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9 votes

Need an advice to rig a spaceship with mechanicals part

Initial setup First let's make a simple bone setup: a root bone, parent of a wheel bone, parent of a crank bone. Note how I oriented the bones with +Z upwards and +Y on whatever their main rotation ...
Lauloque's user avatar
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3 votes

keep foots on the ground

Add a foot bone even if there is no foot, make sure it's not child of the leg (it can be child of the hips or, better, child of a root bone). Uncheck its "Deform" option in the bone ...
josh sanfelici's user avatar
1 vote

Is there any help with the deforming weight error rig?

The parenting with Automatic Weights didn't work correctly because your faces were inverted (image), to fix that go in Edit mode, select all and recalculate the normals (ShiftN):
moonboots's user avatar
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