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37 votes

Why does my object not show up?

This is the overview. I am breaking up the parts into individual answers that we can link to from other questions. This is a community wiki, so feel free to add ones that need to be addressed ...
17 votes

Where do the white lines come from in my composite?

Those two images you're trying to composite together have "correlated" alphas. The Alpha over operation isn't the appropriate operation for this situation. The solution is simple: you just have to ...
Gez's user avatar
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12 votes

How to denoise animations using Blender's Temporal Denoiser?

How to use the Temporal Denoiser Step 01: Pack Denoising Data Enable denoising data in View Layer > Passes > Denoising Data Set file format to OpenEXR Multilayer (so Blender packs the ...
jachym michal's user avatar
8 votes

Blender 2.8 View Layers - "Exclude" feature

Old "Render Layers" are now here, in the top right corner: In the context menu (RMB) in outliner you can set to any collection to be Excluded, masked (now holdout) or hided (now Indirect Only). ...
Crantisz's user avatar
  • 37.4k
7 votes

How to have Denoiser ignore certain objects?

The Denoiser in Blender version 2.79 can be activated per Render Layer, and as such you can mix denoised and noisy footage as you like. If you ever wondered why the Blender Devs have put that Denoiser ...
aliasguru's user avatar
  • 11.3k
7 votes

How do I rearrange the list of render layers?

Render layer order doesn't actually effect the render (aside from maybe changing the order in which the layers are rendered). However, for organisational purposes it can be nice to reorder them. For ...
Ray Mairlot's user avatar
  • 29.4k
7 votes

Scene complexity and VRAM

I bet those 4x8GB gpus are much faster than single 32GB card. Here are some options: Get the faster setup and a renderer that can do out-of-core rendering like Octane or Redshift. This allows your ...
Jaroslav Jerryno Novotny's user avatar
7 votes

How to re-render specific view layers?

How about one at a time using "Render Single Layer" check box? Or simply deselect the "Use for Rendering" from the layers you don't want to re-render.
Bruno's user avatar
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7 votes

How to create wireframe fade off effect like this?

Various aspects of a Freestyle Line Style can be given modifiers, including the Alpha of the stroke. The modifiers available to Alpha include Distance From Object. (In this example, the blue empty): ...
Robin Betts's user avatar
  • 78.8k
7 votes

Is there a “Film -> Transparent” Layer-specific option?

Okay, I wrecked my brain before but the solution can sometimes be quite simple. Of course my example scene has no need for this setup, it's just to show the workflow itself. Let's say I need one view ...
Gordon Brinkmann's user avatar
6 votes

Why does my object not show up?

2. Render layer not showing in the compositor Documentation: There are actually a few different ways to run into this kind ...
Jake Dube's user avatar
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6 votes

How to render a hdri on a separate layer

If you simply enable the environment pass in a renderlayer, or add a single renderlayer using an empty scene layer to do so, you can achieve what you would like if I understand correctly what you are ...
Timaroberts's user avatar
  • 12.5k
6 votes

How to render only one render layer?

In Blender 2.80 and later you can find settings for current layer in Layer Properties in Properties pane. Fourth tab from the top, and the relevant setting is at the top of the pane. To switch layers ...
loa_in_'s user avatar
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6 votes

How to save render layers for later use

Simply set the output format to OpenEXR MultiLayer and save the render, it will store all render passes. Create another project for the compositing where you load the image(s) through an Image node. ...
Robert Gützkow's user avatar
6 votes

How do I render different things in different render layers?

That's what the Collection checkbox is for. You simply check/uncheck it to Include/Exclude from View Layer
jachym michal's user avatar
5 votes

Why does my object not show up?

1. Camera icon is disabled in the outliner Documentation: What it will look like The object will not be able visible in ...
Jake Dube's user avatar
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5 votes

Why does my object not show up?

6. Using local view This one is a bit trickier, but is pretty easy to avoid. Nevertheless, if you happen to hit the Numpad / key, you may hit this so it's important to put here. What it looks like ...
Jake Dube's user avatar
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5 votes

Render looks "brighter" than in viewport preview

Look at your outliner, you have (at least) 1 object (probably a light) set to render, but hidden in viewport (camera icon active, but eyeball icon greyed out) it's named BMWRim . I'm guessing it's a ...
photox's user avatar
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5 votes

Can you view 2 or more layers simultaneously?

Yes, to see more than one layer at a time shift-click on the other layers you want to view. It will make them visible without closing the others.
Linguini's user avatar
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5 votes

Best way to change a value between render layers?

I don't think there is any way to know the name of the render layer currently being rendered, which means you can't use a driver or app.handler to calculate a property that varies by render layer. We ...
sambler's user avatar
  • 55.8k
5 votes

using samples in blender cycles render layer tab

As indicated by the tooltip when hovering the mouse pointer over it, the Render Layer Samples setting allows you to override the Number of samples used. Setting it to 0 (the default) tells Blender to ...
Rich Sedman's user avatar
  • 45.2k
5 votes

Material Overrides for view layers (per object)

Actually Blender is pretty great at Render Layers: you have collections which is kind of like a supercharged group (one object can be in multiple collections, collections can be instanced in other ...
TeeTrinker's user avatar
5 votes

How to render some of view layers only (instead of single or all of them)

If you have several layers, every layer has an "Use for Rendering" option. Tick this on all the layers you want and untick all you do not need. That's it. The python property is ...
Master Heavy's user avatar
5 votes

Cryptomatte - Clean edges

It looks like you are trying to use Pick image output as is. This answer explains why you are not supposed to use Pick image output. In short, it is intended only for picking the values, and it is not ...
Lissanro Rayen's user avatar
5 votes

How to denoise animations using Blender's Temporal Denoiser?

I also struggled to get this working on 2.9x - until I found this! The Super Image Denoiser (SID) is a free add-on that employs temporal denoising. It produces high quality results using a similar ...
ZestySage's user avatar
5 votes

Save PSD (or TIFF) with passes as layers?

Wow! I think I figured it out. You need to use OpenEXR Multilayer file type when saving and install EXR-IO plugin (free) for Photoshop (
Andrew's user avatar
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