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Rawcal's user avatar
  • Member for 8 years, 7 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
16 votes

Creating a Liquid Bubble Effect

13 votes

After import to Unity, all my normals are flipped

3 votes

How to remove easily the white areas which appears during texturing a surface with uv maps

3 votes

armature disappears when importing a skinned character in obj, format?

3 votes

Why are rigid bodies not interacting?

3 votes

Create a light material which is seen as a focus in Cycles

2 votes

Black Glitches on rendered animation

2 votes

Straighten all bone chains in an armature

2 votes

Change panels position

1 vote

Exporting a Blender image sequence animation to unity

1 vote

How to export fluid animation 100% prebaked and import to UE4

1 vote

Transforming Blender Render Textures to Cycles Textures

1 vote

How to scale vertices selection?

1 vote

Moving from material to texture, how do I keep diffuse/specular settings?

1 vote

How to force console window to show up automatically when Blender starts

1 vote

Mesh Bisect Algorithm: How does it actually work?

1 vote

How can i avoid making doubles when using subdivision modifier?

0 votes

wireframe while everything else is solid

0 votes

Blender model adds extra materials when imported to Unity