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8 votes

Freestyle without anti aliasing for pixel art (2.8)

I figured it out! Set the sampling to 1, and it will get the effect extremely close, I might have to touch these up a little bit in a 2D art tool, but the effort will be minimal.
Humble Hat's user avatar
5 votes

How to remove aliasing from two images displayed on top of each other in the video sequence editor?

This seems to be a precision problem, when you check Convert to float in the filter tab of your image strips, the issue disappears.
yann's user avatar
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5 votes

What is this blur/antialiasing effect in the game engine?

This is related to mipmap settings, you can change in user preferences > systems > mipmap But this only work inside blender. In game (standalone) you need a script. ...
Strapicarus's user avatar
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5 votes

How does anti-aliasing work in cycles?

tldr: The default anti-aliasing setting samples significantly outside one pixel which reduces the effective resolution. For a maximum effective resolution use the "box" setting which acts as an ...
miceterminator's user avatar
5 votes

Turning off anti-aliasing: inconsistency between 'info' window and valid python commands

The anti-aliasing for the Workbench engine can be turned off through: bpy.context.scene.display.render_aa = 'OFF' The API manual is very helpful for cases where ...
Robert Gützkow's user avatar
4 votes

Change Anti-Aliasing Settings in Eevee (Blender 2.8)

try experimenting with the parameter Film->Filter Size (0 - anti aliasing)
mt1278's user avatar
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3 votes

How to use antialiasing with bgl drawn elements?

Turns out any kind of smoothing you want to use with GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH, GL_LINE_SMOOTH etc. (antialiasing simple shapes) ...
Sicut Unum's user avatar
3 votes

Anti-aliasing not working in Normal bake

TexTools for Blender was recently released (free) which adds an anti-aliasing option for baking. Internally the add-on just renders at 2x or 4x the size and then down-scales the final bake to the ...
renderhjs's user avatar
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3 votes

Which cycles rendering pass is antialiased

You need to know, that there is nonstandard algorithm to get anti-aliasing in cycles instead normal render. Each pass in cycles also is an anti-aliasing pass too. Each pass specifies the color, shadow ...
Crantisz's user avatar
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2 votes

Blender viewport no anti aliasing

@Osian Sodenkamp's tip worked in my case. You have to disable screen-space ambient occlusion in the display options panel (hidden under N key). I'd never find it ...
Oskar Świerad's user avatar
2 votes

Rendering a colored plane with NO shading creates weird pixels at borders?

Because you are using Repeat extrapolation in Image Node. Those pixels are just texture's pixels from opposite side of texture. Set Extend instead.
vklidu's user avatar
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2 votes

Anti-aliasing of ID Mask is more coarse than Cryptomatte

I don't think there is any decent way. That is why cryptomatte became "game changer" (with some issues as well, as you can see in your screen). You can play with edge in compositor, but it always ...
vklidu's user avatar
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2 votes

Anti-aliasing when baking textures?

Adjusting the texture's interpolation from Linear to Cubic only improves pixel filtering for renders, NOT for baking. Currently, the ONLY solution to have anti-aliasing when baking textures is to bake ...
Copperplate's user avatar
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1 vote

Anti-Aliasing in Eevee has no effect (still jagged edges)

You are using a Plane with Emission material with Strength value of 100. The rendered image have blown up white pixel values of 100 per each RGB channel. Anti-Aliasing node expects as an input ...
Rumen Belev's user avatar
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1 vote

How to get rid of the jagged lines in Cycles rendering after using Boolean modifier

After performing boolean operations on a mesh, in almost all cases you are going to have n-gons or trainagles near the border. These n-gons and tris create a lot of nasty shading issues. Sometimes ...
The Kalaakaar's user avatar
1 vote

Combined texture bake is Causing bad Aliasing?

May not be the best solution, but I've been looking into this problem for a long time as well and the only option I've had is to super sample it: Bake it at twice the resolution, and then downsize it. ...
SleepyEngi's user avatar
1 vote

Where has gone Anti-aliasing in 2.8+?

The Scene->Sampling settings seems to control anti-aliasing samples now, while the Pixel Filter setting you mentioned affects ...
Chromarict's user avatar
1 vote

How would I make all the edges of my UV islands perfectly horizonal or vertical along pixels without doing it one by one?

Select All, Unwrap > Reset, than select one face (to be Active), Select All and Unwrap > Follow Active Quad. Than if you need position vertex per pixel go to UV > Snap to Pixels (Corner, ...
ClaritinDeezNuts's user avatar
1 vote

How to render an animation in EEVEE with Anti Aliasing off?

You can disable sample from nearby pixel to turn off anti-aliasing effect in EEVEE. The detail can be found in here. Properties Panel: Scene → Film → ...
HikariTW's user avatar
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1 vote

Q: Grease pencil, how "Anti-aliasing Threshold" works?

There was a bug with Anti-aliasing in pre 2.9 versions. Are you up to date? If you're experience flickering lines when moving the camera or an object then this is a known bug. I believe the fix at ...
Matt's user avatar
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1 vote

Jagged Edges and Antialiasing In Viewport With Background Images

Change the Depth of the reference images under Object Data Properties to Back
Deathbreath's user avatar
1 vote

Anti-aliasing of ID Mask is more coarse than Cryptomatte

I have posted answers both here and here related to finally getting rid of the nasty edge colors when using mattes and compositing, but would like to add to this post relating to the OP's question ...
Coby Randal's user avatar
1 vote

Freestyle without anti aliasing for pixel art (2.8)

Seems you can't switch off antialiasing for Freestyle, and you'd be better probably with separating the rendering twice - once with freestyle but with layer material override set to emission white. ...
Vilém Duha's user avatar
1 vote

Rendering Options Missing

Cycles rendering is different than the blender internal rendering (this applies for v2.79b and lower). You can however acces the Anti-aliasing settings if you really want to. Under sampling enable ...
Delagone's user avatar
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1 vote

Smooth Freestyle Lines

You've probably solved the problem by now but I just ran into this problem and found an easy solution: increase the Render Samples to 30. I had the same problem when Cycles only computed 1 sample. At ...
Student's user avatar
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1 vote

Get anti-aliased depth map in cycles render

You can easily extend the mist pass again. When measuring pixel values with ⎈ Ctrl LMB, be sure to set the display color color management to None otherwise your values will not be read linear....
Leander's user avatar
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1 vote

Mipmaps look terrible in BGE standalone player. Can this be fixed?

When you let the BGE automatically generate the mipmap-textures it will partially result in blurred images. I do not know if there are parameters that can help generate better mipmaps. To avoid ...
Monster's user avatar
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1 vote

How do I get my renders to not antialias with the background? (Cycles)

How about this? See my attached screenshot. Rendered in cycles. It is a very easy compositing node tree. Is this what you expect? Antialiasing inside objects, but aliasing outside. Works with ...
Christoph Werner's user avatar
1 vote

How do I anti-alias an image with a transparent background without getting semi transparent pixels?

The problem was Full Sample. This needs to be left unchecked.
Jay Rockets's user avatar
1 vote

AA issue toon shading blender internal render

I actually found it, DOH!. Somehow 'Full Oversampling' was disabled in the material options. Needs to be enabled. It now renders smooth lines. Thanks for your respons.
Jeff's user avatar
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