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Image sequence bug?

I've been trying to add an image sequence in the node editor to give my characters animated expressions, but when I change the offset the material turns pink, pls help
Joel's user avatar
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How to billboard game sprites based on camera angle?

So to keep things simple, here is a sphere with a blue and green line going through it for reference: Here is a sprite sheet with roughly the same angles portraying the 3d sphere: My question is, ...
Mitchell's user avatar
2 votes
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How can I make led light strips effect, in EEVEE or even in Cycles?

I have tried a lot to make such a realistic led light effect, but couldn't do so. Tried making plastic material and placing point lights in it, but that didn't help. Even tried using emission, but ...
Tally's user avatar
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Creating Transparent Object, but Doesn't Reflect from Lighting in Render View?

So I made this transparent water and you can see through it like this, but when I look at the final render it doesn't shine from my light. Only that tiny part of the edge is light blue If I choose ...
makerbaker's user avatar
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isolate node on an object in your scene?

I've seen people on other softwares isolate their nodes directly on their objects, in the render viewport, to better work on it. I was wondering, is it possible to do that in blender ?
Alex_kp's user avatar
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How to make ‘image as planes” cast shadow but not be visible?

How to make ‘image as planes” cast shadow but not be visible? I only want to see the women’s shadow under her feet but not actually see her. Thanks. Current node set up in Cycles:
Todd's user avatar
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Change 2 colors of a texture among the 4 colors of a texture in Cycles

I have a texture issue with my character. Indeed my character does not have the right colors except black and white. I tried changing the colors of the textures with Cycles but not sure how to do it. ...
Jean-Héon's user avatar
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Why does the lighting do not work?

it worked before but I decided to turn up samples and turn on denoising and such because it had to much noise/ white pixels and then after that the render is so dark. Here is the blender file
Jameela's user avatar
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How to create a glow animated circle that surrounds a sphere

I want to create an animation similar with this one; I am wonder how to create this glow animation effects ? I do not know how to create the glow animated circle that surrounds the sphere; How to ...
diniulian's user avatar
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How can I programatically evaluate each pixel before final composition?

I'm using a complex compositor node setup, which in the end reduces the image to just a few solid colors. I would like to remove any pixels from the image which have no pixels of the same color in the ...
stackers's user avatar
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Volume Absorption makes my water completely black?

I'm working on Grant Abbitt's low-poly sea shack tutorial. I have my water, and I wanted to try and add some volume absorption to it to see what it would look like. However, whenever I try to add the ...
n0ah's user avatar
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How to add weight to your textures

Soo i have started using texture in blender and i want my textures to look real like they have depth i have download textures and i know there are various type of textures like ambient, roughness etc. ...
Yash Sasso's user avatar
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How to cull the backside of a mesh but keep the lights inside?

First off: the "backface culling" option for materials doesn't seem to do anything. Second: I got the effect I wanted (almost) by using the Geometry node to mix a Transparent shader with a ...
hatinacat2000's user avatar
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How do i make the image look like its directly outside my window

]3 So basically im trying to put a picture outside my window (in eevee) and when i do it appears far away and blurred, is there any way to put it directly outside my window? The roof also turns green ...
Ollie234's user avatar
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Where is the Clamp Node

I've been experimenting with nodes recently and following along with other people's work. I've noticed they used a clamp node that I cannot seem to find in the search menu. This blender documents say ...
Jimmy's user avatar
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Why isn't my image texture working?

I am currently using blender 2.8 and I was putting a texture on a plane, so it shouldn't have to be unwrapped, but it crashed and when I went to put it back on it just comes out as like an average ...
Nate's user avatar
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Nodes wont show up in 3D viewport

I am trying to toon shade my model however nothing is showing up in the 3D view port. I have done everything the videos have told me to do to start a material with shading, and it can be seen on the ...
Maddz's user avatar
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Ambient Occlusion node in EEVEE not working

So I am using Blender 2.8, and I cannot seem to get the Ambient Occlusion node to work in EEVEE. I realize it is in beta, so it could just be a bug in 2.8, but I have seen other people use ambient ...
person132's user avatar
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Having issues with blended shader

I was killing time making a lowpoly version of a trashcan that a kitbash with online parts but I wanted to make around the handles transparent using a alpha texture but, my issue is that or a blend ...
Christian William's user avatar
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How do I keep the pupils black? [closed]

I'm still trying to understand nodes. But I have looked everywhere for explanations on proper eye gloss/transparency and have followed all instructions to the letter, always to the same effect. I have ...
nocked_arrow's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to get transparent glass option under film?

I saw a response to the question "Render Glass like materials with Alpha Channel to composite in external app" that you can check a transparent glass option under film to make the background image ...
Zuros's user avatar
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How do you render background image through transparent object? [duplicate]

I tried rendering an object that has a mixed glass and diffuse shader and also a background image but after adding a holdout shader in image 2 to make the object transparent to see the background ...
Zuros's user avatar
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Slimy translucent material help?

I want to create a material that is transparent but also has a "wet" or slimy look, like the bug in MiB 1 or the demogorgon from Stranger Things. I don't know if you could achieve this with a ...
GDPrinter's user avatar
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How to hide the reflection of an object in blender

I have a transparent sphere encasing a diffuse inner core with a cut out from one of its sides (shown in the attached photo). Is it possible to keep the outer material semi glossy to show reflections ...
Terry DJ's user avatar
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Can I only Render light that psses through an object?

In the image below I would like only the light that passes through the sphere, in this case the bright dot in the center, to be visible. Is there a way to set this up in cycles? Thanks, Tyler
Tyler's user avatar
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How to make a holographic reticle shader in cycles

Does anyone have a lead on how to set up a shader in cycles to mimic the behavior of hologhraphic sights in blender, as shown in this image? I don't want to have to try and figure out exactly how to ...
AlbinoPanther's user avatar
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Why does adding shaders take the colour out of grass in render mode

I am making a field of grass using particle systems. The set up has 2 different clumps, green and green/brown plus some weeds and flowers. In materials mode, when I add shaders, (translucent and ...
David Oulton's user avatar
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nVidia skin shader with the Principled BSDF

I've been using a skin shader primarily based on the Brecht skin shader, which is itself based on the Sum-of-Gaussians approach as seen in 14.4.7 from GPU Gems by nVidia. Its Cycles adaptation, which ...
b_breen's user avatar
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Strongest shadow [duplicate]

Blender Cycles. I have lamp type sun and i want have strongest shadow (blacker) but emission must stay. I have sun "size" = 0 and still not strong for me. Any idea?
polyman's user avatar
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why is an extremely simple render taking too long? takes same time to render a much more complex scene... need help

I am doing renders on a somewhat old laptop through cpu and not GPU. not the fastest set up but gets the job done slowly and surely. I do have an issue where i created a scene of a dark room for ...
Robert Dold's user avatar
7 votes
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Is there a way to determine if a ray is coming from a volume?

I am trying to create a light that only illuminates volume scatters. The input > light path node has "is X ray" outputs for all the various types of rays coming off a surface. However I'd like ...
PGmath's user avatar
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What are some use cases for the singlar ray output?

Using the singular ray output, it's possible to detect whether or not the object is being viewed through a perfectly sharp reflection or refraction: Besides changing colors of reflections, what are ...
gandalf3's user avatar
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OSL: Giving the texture method a color instead of string

Is there a way to give the OSL method texture(string, float, float, ...) a color input instead of the string which reads an image file? Or is there any type of ...
boonto's user avatar
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