I want to have a object lift out of water and have the water drop(drips) from the object, and doesn't need to be interact with, so it may be 100% pre-baked.
I made the animation in blender, but I can't seem to correctly export the fluid animation to UE4.8.
steps I did:
(Blender 2.74) make simple fluid simulation and bake it (using the Bake button in the Fluid domain Physics tab) (maybe I need to bake it another way after that?)
(Blender 2.74) Export it to FBX, well here are a lot of options, first im not sure wich version to use FBX 7.4 Binary or 6.1 ASCII Mainly I select version 7.4 and enable Apply Modifiers, Baked Animation, NLA Strips and All actions. (I tried many different options)
(UE4.8) Import FBX, and enable Import morph targets, import animations, import local transform. same goes here I tried a lot of different options.
I hope someone can help me with this and put me in the right direction.