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36 votes

Scientific Illustration: Non-photorealistic rendering of sparse wireframe with dashed/dotted lines for backfacing areas - Blender 2.80

This can be accomplished by using Freestyle and Freestyle Edge Marks. No silhouette With silhouette Assuming you already have a model that you would like to render using this style, select it and ...
Robert Gützkow's user avatar
23 votes

How to exclude an object from Freestyle render?

So you want freestyle on the plane but not the plane :) This is very easy to do. Add the plane to an object group. Select it and press CtrlG. Now in the Scene tab of the Properties panel scroll down ...
David's user avatar
  • 49.7k
13 votes

How to have freestyle render change to outline only at a distance

Solution: Use a freestyle line modifier For your scene I'd recommend using the Distance from Camera modifier on Alpha of the freestyle lines found in the ...
quiliup's user avatar
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12 votes

Freestyle depth of field

Freestyle is applied after the actual render, so the short answer is: no, you have to work with post processing (maybe filtering the freestyle edges with a Kirsch filter and apply the blur only to ...
squarespiral's user avatar
11 votes

How do you add a thin outline?

In your render settings enable freestyle. Under render layers add a freestyle line set. The line thickness is a quick way to adjust the size of the line drawn. For more control over what edges are ...
sambler's user avatar
  • 55.8k
9 votes

How can I improve the realism of my pencil texture lines in freestyle?

According to the wiki article Textured Strokes the Use Tips option is available when Along Strokes mapping is used: Along Strokes Means that the texture will be drawn along the stroke length, ...
Mr Zak's user avatar
  • 10.9k
8 votes

Freestyle without anti aliasing for pixel art (2.8)

I figured it out! Set the sampling to 1, and it will get the effect extremely close, I might have to touch these up a little bit in a 2D art tool, but the effort will be minimal.
Humble Hat's user avatar
8 votes

How to get topographical contour lines like shown in manual? Analogous to Rhino3D functionality?

Simple node setup that uses the separated Z texture coordinates and modulo to drive a repeating color ramp. Use the green cursor on the ramp to change thickness of lines. Use the Z Scale to adjust ...
Bruno's user avatar
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7 votes

How do you add a thin outline?

As I supposed, this model is used in a game. In games, rendering happens differently than in Engines like Cycles. You wouldn't put the information about the outline into the model, but code it as an ...
piegames's user avatar
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7 votes

Multicolored outlines (For Blender Render)

With the Freestyle rendering option enabled, you will find the Freestyle Line panel showing up in the Material properties window. The color selector in this panel allows you to choose a line color ...
T.K.'s user avatar
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7 votes

How to exclude an object from Freestyle render?

For Blender 2.82 in the Outliner add a new collection by right-clicking on an existing collection and selecting New). Name it, if you want, to "No Freestyle" and drag the object into it. Now go into ...
Kou's user avatar
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7 votes

Blender Freestyle : Vertical lines

The contour lines are genuine mesh edges auto-generated by a Blender/Python script as described in the following blog post: Blenderyard: Contour Lines as in Maps The script implements a new operator ...
T.K.'s user avatar
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7 votes

Smooth contours with grid lines

To connect the nodes smoothly, all that's needed is to (CtrlE > Edge Data) mark Freestyle edges on a low-poly version of your curved surface, as you appear to have done, and then assign a Subdivision ...
Robin Betts's user avatar
  • 78.8k
7 votes

How to create wireframe fade off effect like this?

Various aspects of a Freestyle Line Style can be given modifiers, including the Alpha of the stroke. The modifiers available to Alpha include Distance From Object. (In this example, the blue empty): ...
Robin Betts's user avatar
  • 78.8k
6 votes

How to render only one render layer?

In Blender 2.80 and later you can find settings for current layer in Layer Properties in Properties pane. Fourth tab from the top, and the relevant setting is at the top of the pane. To switch layers ...
loa_in_'s user avatar
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6 votes

How can render overlapped object's edge freestyle line?

