Linked Questions

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How can I make a glowing material? [duplicate]

I asked related to this question in the past. How best to render a 3D grid? Now I wanted to know how to make this picture in the blender.
user3704712's user avatar
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Laser bolt glare problem in blender 2.9 [duplicate]

So I'm trying to build a laser bolt like in Star Wars, and I added a cylinder with an emission texture. The problem is, in Star Wars, the laser bolts have glare, so I added a glare node in the ...
luftwaffle's user avatar
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Blender material glare fx [duplicate]

Can we somehow achieve glare effect (like that radio active material small thick glow around the object) on an object using just Cycles material nodes (this is my 2nd I guess better formulated ...
fafa's user avatar
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Post-processing Lightsabers in Blender

I've been studying JamesVillanueva's lightsabers for a while now, and have tried to recreate the effects in Blender. The trouble I'm having is with the blade in the compositor. Keep in mind that I'm ...
kizlink's user avatar
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Creating a glowing effect with nodes

I want to achieve that light glowing effect. What material and what nodes do I have to use?
atek's user avatar
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How to create a fire/light effect in a spaceship engine

I was wondering how I could create this effect in blender for an animation: How can I make this bloom effect?
PopJin's user avatar
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How can I make a part of a texture glow?

I need to make a part of a texture glow slightly. Like Killer Crocs eyes (see image below) How do I do this? I added a black and white texture (white for the glow. But then this happened. There ...
JustNat Bro's user avatar
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Is there a Cycles equivalent to Eevee's Bloom Option?

Is there any equivalent option or process to get results equal, similar or better than Eevee's Bloom? If yes, how could I do it? I have an object with Emission Surface on Material in that case it is ...
Valter Queiroz's user avatar
11 votes
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How to render a wireframe & glow lines effect on a house?

I would like to render this kind of effect: I would like to render it on a house. The view should be at the top, and the edges of each wall should be a glowing line. I tried the technique from this ...
Paul's user avatar
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Creating a "halo" effect for a material in cycles?

I'm trying to achieve an effect similar to this image: However it's looking more like this: No halo; the material ends where the mesh ends. How can I set a material to look like the first image? ...
Daniel Hurtado Ramirez's user avatar
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Why the texture is not glowing

I have created a tail light. With the material and texture i have setup. What is missing in the nodes. Im not getting glow from the emission nodes. I have increase the strength of the emission but ...
atek's user avatar
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How to make Edge Glow?

I am doing a zooming in and out animation for symbols. And it suppose to have an edge glow, like in the example photo. Is it possible to achieve without volumetric lighting because the lighting of ...
A.D.'s user avatar
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Render and Preview are different

I'm trying to create a simple scene like the scene depicted in the answer here: I reproduced the Compositor and Volume scatter settings, and this is what I get when I render: But in the Rendered ...
MicroMachine's user avatar
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Lighting for the filament of a lightbulb

I want the light of the filament of a lightbulb to cast an orange glow on the objects around it, but I want the actual filament to be a bright white. What can I do? I am not experienced with Blender
Aragon Buckle's user avatar
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Adding a Glow Effect to a Specific Material

I have looked at many different things including THIS which is the exact question I want, but even that didn't work. I'm trying to render a lightsaber. I've made a green emission material bright ...
Zacharoth's user avatar
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It is possible to render a geometry as a blurry object?

I was making an scene and thanks to the help of the people here, i managed to make a volumetric light..but now that i think the 'borders' are too sharp, and this light (seen on the picture) is nothing ...
beavoru's user avatar
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Creating realistic concert lighting

I've been trying to create a live venue in blender recently, but have gotten stuck at the point of making realistic spotlights. First I tried using a cylinder mesh with an emissive transparency ...
huntybunty's user avatar
5 votes
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A tube of light in a volume shader

As I had much fun with this (thx Chebhou) but gaussian functions are a bit too complex for me, i want my volume scatter cylinder to have simply a smaller cylinder emitting light inside it, from the ...
Bithur's user avatar
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How do I render with cycles with the same bloom effects as Eevee? [duplicate]

I want to render an animation in cycles it has a lot of bloom for the neon effects and most of the bloom is just gone in cycles.
yua's user avatar
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Creating an edgeless material for flame

I'm looking to recreate something like this , but if possible, using just the nodes editor and a mesh. I'm primarily having trouble with finding the right combination of nodes to create that edgeless, ...
Hiigaran's user avatar
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How to create haze around a uv sphere with emission shader [duplicate]

So, I have this lit up ball on a black background. The background needs to be black, and i would like a sort of haze around the ball. Other questions did not solve my problem. I was thinking ...
Corbomite's user avatar
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How to make image transparency of clouds brighter

I am trying to make a pillar cloud using an image transparency. I have a basic node set up for making the image show with transparent background. But I would like to make the cloud pillar glow. I am ...
Allen's user avatar
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Emission 'Aura' Effect (2.79b Cycles) [duplicate]

I have a scene set up with some objects with really nice shaders I mixed up in the Node Editor, and they look really good. However, I am trying to create a light blooming effect on the emission effect ...
Mike Graves's user avatar
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Cycles: Need help combining a glowing transparent texture with the rest of the material

So I use Cycles and am trying to make Godzilla with his spines glowing. I have already created the material for his whole body (which is one node set-up), now what I need to do is create another ...
KingKong19100's user avatar
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Is there a way to make hand painted designs glow? [duplicate]

If not, what’s an easy way to model more intricate designs anyway, here is a crudely drawn example of what i want
j a s m i n e's user avatar
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Trying to recreate an effect that involves emission and cant get it right at all

this is a picture of the effect I am doing The original work: I just can't seem to get the same glow like effect. I'm not sure if I am missing something with ...
Code's user avatar
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Shining reflection

How can I add a very slight "glowy" shine on places where light is directly pointing at. Just like in real life. I always need to do it with photoshop afterwards, but in one of Gleb Alexandrovs ...
user48469's user avatar
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Is there any tutorial to render shining lights effect like the one shared in the link below

i want to create a stadium scene and have a cinematic shot where stadium lights are shining and emitting out light as shown in the 2D picture below. Is there any tutorial that i can follow to create ...
Abhinav Mohan's user avatar
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make specific part of object glow [duplicate]

I am aware of how to make an object glow, however, I am unable to figure out how I make the red part of this sword glow red.
user107861's user avatar