fact. Indices of a grid increase in columns going up (2D up, i.e. $+y$), then right ($+x$): Imgur mirror (SE hosting has problems) BTW, those indices are stable and not subject ...
Markus von Broady's user avatar
0 votes

Select points within distance to other points

Given a selected island index, these nodes separate all that are near. (You can transform this node into a "Tool" and use "set selection" at the end instead of "separate ...
Daniel Möller's user avatar
1 vote

How to Create a Random Hexagon Appearance Effect on a Surface?

After a fairly even geometry has been made to create the pan, Geometry nodes can be used to create the pattern and both the Lattice and Shrinkwrap modifier can be used to attach the pattern without ...
common_goldfish's user avatar
3 votes

How can I select 2 corner edges which make 90 degrees between them on a grid

2D solution This solution evaulates at vertex domain: vertices that have 2 edges (and only 2); and the angle between the edges is 90 PS: you can remove the "has 2 edges" verification in ...
Daniel Möller's user avatar
3 votes

Is it possible to make a procedural circular-streaks noise texture?

Make polar coordinates (radius and angle) and stretch the angle / compress the radius. Radius = length Angle = atan2 of y / x
Daniel Möller's user avatar
3 votes

How to mapping Texture image in all Voronoii Cells?

We can force some UV mappings procedurally Face map This solution considers every "direction change" in the faces as a seam. Using some math involving the global axes and the face normals, ...
Daniel Möller's user avatar

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