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2 votes

A rig for a character that has several layers

You can probably use the same rig for all the clothes, just parent the clothes to the rig the same way you did with the bare character mesh and then transfer the character's weight maps to the clothes ...
user1071914's user avatar
1 vote

Clothes move when I move the arm

Your robe object has faces on the outside and inside. Blender doesn't handle the internal faces very well when parenting with automatic weights. What can work is if we flip the direction of these ...
3fingeredfrog's user avatar
1 vote

How to assign keyframes to an empty object?

There is no problem in adding keyframes to empties in your file. Moreover some of your empties already have initial keyframes. But you were not able to see the keyframes added to empties, since the ...
Yaroslav's user avatar
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Weird twist deformation with auto-rig pro IK

After looking at Auto rig pro: Knees bent backwards I think I figured it out... My reference bones were straight: So when auto-rig pro creates the IK poles, it creates them in the incorrect spot (...
TranquilMarmot's user avatar

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