This is essentially the same method as @Rich Sedman's; he is passing a convolution kernel over an image to detect edges, 'by hand'. Whereas this is necessary in shader nodes, (if you are trying to ...
Robin Betts's user avatar
  • 78.8k
6 votes

How can I freestyle render outlines but remove the object itself?

It looks as though you want to make the walls transparent to the floor, but not to themselves. (They're occluding their own back edges) For maximum flexibility, you can set Cycles to render a separate ...
Robin Betts's user avatar
  • 78.8k
6 votes

How to get a "smoothed" wireframe using Freestyle lines?

If you use Freestyle, one of its parameters is 'Crease Angle'. If you set that high in Freestyle's general settings, and one of the discriminants for the Line Set is Edge Type > Crease, then ...
Robin Betts's user avatar
  • 78.8k
6 votes

Workflow: Clean Line Art

There are quite a few aspects of your .blend which might defeat he clean render of Freestyle strokes. The Geometry of your object. Maybe you created the top face by extruding edges, not faces? The ...
Robin Betts's user avatar
  • 78.8k
5 votes

Multicolored outlines (For Blender Render)

Here is a pretty easy setup to play with. Change your material to have a custom color on the edge of the fresnel fall-off. I did this with two diffuse nodes, one grey for the main portion of my ...
Rick Riggs's user avatar
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5 votes

During render can I render freestyle lines, then re-insert them back into the scene so other objects may interact with them during their rendering?

So I broke up the scene into 3 render layers: A freestyle render layer which just renders the lines A land+water which renders the land and the water without lines And a land layer which is used for ...
Firewill's user avatar
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5 votes

Freestyle multi-color per object?

I would suggest using the Material modifier for the freestyle edges. Apply different materials to the object for the parts you want to color. To control a property, use the Material modifier and ...
Leander's user avatar
  • 27.8k
5 votes

Delete freestyle after rendering

The first thing you have to do is enable freestyle and create a new render layer(I called it lines). Next, you can delete the line set for the default RenderLayer and add one for the lines layer. ...
Ben's user avatar
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5 votes

Freestyle: control the Thickness of stroked curve using Radius?

There is a modifier in Freestyle which will let you do this: in the Freestyle Line Style for your current line set, select 'Thickness' and assign an 'Along Stroke' modifier. In the modifier, set the ...
Robin Betts's user avatar
  • 78.8k
5 votes

Freestyle: control the Thickness of stroked curve using Radius?

Animation Nodes can be used here. Essentially, if you add a 2D curve and copy the 3D spline to it using this simple node tree, you will get what you need: It also works for multiple splines: But ...
Omar Emara's user avatar
  • 22.7k
5 votes

How can I solve a far away stacking Freestyle line

I'm not sure if you're already doing this, apologies if so. You can assign a Distance from Camera modifier to the line thickness in the View Layer Properties tab > Line Style panel. Before: After: ...
Robin Betts's user avatar
  • 78.8k
5 votes

Make freestyle draw on curved edges

I would just edit the crease angle property so it detects the higher angles.
El Flea's user avatar
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5 votes

Dashed line and Wireframe

Using the Wireframe modifier and Freestyle seems to me to be using two conflicting tools to do the same job, The modifier doubles up existing edges, which overlap in the Freestyle output. At first ...
Robin Betts's user avatar
  • 78.8k
5 votes

In blender 2.9 how do I get freestyle to ignore transparent materials on a vroid character

You can put the object you don't want to have freestyle lines in a separate second collection. Then you can make a second Freestyle Line Set, and as the Collection choose the second collection and ...
Fjoersteller's user avatar
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4 votes

How can I improve the realism of my pencil texture lines in freestyle?

How about using 3 line sets instead 1 doing 3 sketchy repeats? For each of the 3 linesets you can specify almost the same line style settings but with minor differences that create desired randomness....
T.K.'s user avatar
  • 969

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