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9 votes

Can't add new asset catalog to Asset Library in Blender 3.5

Since Blender Version 3.5 the default displayed library is called All. This library is a concatenation of all your available libraries, so that all your assets are available in one place. It is ...
Gorgious's user avatar
  • 31.8k
5 votes

How to link data from a .blend relative to the current Blender version's addons

I'm not sure if there's a way to do that. One alternative is to have your addon register some code to be run when a file is loaded that fixes up the library paths to their new location. ...
scurest's user avatar
  • 10.6k
4 votes

How to link data from a .blend relative to the current Blender version's addons

If you want this to be portable, independent of OS versions or Blender release versions, you can use code like what I have below. It's based on Python's platform ...
Marty Fouts's user avatar
  • 33.5k
3 votes

How can I add a library override to a non-API custom property from a linked file with Python?

Change the value of non-api-defined library overridable custom property via Python ...
X Y's user avatar
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3 votes

Asset Browser - How to make a "current file" (append) asset mesh become part of the "custom default" (windows library folder)?

You need to create a .blend file that already contains the asset library with the assets you need to "append" or (import) to your global path library. In user preferences>file paths> ...
Pierre Schiller's user avatar
2 votes

How to make a button link to a DataLibrary using python?

i took the liberty to make an addon out of it. It's a bit convoluted, so i made the simple version and EXTRA with file picker, it's mostly from
user2625953's user avatar
2 votes

How do I add an asset to the User Library from Current File?

Add selected data-block(s) in Outliner to the library on current blend file Here is the script to achieve this: Make sure you have a library Path Make sure the current blend file is saved Run ...
X Y's user avatar
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1 vote

Add linked geometry node asset via script

A function that add a GN modifier to a mesh object and assign a specific node from a blend file. ...
X Y's user avatar
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1 vote

How to recover missing objects in blender

Method 1 File > External Data > Find Missing Files It might be useful to enable &...
X Y's user avatar
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1 vote

How do I add an asset to the User Library from Current File?

you can save your blenderfile in folder User Library. User/Documents/Blender/Assets/ is default location. And local assed are now add to main libary. If you want place them in catalog in main libary. ...
wieger 's user avatar
1 vote

Installing blender from file

TL;DR Run these commands after extracting blender in /usr/local: ...
jota0222's user avatar
1 vote

Add custom Asset Library path on startup

Here's an asnwer for adding a list of Asset pathes: if you need to erase the list of assets before just use this code ...
cscholl's user avatar
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1 vote

How to edit / manage appended collections with collection instances

I'm not sure how it happened that the original objects of the collection are invisible in the Outliner in View Layer mode, that said you can make them visible: Select the Scene Collection in the ...
moonboots's user avatar
  • 168k
1 vote

How can I save animations for reuse later?

You can use the Asset Browser to store and import actions. Even though for now the way to do it isn't as handy as it could be ; you can't just RMB > save an animation into a new file, and ...
Lauloque's user avatar
  • 19.4k
1 vote

Greyed out shaders on linked asset. I can't animate shaders

Solved. On the original scene where I created the car I've added a custom property that drives the MixColor factor. The idea is going back to the scene where the car is referenced to, and even if the ...
Sumatra's user avatar
  • 66
1 vote

How to import MaterialX library into blender?

This is part of the USD Hydra addon: GPUOpen-LibrariesAndSDKs/BlenderUSDHydraAddon Edit 2024-04-02: Apparently this feature was migrated to this addon instead: bnagirniak/RPRHydraRenderBlenderAddon ...
Lauloque's user avatar
  • 19.4k
1 vote

Batch image library to Asset Browser

Here is a script that imports HDR images, creates world settings (worlds), marks them as asset and creates a preview for them. The script requires a few things. Blender 3.3. For Blender 3.2, you need ...
Blunder's user avatar
  • 14.8k
1 vote

Why are bones not returning to the location set in each saved Pose?

You need to make sure of 2 things, whether you want to save or call the pose in the Pose Library, you need to select all the bones, otherwise the bone may not be saved or called at the position you ...
moonboots's user avatar
  • 168k
1 vote

Linked Library Add-on: Cannot return to original file

Judging by the error that's being repetitively printed out in the system console : ...
Gorgious's user avatar
  • 31.8k

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