Linked Questions

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How to import/export textures created through nodes to UE4? [duplicate]

I am trying to export this rock model over to Unreal Engine 4. So far, i can import the mesh, but i cant figure out how to import the textures. keep in mind that the texture is made purely from Nodes (...
Friedeggnchips's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Write cycles material node output to image file [duplicate]

How can I write output of a Node/Node Group in Cycles Render to the file (PNG or something else)? I saw a special File Output Node, but I can't find in Search ShiftA).
Jedi Knight's user avatar
-1 votes
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Can I render out a procedural texture onto an image? [duplicate]

...Like if I combine nodes to create a custom texture, can I then output that texture onto an image, so I can use it in other 3d software(unity, unreal etc...)??
I_make_3D's user avatar
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Convert node-based texture to exportable image [duplicate]

This is a follow-up to this post - Seamless grunge texture overlay across two materials I have my node-based texture (thanks to moonboots) and now I need to somehow get it into UE4. I read up on ...
AOK's user avatar
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Is it possible to turn the shader nodes into textures? [duplicate]

I know this is an odd question I make models in blender for my game looking at the procedural nodes it seems way easier to just make the textures using the nodes in blender rather than fixing textures ...
Spacemarine658's user avatar
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Can blender materials become textures? [duplicate]

I know that you can't export blender models with their materials. Is there any way I may be able to turn the materials into a texture which I can export separately? Thanks, I'm quite new and I just ...
Aidan Nguyen's user avatar
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Exporting materials [duplicate]

Im completely new to blender and 3D modeling in general. I have an object that has materials but no texture. I am trying to export the materials as a PNG for a game I'm building. I've been looking ...
Spencer McGee's user avatar
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Using Blender 2.8 texture nodes with Unity [duplicate]

Does anybody know the best way to get a procedurally generated texture (made by using the node system in EEVEE) to work inside of Unity? I have an object that I made and textured in Blender but cannot ...
dustin.riker's user avatar
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can i take a texture from blender cycles into BGE? [duplicate]

I spent a while working on the floor for a forest bump map but it wont work in BGE. Is there any way i can make the bump map work in BGE?
ggxgaming's user avatar
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I have version 2.74. Is there a way to put the colors in the UV/Image Editor I'm not using a texture? [duplicate]

Is there a way to make the colors into the UV/image editor I'm not using a texture But I want to be able to export the image with the colors because I can't change them where I'm exporting it.
Alpha's user avatar
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39 votes
2 answers

How do I bake a texture using Cycles bake

I created a interior scene and i don't know how to bake a texture using cycles bake.
Sachin Vani's user avatar
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How to animate morphing a rectangular plane into a sphere

How to make a grid-to-sphere animation like this?
Leon Cheung's user avatar
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Do samples affect Normal map baking?

I was wondering if the samples matter at all when you're baking a normal map. I don't think so, but I just want to make sure.
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Baking Glass and Glossy materials Cycles

I'd like to ask if what is the proper method for baking textures in blender. I've followed a tutorial from blender guru but the problem is that the baked results for the glossy and glass materials are ...
Nerdicon's user avatar
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What programs make a roughness map?

It seems with the PBR materials that some tutorials are using a roughness map. Some say this is an inverted spectacular map but I don't really know that much about it. While is seems that people are ...
Allen's user avatar
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