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Questions tagged [luxrender-render-engine]

A GPLv3-licensed cross-platform unbiased render engine with a plug-in for using it from within Blender (through LuxBlend).

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2 votes
1 answer

LuxCoreRender render times incredibly slow

I started a render with LuxCoreRender while ago and I'm experiencing a problem Simply it takes 12 minutes or more just to initialize ever single frame, and if I try to stop it before the frame is ...
Arisyn ILY's user avatar
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2 answers

Why am I getting an OpenCL driver error with BlendLuxCore when I'm rendering using CPU only?

I'm running Blender 2.8.3 on Ubuntu 18.04. I downloaded BlendLuxCore for Linux 64 bit and followed the instructions to install it as an add-on to Blender. When I select the LuxCore render engine, set ...
trevorKirkby's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

where is transparent view in luxrender

I use the transparent view in blender with Cycles a lot and I just started using LUXrender and I need to enable transparent view in the viewport except, I can't find it. Is this an option in Luxrender?...
Pro Effects MAX's user avatar
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How to get x, y, z texture coordinates in LuxCore?

I do a lot of math-based procedural texturing, and have been considering switching a few of my scenes to LuxCoreRender instead of Cycles since it seems to do a better job with reducing noise from ...
Lincoln Ward's user avatar
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Custom Hardened Normals in LuxCore

All flattened cubes have the same Bevel modifier settings, except for the left one, which has Harden Normals checked. The faces of the left two object are smooth shaded, the right object has flat ...
Leander's user avatar
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How to enable denoising for my final render?

I have been fiddling around with the LuxCoreRender rendering settings, but both denoisers do not seem to be having effect on my frames that I have rendered. I have re-installed LuxCoreRender ...
Nate_Sycro27's user avatar
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Luxcore noisy render

When I try to render something with Luxcore it get really noisy. I read that Luxcore was working as a camera so if the image is too dark you need to add more light in the scene or it gets noisy. I ...
Tornado 77's user avatar
2 votes
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How to make light ray with Luxcore

I'm trying to make a realistic prism with Luxcore since yesterday but it's not really working, there's no ray! But I know that the prisme is working because if I put a plane in front of the prism I ...
Tornado 77's user avatar
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List the available render engines with python [duplicate]

so I want to get the list of available render engines, like in the error shown to check if luxcore is available, a workaround is to list the attribute names of ...
Iszotic's user avatar
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Volumetric Caustics + HDRI Backdrop

Goal Using Blender 2.79b + LuxCore, I'm trying to set up a scene, which would support, at the same time, both A) volumetric caustics and B) Hemi lamp + HDRI backdrop. Problem When I assign a ...
PDR's user avatar
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1 answer

Is there a way to script for Lux to work on original nodes?

I recently asked a question regarding Lux's ability to output values based off of the angle of a surface relative to the viewer and I thinking, if worse comes to worse, I can just script my own node. ...
thepufferfish's user avatar
5 votes
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Is there a node in Lux with a similar function as Cycles' Fresnel and Layerweight nodes?

I'm fairly new to Lux and I'm wondering if there is an input for its Mix Material similar to Cycles' Fresnel and Layerweight nodes (i.e. the output is specifically dependant on the angle of the ...
thepufferfish's user avatar
1 vote
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Luxrender PBR materials

I know that you should usually ask questions about "direct problems" here but there is a problem where I can't find an answer to. There is a quite similar question but the answers don't really help me ...
Fabian Lins's user avatar
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Select pass mode via python script

I want to change the value of "Pass" type inside the "UV/Image Editor" area as shown on image. The default "Pass" value is "Combined" and I want to change the value to other available types with ...
Pro's user avatar
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Wich rendering engine is the best? [closed]

Which is better, cycles or LuxCore? The problem is that lve been using cycles for a long time but i see that luxcore has better results and i dont know what i should be using. My objective is to get ...
Silenttoaster7's user avatar
2 votes
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How to package my own CYCLES fork as an add-on for blender (as a .zip file)

I made a fork of the awesome CYCLES render engine. I wonder, can I package my fork as an add-on for blender? I know that there are many alternative render engines for blender (e.g. LuxCoreRender). ...
Евгений Туманов's user avatar
3 votes
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How to convert Cycles materials into LuxCore materials and have textures still applied?

My problem is: I have made a model with materials in Cycles render with UV Mapping and Nodes. Now, I want to render through LuxCore, but my model is too bright.. noisy.. and without any of my textures ...
Oww's user avatar
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Blender/ LuxRender Refractive Rendering Performance

This is mainly to do with LuxRender but I'm using Blender to control it, so sticking it here. Within Blender I create a new default scene, switch the render to LuxRender and render the box & ...
user2965155's user avatar
7 votes
5 answers

How to make CUDA work in Ubuntu so as to enable GPU rendering in Blender?

I have installed Blender 2.78c and I would like to make Cycles and LuxRender render with GPU on my GeForce GTX 760M. In Windows it works perfectly, but in Ubuntu 16.04 and 17.04 it doesn't allow me to ...
Luiz Ventura's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

PBR dielectric material in luxrender?

I have found many tutorials on PBR dielectric materials in cycles, but how do I do this in luxrender? In the past I would use a glossy material, but it handles roughness diffrently.
SupaKoopaTroopa64's user avatar
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How to render a cycles scene in luxrender?

I'm doing a project in cycles and I want to render it but its too slow on my CPU. So I want to render the scene in luxrender but without starting the project all over again.
John's user avatar
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Cycles, Mitsuba, Lux - Speed by Necessity - The Correct (non-subjective) Answer

I know stackexchange frowns on "suggest this software" questions that can be subjective, but I do believe there is a correct answer (non-subjective) to this question. I have to render for speed and ...
Pipsqweek's user avatar
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How do I get pixel by pixel depth data out of a .exr file?

I have been trying to get pixel by pixel depth data out of a .exr file. I am using blender and rendering with Lux Render. I need to get pixel by pixel depth data, and have read that if I use the z-...
Tyler Kuhns's user avatar
1 vote
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LuxBlend light groups

I just installed LuxBlend, LuxRender for Blender, in order to test it, and I'm very new to using it. I made a simple scene with a couple of mesh lights "plane objects", and assigned emitting materials ...
Georges D's user avatar
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Installing LuxRender engine changes the appearance of the Cycles render engine

Is it possible that since I installed LuxRender 1.5 on Blender 2.76 yesterday, Cycles has stopped to display its GUI as it used to? Here is the behavior I am used to: *-create new scene -switch to ...
MicroMachine's user avatar
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GPU Rendering with LuxRender - Where is SLG Path OpenCL option?

Where is the option for SLG Path OpenCL? I'm finding the online reference for Luxrender/Blender to be a little cryptic and disorganized. To ensure I am using GPU, I found directions that included ...
Pipsqweek's user avatar
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2 answers

How to install Luxrender?

I need a manual download link for the Blender addon so that I can copy this .py to the add on folder and then I hope I can switch to the Luxrender option in Blender 2.75. After following the normal ...
Jacky's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

What's going wrong with my Luxrender Prism?

I've just started playing around with LuxRender in Blender. I've made a scene with a sun and light going through a slit into a prism. To the prism I have assigned the prisma material from the ...
Leo Sutton's user avatar