Linked Questions

2 votes
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Bad Shading on Imported Mesh [duplicate]

I have imported a mesh (AutoCad DXF) and I'm experiencing strange shading behavior. I've done the following to try and address the problem with no luck: Recalculate Normals Remove Doubles Delete ...
Josh Teiken's user avatar
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Why is this model rendering with dark faces in cycles render? [duplicate]

rendered screenshot editor view Notice the dark faces. Even though it's not in shadow from anywhere and all normals are correctly facing as far as i can tell. I have also tried different/fresh ...
avi1708's user avatar
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Shading glitch in Blender [duplicate]

I imported this model from Maya, though the mesh is still "Weird" in Maya. I'm unaware of the issue. The hand mesh I used has this shading problem, it also messes up the AO bake I try to do. Though I'...
User's user avatar
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Why does my model render shady / half-black? [duplicate]

I imported a Wavefront model (OBJ + MTL) and tried to render it using Cycles. Unfortunately, model renders shady / half-black. It seems that only one wheel looks as expected. I can't figure out what ...
SagRU's user avatar
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faces shine each way [duplicate]

I don't know why this is happening. I'm following online courses for 3ds Max, but all the faces look wonky. So I exported the piece to Blender, but when I clicked Shade Flat, all the faces shine each ...
user123730's user avatar
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Face surface/shading looks wrong in a FBX export from sketchup? [duplicate]

I dont have the original file anymore, of this fbx file that time ago get from the sketchup , and now remade some parts but still looks weird the surface. If I'm not worng there is an option to fix ...
Javier Bonilla's user avatar
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Strange shading on model [duplicate]

hi, why the model looks weird. no double face or normal flip? I include the blender file file download
Frans Aditya's user avatar
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Using an imported model: Why does my mesh look like this? [duplicate]

I am using a purchased model, imported as an OBJ. In Blender Object and Render modes, I am seeing a mesh pattern I am not used to seeing on stuff I create myself: Much of the model, in object mode, ...
rcgauer's user avatar
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Cycles render Blender 2.79b - Texture/Material being rendered solid black [duplicate]

EDIT: So after restarting my pc, and messing around with options I got the texture to show up but it was still broken ( as if it was deepfried ). I retried with a new project and started out with ...
Micle's user avatar
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Normals seem to be correct but dark spots still appear [duplicate]

With a lot of the models I have been importing from a game there are dark spots in some places. I removed doubles already and recalculated normals, but I still get this when rendering: The dark spots ...
shellfire's user avatar
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Certain vertices and edges are discolored (2.79b) [duplicate]

I've been wrestling with some free assets that refuse to render correctly no matter what I do. Currently I have a blend file with many imported glTF files, they all seem to render properly enough ...
beanpuffs's user avatar
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My object mesh have some sort of serious tile pattern glitch [duplicate]

I think the problem I have has something to do with overlapping faces, because the pattern becomes more repeated each time i subdivide the object. I have tried to delete double vertices and ...
Jack Milton's user avatar
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The model is black

I bought a model that has a .blend file in the archive. I opened the .blend file with the Blender 2.82 on Mac (it couldn't be opened in 2.79, I get an error). But instead of the model, I saw the black ...
Anastasia's user avatar
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how to correctly import .wrl in blender?

I basically know how to import this type of file (file-> import-> X3D Extensible) but when i do this with a wrl file i got from DSI Studio (Program to track brainfibres) the fibres show weird dark ...
user3017459's user avatar
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Strange shading on surface. Normals facing right way, no double faces, no double vertices

I can't find the solution to this one; I don't know the correct name of the problem. The shading is different on parallel faces facing the same direction. I've tried: - Recalculating Normals - ...
Darren Heffernan's user avatar

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