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9 votes

Blender 3.0 geometry nodes - how to edit vertex normals?

This is a lovely technique. The approach, here, is to capture the normals of the blob on which the leaves are instanced, and pass it out to the GN modifier, so it can be picked up by your shader. ...
Robin Betts's user avatar
  • 78.8k
6 votes

Skin texture gets lighter at certain places (ears and nose) in Cycles

You have this lighter tones in the ear and nose due to your subsurface scattering value. You can decrease this effect by setting a lower subsurface value or lower subsurface radius value on the ...
pons de leon's user avatar
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4 votes

Can you create a cell shade effect using normal maps?

One popular realistic part of NPR is simulating light. A surface typically becomes brighter as it gets more perpendicular to the light rays, because it means more light rays hit the same surface: A ...
Markus von Broady's user avatar
3 votes

How to make Propeller Motion blur spin

Motion blur works relative to the frames you got. The issue with high speed motions like rotations and shakes, is that you just don't have enough frames to describe the motion to begin with. A good ...
Lauloque's user avatar
  • 19.4k
3 votes

How to apply Toon Shader into texture material

Since there are a few ways to do this, with somewhat wildly varying results, I'll just start with this example and see how well it goes. Because you are using an Image Texture for your BaseColor, what ...
Christopher Bennett's user avatar
3 votes

Toon shader with transparency end emission

Here is a simple toon shader - I multiplied the toon shadows over a red color, but you can use any texture you like. Here is the same shader with the first "ring" replaced with a blue ...
Christopher Bennett's user avatar
3 votes

How do I render "cartoon edges" around objects in Blender 3.0?

That's freestyle, but may require a lot of tweaks to highlight the edges you want. You can edit parameters here
TheJeran's user avatar
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3 votes

How to create customizable Cycles Cel/Toon shader, that generates shadows?

I decided to reattempt this and have come up with a solution utilising blenders Toon BSDF that I think solves the problem on a basic level: If you would then like further control for special effects; ...
special_frog's user avatar
2 votes

Ideas on: Realtime Mist Pass via Shading Nodes?

There is this Camera Data node: As you can see, you need to map its Z-depth value to a meaningful range to be a visible color.
Martynas Žiemys's user avatar
2 votes

Overlapping ramp textures for toon texture control

This might not be the solution you are looking for, but since you have only 3 levels, I would suggest going about it something like this. You will probably have to adjust the greater than/less than ...
Christopher Bennett's user avatar
2 votes

How to randomize toon shader colors

One way would be to let Shader to RGB do the tone, and your GN attribute do the colour:
Robin Betts's user avatar
  • 78.8k
2 votes

Stylized cartoon transparent material for gltf export

The Magic Transparency method is correct: the bottle uses backface culling + flipped normals to make the side facing towards you invisible. To make exporting to glTF work, you just need to make sure ...
scurest's user avatar
  • 10.6k
2 votes

toon shadder problems

Nothing too wrong, here.. you've just got to make your Pluses and Minuses consistent across the piece (you could do everything ...
Robin Betts's user avatar
  • 78.8k
2 votes

Lineart appears in front of other Grease Pencil objects. Any way to fix this?

Ok, so I was able to fix the issue by unchecking the "In front" checkbox in the lineart object's viewport display settings and increasing the "Depth Offset" property in the Line ...
Ucrash GD's user avatar
2 votes

is there a way to get an outline on my toon-model without duplicating the mesh

I normally do this using a solidifier modifier instead of duplicating and scaling the mesh, tends to be a bit easier when animating too. Super important that if you do it this way you remember to keep ...
Zarbio's user avatar
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2 votes

Image textures appear dimmer in Blender renders

By default the Color Management View Transform is set to Filmic. This allows for more high dynamic range in 3D renders. Change this to Standard and the dimness will go away.
AlpineWorldCup's user avatar
2 votes

Creating Toon Shader Nodes in Blender: Incorporating Brightness Classes to Determine Crosshatch Pattern

If I understand correctly, the easiest way is to make masks out of the steps you want and use mix nodes to combine the patterns: As you can see in the purple "Masks"-frame, I separate the ...
Empress's user avatar
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1 vote

How to extract the Color of the lighting for a toon shader?

I've used this setup before to get different toon shading based on the colour of lights before! Maybe it can help you find a solution. You could also try adding in a principled BSDF shader after ...
Zarbio's user avatar
  • 203
1 vote

how to combine a toon shader a voronoi texture

I would use the Object output of a Texture Coordinate node with a Separate XYZ node to generally create the black/white border in X, Y or Z direction depending on which separate output you choose. The ...
Gordon Brinkmann's user avatar
1 vote

Separating object by toon shading

I don't think it's possible to do that with the diffuse BSDF node before the color ramp. One way to do something close is by removing the diffuse BSDR node and adding a group of Texture Coordinate+...
Alberto Velasco's user avatar
1 vote

How do I make bangs transparent?

I managed to get something like I imagine you're going for with a setup like this. There are alot of ways to get a transition from opaque to transparent along the whole bang polygon, just separating ...
Jakemoyo's user avatar
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1 vote

How can I get outlines to just go around the edge of object?

Try using Freesyle with only the Edge Type "External Contour" checked and "Same Object" under "Freestyle Strokes > Chaining" unchecked.
Bloop's user avatar
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1 vote

How to Make Cell Shader Clouds

There are 2 steps to your question: You need to learn how to use modifiers You need to learn how to create (simple) toon shading. You can follow up this tutorial, it will take you through both steps....
Pierre Schiller's user avatar
1 vote

How to Apply Interpolation to Mesh casted Shadow

In Eevee, turn on Soft Shadows and have a light with a radius to cause the soft shadows. In the compositor, add a ColourRamp between the shadow pass and Exposure Node.
Benus's user avatar
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1 vote

Overlapping ramp textures for toon texture control

In similar vein to Christopher's solution, you can organize your setup like this: With very simple custom group: On second thoughts driving the fields by the swatch colors isn't really useful, ...
Markus von Broady's user avatar
1 vote

Blender 3.0 geometry nodes - how to edit vertex normals?

While you can't edit vertex normals directly from Geometry Nodes can you still access the attribute from Python and use that to set your vertex normals. Assuming you already have the same setup as in ...
Somebody285's user avatar
1 vote

How to Create a Hard Black and White Shader with Inverted Edges

After researching further, I found a few people who were working to achieve the same look. Using the Freestyle edges is the correct answer. There seems to be a few ways to go about doing this in ...
Steven_First's user avatar
1 vote

Is it possible to mask parts of a model to let them always appear top of other objects?

In game engines you could use shaders with stencil buffers or depth information to achieve this. You could use a similar technique of leveraging depth information to do this in compositing. Here's my ...
high_byte's user avatar
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1 vote

In eevee,I want to connect transparent bsdf and emission to a mix shader and paint by factor, but it doesn't work. How can I do this?

For any transparency to function in Eevee, you need to set the material's Blender options to anything else than opaque. In your specific case, Alpha Blender seem to be the only one working with that ...
Lauloque's user avatar
  • 19.4k

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