Linked Questions

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"Remove double" is deforming my mesh

On a mesh imported into Blender from a specific format with a conversion plug-in, I get duplicated vertices in the same positions, and the different faces of the mesh aren't connected to each-others. ...
AlexAngc's user avatar
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2 answers

Mesh with weird inverted light direction

Sometimes while editing meshes I get stuck with a weird kind of behaviour. I know mostly it happens due to my fault as a newby, but I need find the way to fix it. Step by step explanation appreciated....
temkako's user avatar
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Light behavior is not correct

Although the normal vectors of the faces looks correct, the way the object is illuminated by the light source is wrong: As you can see the light source is very close to the left side of the cube, yet ...
Arklur's user avatar
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Flat shaded normals, have weird shading artifacts

I've been working in blender for the past 3 years and never encountered something like this. When I set the normal shading for this object to flat, it shows up like this. I made sure the the faces ...
Jordan T's user avatar
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Is there a way to fix these weird faces without adding more polygons?

Imported mesh from Maya over to Blender. The shading and faces are weird. Here's the blend file,!N3RTgRwD!b2t7DqLzu3H7MyUrZ5SDdfC8wZW3mngz2LzeHe6jY2E Here it is in Maya.
Mayu's user avatar
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Cannot light portions of object with point light

I am setting up a simple scene with only a single object, a truck, and a point light. It seems that regardless of where I put the light, the hood (among other portions) of the truck won't be lit. Here'...
lambertian's user avatar
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4 answers

Imported Sculptris textures/bumpmap not fitting mesh properly (tiny patchwork effect)

this is a problem regarding importing from Sculptris. The model imported fine; but sometimes (seemingly at random), when I apply the texture/bumpmap it originally came with, instead of fitting over ...
Harry's user avatar
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Shading error after importing

I am doing a project with some buddies for university and we all work with different Programms and decided to reder the final project in blender, but I am having major shading problems with their 3ds ...
MoonwalkJunkie's user avatar
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Wrong shading of surface (normals are OK)

I would appreciate your help with my model. I'm a beginner so can't figure out how to solve this issue. It's all about wrong shading of the back side of wings and wing flaps (please see attached ....
Victor A.'s user avatar
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Backwards normal issues

I have a 3D model of a car and some of the normal are wrong. I can not seem to fix them easily. It is a high poly model so individualy selecting the faces and fixing them is out of the question. I ...
Toshiba1's user avatar
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Imported object being lit from wrong direction

I've got a problem where some imported objects are lit from the wrong direction. See center object below. Normals are ok. I assume there's some sort of transform linked to the object, but I can't ...
Steve's user avatar
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Lightroom does not light evenly - Weird light reflections (Cycles) (.blend attached)

I am trying to light my car in a way that the background is quite dark and/but the car has some sharp reflections. I found a Lightroom that I really like because of it^s reflecting floor/walls. The ...
Luca's user avatar
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No Light in final Render

When I look at the render preview it shows up lit and I have the lamp active on the same layer. I don't know what happened and it seems that all the settings are the same as a new file. Here's it ...
fish man's user avatar
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Dark artifacts while rendering

I have tried recalculating the normals, added an Edge split modifier and tried the Subsurf Modifier too, but none of them seem to remove the dark artifacts around the edges. Increasing the ...
vadersup's user avatar
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Strangely behaving texture/material

Seeking some help; I lack the vocabulary to describe what is happening. I tried recalculating the normals, but otherwise at a bit of a loss. Edit: I downloaded this from a free 3d model site, it was ...
prismspecs's user avatar

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