I saw some really cool 3d work here, and I want to know how to recreate this.
What I want in the answer:
How the particle system works (or model)
How to color the layers (the blue, red, and orange)
How to animate it (bubbling up and down)
I saw some really cool 3d work here, and I want to know how to recreate this.
What I want in the answer:
How the particle system works (or model)
How to color the layers (the blue, red, and orange)
How to animate it (bubbling up and down)
Here i animated two metaballs on a metaplane only in z position and two keyframes each.
I have just created aquick node setup for the animation with Animations Nodes Addon
Basically you put a MBall plane as suggested on the previous answer. Then you pick a MBall and duplicate it wit the instancer node. Then you create a loop with those instance to perform some procedural operations.
Balls are scattered on X and Y via the Randomize vector. To animate them on the Z axis we just use a sine function that is feeded with the frame number. To offset the animation I use the index factor of the loop.
A random number is used to give some sort of random scale to the metaballs.
I can at least answer point 2.: In the material node, take a color ramp with the height of the actual vertex as input. Set the color ramp's interpolation to "constant" and connect its output to a diffuse shader. You can now control which color you will get on which height.