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11 votes

Line Art modifier doesn't work

You have done everything right, however, in order for it to work, you must have a camera in the scene, and the camera view must be selected.
common_goldfish's user avatar
9 votes

I want to see line art in real time

Since the Line Art modifier relies on the view frustum of the current scene's active camera, you can Lock the camera to view. (Press on N or click there to expand the right hand side panel) I ...
Gorgious's user avatar
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8 votes

How to adjust the thickness of the lines depending on the distance to the camera?

Here's a suggestion based on @Benus' answer that doesn't require baking the line art modifier, but offers less initial control on the starting thickness : Add a Line Art Object (Add > Grease Pencil ...
Gorgious's user avatar
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6 votes

Line art, how to show the hidden edges? those which usually are dotted in technical drawings

If I understand correctly this is what you are looking for: Add > Grease Pencil > Object Line Art (and select the cube as the target Object) In the modifiers Tab go to chaining and check ...
Vagabonk's user avatar
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6 votes

Grease Pencil Line-art layer: How to place it into a render pass / view layer?

Here are the steps how to render pure Grease Pencil layers into view layers:
Christoph Werner's user avatar
5 votes

Greasepencil Lineart accumulating strokes opacity (Greasepencil uniform opacity <100%)

Have you tried the most basic Layer Opacity? That works fine on my end. I didn't even have to turn on Compositor nodes to render stroke opacity. In my case, I set my background to Transparent and ...
Obfuscate's user avatar
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4 votes

How can Blender render only line art?

Activate "Holdout" for the collection of the objects used for the line art.
Tobias Lemke's user avatar
4 votes

How to adjust the thickness of the lines depending on the distance to the camera?

Bake the Line Art. Create a new Vertex Group, select all vertices and Assign. Add a Vertex Weight Proximity modifier. Select the newly created vertex group. Select Camera as Target Object. Adjust ...
Benus's user avatar
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4 votes

How to export object outline as DWG or SVG lines without modifying mesh?

There used to be a better add-on for this. But maybe this is suitable: Find this Freestyle SVG Exporter add-on in Preferences and enable it. In Render Properties, enable Freestyle SVG Export and ...
Silas's user avatar
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3 votes

Multiple lineart silhouettes/outlines with different colors (layer order)

My question was answered for me elsewhere. The solution was to change the depth offset of the black lines under "Composition" in the modifier panel. Before I could do that, I had to uncheck ...
Zero Dean's user avatar
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3 votes

Line art modifier affects random objects

As I told you in the comment, You can uncheck Intersection but you will loose the intersections from the selected collection too (you can try it to see what I am ...
mqbaka mqbaka's user avatar
2 votes

Line art, how to show the hidden edges? those which usually are dotted in technical drawings

Adding to @Vagabonk's answer, you can use a Simplify modifier with Mode set to Sample and Influence only on the second line art to even the spacing between dashes. Otherwise all of your lines may have ...
ThinkWithP_body's user avatar
2 votes

Is it possible to make the grease pencil line art modifier slightly uneven?

After the Line Art modifier you can add a subdivide modifier (change Catmull-Clark to Simple behaviour) and a Noise modifier, which can act on Position of the line vertices, and or Strenght (opacity) ...
josh sanfelici's user avatar
2 votes

Can I use grease pencil Object line art to do science schematics?

I have one way for you to do this. Although, whether it is simple or not is up for interpretation. First, let's identify what you want to create. A schematic or scientific schematic is basically known ...
Obfuscate's user avatar
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2 votes

Lineart appears in front of other Grease Pencil objects. Any way to fix this?

Ok, so I was able to fix the issue by unchecking the "In front" checkbox in the lineart object's viewport display settings and increasing the "Depth Offset" property in the Line ...
Ucrash GD's user avatar
2 votes

Grease pencil line art is missing edges

Correct normals Some of your normals are pointing inwards. First select your chip object, go to Edit Mode, A to select all, Alt+N > Recalculate outside. Disable auto-smooth Still with the chip ...
Lutzi's user avatar
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1 vote

Driver to change the seed every 4 frames? (Replicating "Step" Function in LineArt Modifier)

(This answer is a frame challenge.) Don't use a driver expression. Use fcurve modifiers. Set a keyframe on the Seed property. Open the keyframe editor. Add a Noise modifier to the fcurve and scale up ...
Leander's user avatar
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1 vote

GREASE PENCIL - Create square closed line per face (Quad)

I am answering your comment instead of your question since it is more accurate to what you want to achieve. You are trying to create closed line art for independent shapes within your mesh. Although ...
Obfuscate's user avatar
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1 vote

Grease Pencil - Change Line art color according to background color

To begin, I have to let you know that Shader Materials are different from grease pencil materials. Not only are they both incompatible to each other but, shader nodes can't be used to influence grease ...
Obfuscate's user avatar
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1 vote

How to assign emission material to Line Art modifier?

Maybe this could help you : In the Object Properties for your stroke, you can uncheck "use lights" so the materials don't case lights. That's not emission though.
gordie's user avatar
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1 vote

How do I create a translucid grid composition using a GreasePencil object with LineArt Modifier?

This is most probably not the most efficient method, but it might help you in your situation. Simply delete all the face of the models (Only faces and not the edges) Go to Edit mode > A to select ...
The Kalaakaar's user avatar
1 vote

Line Art Modifier - Light Contour Issue

Your result seem to be as it should be. If you take a look at the demo file 0_cast_shadow.blend provided in LineArt: Shadow Functionality. - Blender Archive - by its developer: ...
Lauloque's user avatar
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1 vote

Greases pencils Line Art Modifier- Scratched line Error

From comments: There is a Z fight going on between duplicate arm meshes. Do the lines move around a lot when you orbit around the arm? If so, find the duplicate mesh (either in the same object or ...
TheLabCat's user avatar
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1 vote

Flickering lines in Grease Pencil Line Art (Eevee)

I fixed the issue by making sure there were no lines perfectly in front of one another from the cameras point of view. Blender apparently freaks out if two lines fight to be in front.
traxx2012's user avatar
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1 vote

How can I get outlines to just go around the edge of object?

Try using Freesyle with only the Edge Type "External Contour" checked and "Same Object" under "Freestyle Strokes > Chaining" unchecked.
Bloop's user avatar
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1 vote

line art vertex weight transfer is not working properly

Vertex Weight Transfer doesn't do any filtering on it's own -- you have to add additional modifiers on the stack to use the weights that it transfers from the mesh into the line art object to do what ...
jwrush's user avatar
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1 vote

How can Blender render only line art?

I believe that I had unknowingly incorporated the solution you were seeking for into another solution that I had made. From your words, "only the lines visible (not the shaded object)", &...
Obfuscate's user avatar
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1 vote

How can Blender render only line art?

A really cheap trick, don't hate me for this. I increased the thickness of the lines and set the exposure and gamma to the full value. You'll get an outline version of the render
undefinedtoken's user avatar
1 vote

How can Blender render only line art?

Line Art is a GP with special modifier: In Line Art modifier, you can see a Bake Line Art Button in a baking section. Bake your line art, then you will be able to hide meshes.
Crantisz's user avatar
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